1. Michelle Kellogg

    I agree with you 100%. I just wrote a blog about a similar thing. We humans have the capacity to judge and because we all have different opinions on different matters that is ok, to an extent, but when it gets into "you're a bad person" territory, I think it's wrong. We do not have a right to put others down for their life choices. Judging can be a grey area. We judge to see which people are right for us to date and be friends with. That's a different kind of judgement though. We judge on that basis to find people who might fit into our own lives and have similar beliefs and such. To call someone a bad person though because they don't live their lives the way we do, is just plain wrong and I stand firmly by that statement. I have had to push many people out of my life in the past few years because of these judgements. I call them "toxic people" that only add negativity to my life, not positivity. thanks for sharing with #effitfriday

  2. Absolutely Prabulous

    Ha loved the bit about judging people who judge people!! That's just isn't it? I'd love to say I don't but…yes I do judge people and then try to teach my kids not to! Thanks for linking to #effitfriday

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