Not many of my friends know I blog. I know a lot of experienced bloggers will say I should promote my blog on my personal Facebook, and I understand where they are coming from – its a lot of potential readers! I choose not to do this for 3 reasons:
1. I don’t want to be that person always self promoting in a place which is primarily for keeping in touch with friends.
2. I don’t want my friends to feel obliged to read my posts.
3. If I get feedback on my writing, I want it to be honest, and I think friends tend to be nice, even if they didn’t really like it.
Anyway, I got a little side tracked there!
One of the few people who does know I blog asked me why I started. I thought it was a good question, and here’s my answer:
Blogging isn’t something I’ve always wanted to do. I’ve thrown the idea around before, but never in a serious, let’s do this, kind of way.
At New Year, I wrote my resolutions, and one of them was to start writing a book. This is something I have always wanted to do, but keep putting off.
I’ve wrote short stories in the past but to use a cliché, I want to find my voice.
Originally, I was going to write a few posts and then delete the blog. I tried just writing on Word, but it didn’t work. There was no motivation as it felt pointless. Its funny, because I never expected anyone to read the blog posts, but knowing that there was a chance, no matter how remote, meant there was a point to the writing.
To my surprise, people started reading my posts – not many but a few – and I continued to post.
I enjoy writing, and I’m pretty opinionated so it made sense I enjoy writing this blog.
That’s when I realised that blogging wasn’t just the means to an end for me, its something I want to continue doing, and I started to promote my posts on Twitter etc and got a few more readers.
I really do enjoy writing, and I now couldn’t imagine not blogging.
I would be interested to know what made other people start their blogs. Let me know in the comments 🙂
You can find me here: Twitter Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
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