Day 19 of my A to Z Challenge. S is for Signs You Are Addicted To Blogging.
Ever think you might be addicted to blogging? Read on and find out!
You know you are addicted to blogging when:
1. You switch on your laptop/pc/iPad, and check your blog stats before you even open Facebook, email or your personal Twitter.
2. You start going out more because you need material to write about in your blog but at the same time you feel you don’t have time for a life for blogging about your life!
3. You realise mid conversation that what you are talking about would make a great blog post then lose track of the conversation writing the post in your head.
4. You see other bloggers talking about writer’s block and for all you know it will happen to you at some point, you can’t imagine ever being stuck for something to say.
5. People think you are writing a ridiculously long text message when you’re using your phone in public – you are actually writing that great idea that just came to you that you are scared you might forget!
6. You pre-write a post you for another day then get all excited and want to post it now.
7. You suddenly start smiling/laughing a little mid argument with someone because that argument will make a fab blog post (the beauty of this is it usually stops the argument too!).
8. You read other blogs more than you read anything else.
9. You debate starting a diet/fitness plan/juice cleanse just because you want to write a “my journey” style series of posts.
10. You identify with all or most of these points and you love it!
How many of these do you agree with? What would you add?
4/10 so I guess I don't have it as bad as I thought 🙂
Lol I've done them all at some point and I've only been blogging since February! 🙂
Lol, great post – can identify with a few of these! I find myself mentally reviewing days out all the time and am forever taking random pictures for a blog post 🙂
Lol we are all so similar in the crazy things we do for our blogs! I'm thinking of starting adding a few pictures to my posts, so I'm sure I'll be taking random pictures soon too! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Apart from one or two I agree with them all. Lol #sharewithme
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
So true, all of these. I'd add, that you spend as much time if not more time blogging and doing social media around your blog, as you do in your full time job. No wonder I don't get enough sleep.
Lol good one – I'm with you there! I write most of my posts at daft o clock in the morning!
I've got all but #1. Gmail opens first for me. Usually. 😉 Should I schedule my intervention now, or….? *LOL*
Lol if you do, there's no hope for me – I do them all!! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
I love this post – guilty of most of these!
Thank you 🙂 and me too!
I'm very new to this world, yet I identify with all of those "symptoms". 🙂 Great post!
Thank you 🙂 It doesn't take us long to get hooked lol
Yes! No.6!…..can I be cured?!? Great Post! #TheIist I though my mummy was addicted last month and we listed her symptoms too 😉
I'm afraid there's no known cure 🙂 This addiction must be catching lol
Oh no I thought this was the case but you have just confirmed it! Thanks so much for linking up to #TheList x
It's an epidemic lol! Thank you for hosting 🙂
Hahah this is absolutely brilliant. So true. I am afraid I might be addicted to blogging too. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme
Thank you 🙂 I think we all are to some extent! Thank you for hosting
Haha! Totally! 😀 I love being a blogger, even though a lot of people don't understand it!
Me too! I love every minute of it 🙂
I started my blog last year but have only really been blogging properly the past couple of months and can already see how addictive it can become. I keep losing track of what I'm meant to be doing at work because I'm sneakily reading posts!
I often try to write notes for posts while I'm at work in case I forget whatever I was thinking of lol
My name is Al Ferguson and I am addicted to blogging 🙂
Thanks for linking up #bigaftlinky
Haha I like it 🙂 Thank you for hosting 🙂
I love seeing these posts showing how much bloggers love writing! Stay addicted!!
Thank you 🙂 Oh I will I don't think I have a choice lol. Thanks for hosting 🙂
I love seeing these posts showing how much bloggers love writing! Stay addicted!!
Damit. I think I may need to book into the Betty Ford Clinic. I have most of these symptoms!! 😉 Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday x
Caro |
Me too, I'll see you there 🙂 Thank you for hosting!
Definitely agree with the majority of these! Especially the writing a blog post the day before – I'm so impatient, I just love being able to click publish straight away so very rarely have posts lined up! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
It' so hard not to post isn't it, especially when it's something you feel particularly close to. Thank you for hosting 🙂
These. Are. Too. True. And. So. Relatable.
I'm hooked to my phone when I'm amidst a group of people. They think I'm ignoring them when I do this. But when I tell them I'm a blogger, they often ask for custom-made blog posts. Some even willingly volunteer to be subjects of my next blog post! 😀
Worth a share!
Oh wow really that could work either way – if they are super interesting then it could give you great material. If there's nothing you particularly want to write about them though it could get a bit ugly! Thanks so much for commenting 🙂
Based on this list I actually dont think I'm addicted to blogging! lol. What a surprise. How strange. I think I'm addicted to Twitter! Angela xx
Angela from
Twitter is pretty addictive too! I think it's fair to say I'm addicted to both 🙂
Thanks for your visit on your road trip.
#2 applies to me. 🙂
They all apply to me lol! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
I'm addicted to blogging. I admit it. Phew that's a relief to get that off my chest! X
Haha, me too! I'm just glad I don't want to be cured lol 🙂
Haha brilliant! I sadly identified with everything! So clearly I'm addicted….but I don't mind. Thanks for linking up with us on #blogstorm
Me too lol. There's worse things to be addicted to haha! Thank you for hosting 🙂
I agree with most of these, I definitely go out more so I have something to write about lol. I love blogging and it’s not a bad addiction to have.
I agree, there’s much worse things to be addicted to!