1. Anna (herding cats-burning soup)

    LOL oh the wrong call one is too funny. I've had that with the animal rescue (they weren't calling about taxes but something else totally not us) and left me going wait, wha?? People can be so crazy. lol

    anna @ herding cats & burning soup

  2. Alexandra B.

    I think the coke one is funny. There's lots of people like that around. Sometimes I think they argue for the sake of it. I can see how that keeps the job interesting tho 😉

    Alex – Funky Jungle

    • We get a lot of people who claim to have worked in bars "all their lives" yet don't have a clue about anything lol – I think you're right though a lot do just argue for the sake of it. It definitely keeps it interesting 🙂

  3. Carly Lawrence

    I used to work in a pub. Loved it! But yes, there were plenty of arse holes there, even in a small village pub where the average age of a punter was about 65. To be honest the older ones were ruder. lol. But I used to laugh it off and I'd have there drinks ready for them for when they arrived coz they were so habitual. It paid off coz they would often buy me a drink. #bigfatlinky

  4. Liz A.

    I'm kind of sad that I didn't have my blog when I was working retail. I had so many good stories that would have been priceless. Ah well.

  5. Jeremy Barnes

    I've always thought that a bartender would be my fall-back if the whole X-Ray thing didn't work out. I can only imagine the stories you could tell

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