1. This is great – dedication doing a whole alphabet!! 🙂 I've only been on twitter for three weeks and had no idea about the hashtags – thinking the same as you. Thank you for sharing this will be really valuable going forward 🙂 xx

  2. Janet Cooper

    Great post! I actually use my proper twitter account but to be honest, this is because I have always used my twitter account differently and not added a lot of friends but more associates. I am friends on there now with a few friends from Uni but the majority of my FB friends have no idea I have a twitter account, or that I blog. I know what you mean about it being annoying lol. Looking forward to the final few letters! Xx

    • I didn't even have a Twitter account until after I started blogging so for me it made sense to start an account in my blogs name. Like I said in the post bloggers with far more experience would disagree with me. I think its just doing what's right for you! Thank you 🙂

  3. alan herbert

    I use buffer for scheduling my tweets. It also allows you to rebuffed a tweet without having to change the wording..
    Great post. I'm fairly new to this Twitter thing, but there are Lists. Think they help you keep track of tweets from people you follow by grouping them into Lists. That's all I have to say on that.

    • I think I'll be looking into buffer – that's one I've never heard of and it is so annoying having to reword tweets – I think using the same one more than once would save a lot of time. I think lists could be useful too. Thanks for commenting 🙂

  4. Hannah

    Great post and advice – i totally agree on getting a twitter handle for your blog, it makes it so much easier for people to remember your handle off the top of their heads! Thanks for linking up to #TheList xx

  5. Martyn Kitney

    Great post. If only I read this 8 months ago. I had to slowly learn all of this. Buffer is good for scheduling tweets as well as other social media sites. Which is great.
    The only thing I haven't done us join in with chats. There's a lot of mummy chats and they've all to me I can't join in 🙁 and the night when there's a parent chat I'm working. I'd like to do one though. Thanks for linking up with us on the #bigfatlinky hope to see you there this week

    • Thank you 🙂 A few have mentioned Buffer, I'm definitely going to check it out. Have you thought about joining in a general blogging chat instead, they are great fun and I always come away feeling I've learned something new. Thanks for hosting, I will definitely be by next week:)

    • Martyn Kitney

      Just popped back from #blogstorm this time. Great read again. It's still something that took me far to long to realise these points. There's one general chat that I join now. Sadly the others are mum chats and a couple have said they want to keep it mums 🙁

    • Really? That's not very welcoming is it! The main one I do is #bdibNA, I work daft hours so this one works out well for me time wise because it's an American one. Everyone is welcome if you're ever about it's at 1am UK time Monday and Friday night 🙂

  6. Jenny Ripatti-Taylor

    Fantastic twitter advice and tips. I really need to get on and be more social to new followers and not just a small group. This is great. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. I hope to see you again tomorrow for another great round #sharewithme

  7. Zena Goldman

    I love this, and that you like me have learned things a bit at a time and often by accident like with hashtags. Thanks for linking up with #MyFavouritePost

  8. Books Chatter

    Hello, I must come back to this post when I am a little more awake…
    Twitter is a crazy place. I have just opened a tweetdeck account and it does look rather scary… I will need to look at it in the morning with a cup of tea 🙂

    Many congratulations on taking part and completing the A-Z Challenge!

  9. Jenny

    Really interesting! I haven't tried Tweetdeck, but use Hootsuite. My only issue was that I couldn't schedule enough tweets for my 2 week holiday! I always wonder how many tweets to do, so it's really interesting to hear what you do. Thank you! 🙂 x

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