1. Janine Woods - Unhinged Mummy

    I think you are right. It can't be that bad if they are willing to spend so much time there ๐Ÿ˜‰ I also agree that there's no better way to solve a problem than to discuss it like grown ups!

  2. Liz A.

    People have a hard time with confrontation, so they take opportunities like this to air their grievances rather than deal with them in a way that might make a difference.

    • Yes, that's true. I wouldn't say I'm a confrontational person but I can't stand it when people talk about me behind my back so I try not to do it others. I guess I struggle to understand people who would rather not do that.

  3. Laura Powell-Corbett

    I think a lot of members clubs I used to go to had this type of mentality! Thanks for linking with #effitfriday

  4. Laura Powell-Corbett

    I think a lot of members clubs I used to go to had this type of mentality! Thanks for linking with #effitfriday

  5. Laura Powell-Corbett

    I think a lot of members clubs I used to go to had this type of mentality! Thanks for linking with #effitfriday

  6. john adams

    Unfortunately some adults just don't have the confidence or education to speak to someone face to face. They avoid any potential conflict and this clearly makes your life hard. I feel for you! #effitfriday

    • The things is though most of these issues are so petty as to not need discussing at all. One example being when someone moved a notice on the notice board. They didn't take it down, they moved it like an inch to fit something else in and it caused utter hell on. Honestly Phoenix Nights has nothing on this place lol ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. I agree. Adults can be very immature with this sort of stuff. They wouldn't dream of approaching the person face-to-face. That would be too confrontational. Instead they blurt out complaints, and hide behind an anonymous letter. Real brave. #effitfriday

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