1. Michele Truhlik

    Oh how I wish I could experience that with writing! I used to be able to write but lately I'm just so stuck on what to write about. I don't know whether I want to do fiction or memoir; I'm toying with both but nothing is really getting my engine revved up. Love that you were writing at the bar. Were you writing on napkins or bar coasters?? I used to own a bar and I always came home with napkins or coasters in my purse with notes and numbers. Thanks for sparking that memory. 🙂
    And thanks for stopping by my blog. I pulled off the highway for awhile on the Road Trip…I need to get back in the drivers seat…
    I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog.
    Michele at Angels Bark

  2. Patricia Lynne

    I've had that happen to me recently. Got a story idea and it gripped me so hard that I had the first draft done in a week. It was only around 30K, mind you, but still, I had never written so fast.

  3. Yes, I've experienced both. Sitting down wanting to do an entry and feeling like my fingers just wrote it for me. And I've had an idea for a entry form when I was at work or driving and felt like it was burning a hole in me until I could get home, sit down and write it. When I have one like that, I have found that if life prevents me from being able to write it in a day or two at the most, it is almost always lost. Truth be told, the sort of writing I do takes very little conscious thought. The most work I ever do creating an entry is either finding and making links or searching for the right picture or graphic.

    • I love the feeling, must be gutting though if you can't get it down quick enough and it passes. For my blog, I'm the same, because I write from the heart rather factual writing so I don't have to do a whole lot of research, but fiction I usually spend a bit of time planning and things.

  4. Growing Up KaterTot

    I completely understand this! But with me, it's with crafting. I know I want to make a craft with my daughter, but I have no idea what to make. I rifle through my cabinets and craft box, and and idea randomly pops into my head and we just fly by the seat of our pants. My daughter and I have made our very best crafts this way! #anythinggoes

  5. orana velarde

    It has happened sometimes. I have a post in the drafts thats been there for like ten days and Ive been pumping out posts that take me by surprise everyday that I´ve been doing NaBloPoMo. Some posts are easier than other but I enjoy the challenge! #MMWBH

  6. Reel Carina

    It's happened to me too, and with a little editing afterwards these usually turn out to be my most personal and honest posts 🙂

  7. Melanie Greenhalgh

    I have only recently (late 2014) started writing, but it is truly like a tap has been on and I cannot turn it off. I want to write all the time and like you I have another job that gets in the way. But I love the buzz I get when it just flows out of my fingers! Thanks for sharing this with us. Mel xx #anythinggoes

  8. I'm not a writer but it has happened to me a sometimes that you are just inspired and the words come naturally. It doesn't happen that often but when it happens I tried to stay in tune so it last longer 😉 Thanks for hosting, xx

    • It's only happened to me to that extent once, and I loved it. I totally agree about staying in the zone, it would be awful if the feeling went away before you had finished the piece! You're welcome, thanks for linking up 🙂

  9. Jenny Ripatti-Taylor

    I feel this way a lot of times about writing. Someone will say something out of the blue I will think of a whole post from it or see something on tv and want to write about it instantly. I love being inspired by all sorts of things around me. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

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