A few weeks ago I read a blog post about a website called Peek (I’m sorry I can’t credit the blogger, it was so long ago I can’t remember where I read it). It was one of those things I thought looked interesting but never got around to trying.
Until yesterday.
Yesterday I finally tried it, and it is fantastic!
Peek is a website (find it here: Peek User Testing) that allows you to really get a feel for how visitors to your blog or website use your site.
It’s really simple. You enter yourย URL and your email address and within a couple of hours, you get emailed a video.
The video is a real time video of a real person viewing your site. You get to see the screen of their computer as they do, where they click etc.
It has also a commentary by them on areas such as what they think the website they are viewing is all about, what they like, what they don’t like and their general opinions.
You can do up to 3 peeks a month for free.
If you haven’t tried it, I would highly recommend it.
My Peek – The Good
- The lady viewing my blog instantly recognised it as a blog.
- She liked my “about me” page because she said she likes to have a feel for the person she is reading about, something I’ve never really considered.
- She said I sound open and honest in what I write which is fantastic as that is pretty much the whole concept of my blog!
- She said if she had longer than five minutes to spend on the site (that’s the approx. length of the peek video) there were some posts which caught her eye and she would like to read!
My Peek – The Bad
- She thought my font was too plain. While I do try to take on board any constructive criticism, this is one area I just can’t change – I can’t stand fussy fonts, so I would never subject my readers to them!
- ย She said my images didn’t really convey what the posts where about. In hindsight I agree on that, and it is something I will be working on.
- She wanted more images. Again this is something I will work on. For more serious posts, I think a lot of images can distract from the meaning behind the post, but on some of the more light hearted posts, I will try and incorporate this.
My Peek – The Ugly!
Peek sounds really useful. I'm going to have a go.
I find it hard to try and see how my blog looks to someone else and this is a fab tool for that! Thanks for stopping by ๐
Ooh interesting I have not heard of the peek, but I am also a bit scared to do it too now!
Honestly it's great! I was a bit worried the person viewing would hate it all, but try to remember it's only one person's opinion! Thanks for popping by ๐
Sounds like a very interesting and unusual service. Might be worth taking a peek at Peek.
Life & Faith in Caneyhead.
I've never come across anything similar so really unusual, but well worth having a go! It's very interesting to see your blog through your readers eyes.
This really intrigued me so I just had to have a go. Got a mixture of comments, a few negatives but more positives – unfortunately I can't do much about the negatives unless I completely change the look and layout of the whole blog, and as it's been running for almost five years I really don't want to start doing that now. On the whole it was an interesting and useful service and it was great to be able to see what my blog looks like to other people. So thanks for posting the link, I'll certainly use Peek again.
It's really fun to see your blog from the other side isn't it. After 5 years though I don't think I'd be changing it either! It has a lot of uses but it is only one person's opinion at the end of the day! Thanks for stopping by ๐
Nice to meet you! What an interesting post! I haven't heard of this website before but I will definitely give it a go although I'm a little bit nervous to see what they will say. I'm completely new to this blogging world so I'm not sure what to expect. Anyway, thank you for sharing. It was a great tip. xx
And nice to meet you too! It was really interesting to see my blog through the eyes of the readers. I'm still pretty new myself so all this is a bit of learning curve! Thank you ๐
This sounds like a really useful site. I'm going to have a look at that one, thanks for sharing! xx
It is! I'm glad you found it useful ๐
I would hate someone to pick apart y blog but I can see why it would be useful, great that its for free as well, The thing is you won't ever please everyone so it's great you agree with a couple bits and can work on it thanks for linking up to #sundaystars
I decided before I did it that I wasn't going to take it heart (I know that's easier said than done though) because it's only one person's opinion, but I thought it was a fair assessment – some good some bad! Thank you for hosting ๐
Ooo this is really interesting have definitely got to try this out. Thanks for linking up with us on the #bigfatlinky hope to see you there next week
It's really good – worth a look ๐ Thanks for hosting!
I’m off to have a try – I don’t handle criticism very well (my feelings get hurt) so it’ll be interesting to see how it goes – thanks for being brave enough to share!
I hope you get some good feedback ๐ Try not to get upset if there’s anything bad, it’s only one person’s opinion and it could be something helpful!
This is SOOO cool! Thank you for sharing. I just ordered my Peek!
It’s really good isn’t it, especially considering it’s free ๐