1. Modern Belle

    Oh girl…this is one area I can really get going. I am with you – I think all women should be counted as equal and have the option to make their own decisions. My biggest complaint always has been that we have gone so far the other way that women aren't allowed to want to be feminine or take a traditional female role in a relationship. I want to work, but I believe that a man is the head of the household and that the woman is the heart. Some people might think it's setting women back, I believe I'm just playing to the natural strengths and weaknesses of the genders.

  2. The Blog Centre

    Another great topic. The right to choose seems to be ignored in the fight for equality.
    Thanks for linking up with #ShowcaseTuesday

  3. Sarah Morgan

    Really enjoyed this post – something I think about often. I am a stay-at-home mum but by no means a housewife…! My husband works full time but is very hands on with our son and with domestic chores, and I think that is how it should be – I certainly couldn't do it all by myself and I want our son to have a positive role model and not to grow up thinking women do all the dirty work. A great read! Xx

  4. Melanie Greenhalgh

    You nailed this when you said that feminism is simply about woman having choices. I love that I have been able to be a SAHM and now I am working to support my family. I wish women were recognised for the silent caring we do in our community. Mel xx #MMWBH

  5. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    So good to be reminded that equality is also about the right to choose and that is something that I feel is taken away from many women with the financial pressure to work. I feel very lucky in that I have been able to choose to be a SAHM and I certainly don't feel like I'm letting the side down by not working. My husband and I do tend to slot into more traditional roles – he works, pays the bills and does the DIY whereas my "job" is looking after the house and children. He is hands-on with helping with the girls when home though and these roles work for us. Great post, thank you for sharing.

    • I don't think you are letting the side down either, you are making a choice that suits you and your family. If a woman has to work because of financial necessity, than that's unavoidable, but I hate that some women feel pressured into working just because she thinks she should be seen to. Thank you πŸ™‚

  6. Kirsten Toyne

    You have got it in one. Feminism is about choice. But in the push towards women having careers (which is great) we seem to have lost an appreciation for the value that women (or men0 bring when they care for their family. Being a stay at home mum (and dad) is not easy and is massively undervalued. Fantastic post!!

    • I think it's fantastic that women have the opportunities to go out and do any job they want to, but I also think they should be allowed to choose not to without all the pressure. I think being a sahm or sahd is the hardest job in the world! Thank you πŸ™‚

  7. Sarah Howe - Run Jump Scrap

    Feminism is totally about having choice and not feeling the pressure either way. I like being looked after by hubby if I'me being honest! I always saw myself as working and having a career but my hubby is the breadwinner and that doesn't bother me. But yep I have chosen that and am glad I could choose otherwise if I wanted xx #binkylinky

  8. john adams

    Well I'm male and have been the main carer for my children since 2011. My wife is the one that works full time and I do the domestic stuff. It works for us! #effitfrida

  9. Nigel Higgins

    Really interesting post I think it's important to do what's good for your own relationship thanks for linking to the binkylinky

  10. Absolutely Prabulous

    It just comes down to your individual relationship doesn't it? It's got nothing to do with anyone else's judgement. The fact is the traditional gender roles do still exist (whether we like it or not). Live and let live and whatever works for you and all that.

  11. Al Ferguson

    Think it all comes down to individuals. Hopefully the two individuals in the relationship will agree what works best. I think we are quite traditional in our household but only because thats what suits us all. Thanks for the interesting discussion point #bigfatlinky

  12. International Elf Service

    Great post lovely. I agree that it's all to do with choice. We all have to do things we don't like from time to time but that's a different matter. I also think it's about having mutual respect for each other's time…

  13. Bethan Sian

    I think both should help eachother!
    My partner works full time and I stay at home with kids but also am a blogger and part-time decorating wooden gifts.

    Of course I do the house work but I think when my partner comes home he should do some dishes after dinner time since I have done them 3 – 4 times during the day already. I think it should be shared!

    Thanks so much for linking up with #justanotherlinky

  14. Jenny Ripatti-Taylor

    It's definitely getting more balanced but I don't think it will ever be as it's still a touchy subject among most. Not sure why you would think in this day an age all would be equal by now but traditions good or bad take time to weed out. Couldn't agree with you more here. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

    • Yes, sometimes, I think people fall into the traditional roles without considering alternatives. It's about finding what works for you, but I think to truly find that, it is important to consider all your options. Thank you and thanks for hosting πŸ™‚

  15. Domesticated Momster

    We must have been thinking on the same wave lengths on this week. I love being able to stay home but there are times that I wish I worked just so that my husband didn't seem to think that housework is suppose to be my full time job. And funny thing is he was the messy one when we got together. Great post. Thanks for sharing with #momsterslink and being a great fellow blogger!

  16. Sanna / Wave to Mummy blog

    Fab post! I am all for the equality to choose whatever is right for you, be you male or female, and I am proud to call myself feminist. Because, let's not forget what the word really means – advocating for equal rights (not more, not less) πŸ™‚

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