April is here again and it’s time for this year’s A to Z Challenge. This year, my theme is motivational quotes. Each Monday to Saturday throughout April I will be posting a motivational quote each day starting with the letters A through to Z.
It’s traditional through the challenge to keep posts short and sweet, so that’s what I’ll be doing. Just a quick explanation of why I chose each quote and what it means to me.
Day 1 – A
“And so she decided to start living the life she imagined”
I think this quote is beautiful in its simplicity. We all spend hours of our time wishing we were living a different life – a life where we are chasing our dreams and living as we want to. This quote speaks to me on so many levels. It breaks the concept of living the dream down to it’s bare minimum.
Living the life we want to live is a conscious choice. Wishing for it isn’t going to make it happen. To make it happen, we need to choose to live that life. Once we make that choice, it won’t always be easy, but it will always be worth it.
Are you living the life you imagined? Did you find it easy or hard to make the changes that got you to living the life you choose to live? Let me know in the comments 🙂
Don’t forget to check back every Monday to Saturday to see the next motivational quote!
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Awesome quote. I think it can be difficult for some to give up the life of comfort for the one they dreamed of. Even if they are unhappy with how things are, it’s what they are used to and therefore feels safe. Chasing those dreams is a bit more uncomfortable due to fear of failure.
I look forward to seeing what other quotes you share!
I agree – fear (whether of failure or something else) can hold us back so much!
I am also an avid quote lover and collector. looking forward to more of this.
I hope you enjoy the ones I’ve chosen 🙂
I love that quote. Not sure if I imagined the life I’m living but sure that it this not what I even imagined. I found myself love, a rewarding job, and then blogging. I’m grateful.
That sounds like perfection!
Simple and yet so difficult for us. I remember it took me nearly 3 decades to be able to change my ways and be the person I wanted to be instead of what everyone else demanded of me. Don’t regret it at all.
I’m so pleased to hear that after your struggle, you finally started living your life your way!
There have been many struggles in the past, but as of this moment, I’m pretty happy with the way things turned out. Not to say, there isn’t always room for improvement. 🙂
Glad to hear you’re happy – and yeah, it can always be better too!
Very motivating
Thank you 🙂
Great quote. Harder than heck to do sometimes. I guess it would help to actually be able to IMAGINE it first!
Thank you 🙂 It’s not easy, but it’s totally worth it. But I agree that first, you need to know what you want to do
I always wanted to travel but never did it – until 5 years ago when I decided to do something about it. Now I’ve seen the world and feel a different person for it.
That’s fantastic, such a great change to make!
This quote is apt for me. I’ve just started doing that for the last couple of years.
By the way, your floating sharing widget hides your content on dektop. Would appreciate if you increase the margin or move it to the right side.
Happy AtoZing!
Me too” Specifically in the last two years 🙂
This is such a beautiful quote and so meaningful. I don’t quite live the life I want, as I’m recovering from a long drawn out syndrome which makes me very ill. Makes it impossible to do what I want while on bed rest for years. But it makes you have to re examine things in your life and think about what you really want when you get the chance to live life again x
I’m sorry to hear that – I hope things improve and you find the thing that you love! x
This quote really resonated with me a few years ago when I quit the soul sucking job I was in, changed my attitude and moved into a much better phase of life. Leanne
I’m so glad to hear you changed your life for the better!
That’s a beautiful thought. Yes, living the life we want to live is a conscious choice and we have to put in efforts to make it happen!
We certainly do!
I love this quote. It is simple yet deep. Nothing comes by easy, one need to reach out for the kind of life they wish.
Thank you 🙂 Yes, you have to make it happen!
I think this generates hope! Everybody wants to do it someday, but you need encouragement to keep going.
Nice theme for the a to z challenge. All the best!
Yeah, sometimes you just need reminding that you deserve to be happy!
And hope we all are able to make this decision and live it too … beautiful thoughts to kickstart the challenge
Thank you 🙂
A challenging challenge choice… but a good one. 🙂
I like to make things difficult for myself lol!
A great start with that quote!
Thank you 🙂
wonderful quote and info….soooo excited to read the ones to come….thank you for sharing!
Thank you, I’m glad you liked it 🙂
I love this quote, I think I might try and put it into practice
Go for it!
Great A-Z start!
I never imagined the life I’m currently leading, but I’m fairly happy with where I am.
Thank you 🙂 As long as you’re happy, that’s a win!
I am also using quotes for A to Z this year so I was excited to see yours!
I love this quote. I don’t think people always realize that it is up to them to live the life they want. It’s not going to come searching for them.
Oh I love quotes, I’ll be by to check yours out too!
I love motivational quotes and this is a very good one. I’ll be back to check them out each day!
Thank you, I’m glad you liked it!
Great quote. I chose a quote for my first challenge day too, but I’ll be sticking to those with a writing theme. Although, for writers, this is a great quote as well– so many people imagine writing “some day” but haven’t chosen to live the writing life. Thanks!
Sounds good 🙂 This quote actually sums up my writing life. I was one of those “some day” people, then I quit my job to write full time and I’ve never looked back!
I love this quite. And you are right, its because its simple, straightforward and action oriented. It suggests something you can do, now. Many quotes just trigger additional quote development.
I love its’ simplicity – it really does say it all!
Wondering quote to open the #AtoZChallenge. Now that I am writing full time (after retiring from my “real job” I am truly living the life I imagined.
Same here – and I’ve never been happier!
This resonated with me…..So easy to wish away our lives, versus living in the NOW. Living intentionally is key!
Heidi (visiting from the A to Z Challenge)
I couldn’t agree more!
Great quote to start the A-Z challenge off with. I am not living the life I imagined, but I am probably happier than I would have been.
Thank you 🙂 As long as you’re happy, that’s the main thing!
Beginning it with just a simple and really adds to the power of the statement! A is for Awesome! 😉
Thank you 🙂
Such a great quote to start the month off with! I look forward to seeing what else you post 😉
Thank you 🙂 I hope you enjoy the others too!
I loved this! Cheers!
Great quote to start the challenge.
~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Thank you!
Great theme, I will anxiously await your post each day!
Thank you!
I have always loved this quote. It sounds like the simplest thing in the world to do, but so often it is one of the hardest things to attain.
It is so much harder than it sounds, but it is so worth it!
It is hard, but totally worth it!
That was such a beautiful to thought to begin the challenge with 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Yes, living the life the way we want on our own terms is the best thing one can do to their soul!
I totally agree!
Why is this so difficult to do? I am trying to do this more consciously. Hopefully I will fully achieve it one day. Thanks for the reminder!
It is hard, but once you get there, it is so worth it!
I love this quote! It is one of my favorites. It reminds us that we don’t have to be stuck somewhere we don’t want to be. We must make the choice to be happy. To live the life we want. To do the things we want to do.
I totally agree – happiness is a choice!
No, I’m not living the life I imagined when younger. No details forthcoming from me on that subject, however. 🙂
I missed everyone’s A post on Saturday. Now I’m trying to read two posts today for each blog I follow that’s participating in the A-Z!
Well now I’m intrigued!
Ouch – that could take a while!
Looking forward to more of your quotes.
Am I living the life I imagined? Hard to say. Maybe sometimes, in some ways. But there are large chunks of my life I could have never even conceived of in my youth.
J — Co-host the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference and Speculative Fiction Writer
2017 THEME = Speculative fiction story featuring telepathy.
I know what you mean – I think I am living the life I imagined in a lot of ways, but like you say, some of it is stuff I wouldn’t even have considered in my teens. I guess I’m living the life thirty something me imagined
I love love love this quote! One of those quotes that light up your mood!
I try to live life to the fullest, and yes, it is not always the easiest thing to do … but even trying to live life the way I imagine it should be makes me happy!
Great theme!
~ Saraallie
As long as you’re happy, I think you’re nailing it! Thank you 🙂
Not yet, but I’m working on it!
That’s great while you’re moving towards it, you’re doing it!
I love this quote! Great theme, I am looking forward to the rest of the month!
Thank you!
I love this quote! Great theme, I am looking forward to the rest of the month!
Thank you 🙂
I love a good quote!
Me too 🙂
Some mornings a hot cup of coffee, sunlight and a good quote can really turn it all around.
So true!
I love this quote – it always reminds me that building a life is a conscious choice…it may not end up how you envisioned it but it eventually ends up exactally as it should be.
I am living the life I dreamed – SAHM married with 2 kids, but the reality is very different. I struggle with being a SAHM, but then the alternative of going back to work seems scary and selfish.
I’m sorry you feel stuck this way. Have you considered maybe working from home so you get the best of both worlds?
Great quote. I am striving for living the life I want to this year.
Good on you!
Great quote, sometimes I think happiness is a choice. You can look forward and appreciate what you have, make the changes you need. Or you stay unhappy, stuck in a rut, thinking of past mistakes. #anythinggoes
I completely agree – happiness is definitely a choice!
I know country music isn’t very big on your side of the pond, but this quote immediately reminded me of a song called “she let herself go” by George Strait.
I’m going to have to look that one up!
This quote is always a favourite to read if I’m having a difficult day lacking in motivation! #AnythingGoes
that is such a brilliant quote, definiately motivating! #anythinggoes
Brilliant quote! I have totally missed the boat with the A-Z challenge this month, I forgot all about it #anythinggoes
Thank you 🙂 Oh no, I wondered why you weren’t doing it this year!
#AtoZChallenge: Thoughts and Reflections - My Random Musings
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