I was recently asked why I blog anonymously by @moderatemum as part of the Over To You theme.
When I originally started my blog, the plan was to blog for a week or two, just to get me into the swing of writing. I didn’t tell anyone about the blog and I didn’t promote it or anything.
Somewhere in those two weeks, I fell in love with blogging and decided I was going to keep doing it.
Needless to say, at that point, I had very few readers. My blog was like world’s best kept secret! A few blog posts I read about blogging for beginners recommended Twitter as a good place to start for promoting a blog.
I went off and joined and it just made sense to have my Twitter name be my blog name so I was recognisable. From a marketing point of view, it makes sense to keep to the same name across all the social networks to build a brand, so as I branched out into others (Pinterest, Bloglovin, Instagram, Klout to name a few) I continued using my blog name, rather than my real name.
I didn’t tell anyone in the early stages because I wanted to make sure I was definitely going to stick to it, and if I’m honest, to make sure it wasn’t a complete flop.
It seemsย pointless now to start adding my real name to all the social networks and confuse matters for people who know me as Random Musings, although I do use my first name in comments and stuff so I think a lot of people now know me as Debbie from Random Musings.
There are still very few IRL friends who know I blog. It feels weird telling people now because it’s been a secret for so long they would want to know why I didn’t tell them sooner.
It seems a bit stupid now in hindsight, but that’s pretty much why. I don’t have anything to hide or anything, honestly ๐
Plus I think sometimes friends feel pressured into reading your posts, even if it’s not really their thing, and I don’t want people to feel like that.
I hope that clears it up a little ๐
You can find me here: Twitter Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi and feel free to comment, even if it’s just to tell me this sounds a little crazyย ๐
Most people in your life probably won't read your blog. My entire family knows I blog, and they rarely mention it. Anonymous or not is up to you, and I know it doesn't bother me at all.
That's true – my friends and family probably hear me banging on enough without choosing to read what I say when I'm not there lol. Thank you ๐
I blog anonymously for the same reasons as you and also because we are a military family and our world is very small. I want my ramblings to be judged on their (very honest) content rather than who's doing the rambling ๐
Same here – I would hate to think people said they liked something because they felt they had to ๐
Debbie, I understand why someone might choose to blog anonymously. The only problem I have with is it when trying to make a personal connection with the blogger. I like being able to put a name behind the blog. This keeps me from getting confused when I see a blog name. I feel connected when I know who the blog author is. It makes reading more personal somehow to me. It wouldn't surprise me, if I'm the only person you know who feels like this, but I'm sorta special like that. At least I now know your name from this post, Debbie! ๐ Perhaps for the weird few out there like me, you might want to add your first name to your About Me page. Have an awesome day.
Thanks for your comment. I haven't looked at it from that point of view. Now I stop to think about it, I know what you mean – it can be a bit awkward when you don't what to call someone if you are having a conversation. I think I will add my name to my about me page, thanks for the suggestion.
My husband and daughter know I blog. They read it every so often and will occasionally say that so and so can't be mentioned. (Always the good stuff, darn it!)
When I started on the Internet donkeys years ago, no one used their real names so I've had the same online ID forever. I took that into blogging / social media so that's why most things are Tubbs.
I agree with it can be helpful to be "Debbie at Random Musing", but if you don't want to share more than that, I don't see why you should
That sounds about right – always the good bits that are off limits lol. For me I found using my first name makes it easier for people to know what to call me (although I answer to pretty much anything within reason lol). I think it's a choice – some people are happy to have their full names, some aren't – whatever you are comfortable with is where you should draw your line ๐
Wow that is really interesting I so agree #showcasetuesday
Thank you ๐
I was the same I didn't tell anyone in my family that I blogged until I was doing it for about 6 months and got nominated for the MADS so then I needed their votes and supports but if that hadn't happened I am not sure anyone would know about it in my family and friends circle. It's more online friends and circle on facebook that support my blog. I am getting a little more family knowing now. I think a lot of bloggers feel this way.Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme
I thought I was in the minority, but since publishing this post, I have realised how many of actually do keep it quiet from family etc. Thanks for hosting ๐
My friends actually read my blog a lot. Partially, because I have so many family members and friends living abroad (well, I'm the one who's living abroad when it comes to my family actually…), so it's a good way to stay in touch.
Also, some of my closer friends (or even friends of my boyfriend) read my blog so to know what's going on.
I do not blog anonymously, because I am talking about a really personal matter – my mental health. I want to be an inspiration and opening up was kind of a big deal ๐
Whether blog anonymously, with a fake name or use the real one is up to every individual blogger ๐ There's no rules to that!
It's a good way to stay in touch with people when you all live far apart. Well done to you for raising awareness about mental health issues ๐