1. Leslie Rickerby

    Ohhhhh wouldn't have thought about the ruthless part!! Will give that a go. Got a whole list of blog jobs at the moment but really trying to grow my following across social medias so this is a big help

  2. Mary K.- In the boondocks

    There is a science to everything. And here I thought Pinterest was about saving your stuff on line. hah!!! I don't know how ruthless I can be.

  3. Erin Ek Rush

    Great post. I don't use Pinterest much and didn't even realize they used a new algorithm. I have a local family days out blog though so I'm not sure Pinterest is really worth my time? I'd love to know if anyone in a similar niche to mine has made Pinterest work for them!

    • That's a good question! Honestly, I think it would be quite difficult because only people local to you are likely to save the pins for checking back later. You could maybe still join in your blog's name but use it more for pinning stuff that interests you and just try to build up brand awareness.

  4. Sarah Golding

    I love pinterest but not great working out how to apply it to my business. I have loads of secret boards to keep some of the personal pins seperate

  5. Silly Mummy

    Useful advice. I set up Pinterest because everyone said you should, but couldn't see how it helps at all & barely use it. I suspect that pinterest will never really work well for people who don't use or emphasise images in their blog, like me. #justanotherlinky

  6. Louise Smith

    I used to find Pinterest worked really well for bringing traffic to my blog, but even though I do all the things listed, I don't find it works as well nowadays ๐Ÿ™

  7. helloarchie.blue

    Thanks for the tips, loads I didn't know. Pinterest gives me a headache, but I hadn't a clue about the popularity thing so will have to get ruthless. #justanotherlinky

  8. Rachel Hirst

    What great advice! If I can manage to fit it in to my hectic schedule then I will try the ruthless approach and see how out goes.

  9. Janette Davey

    This is fabulous as I have been meaning to get onto pinterest for ages but not managed to get around to it until now. I even bought a book to help but it has sat on the shelf for 6 months. Have bookmarked this for when I have a spare hour or two to get started on pinterest. Thank you

  10. Thank you for this – I've always used pinterest personally to get ideas for recipes and crafts but have only just set up a blog account. I was trying to get my head around what to do next.

  11. fivelittledoves

    Very informative! I don't use pinterest but will most definitely be getting on it and using some of your suggestions! Thanks! #momsterslink

  12. Angela Milnes

    This is interesting. I'm still not focussing on pinterest yet. Maybe when I have more time in the future! thanks for sharing these tips Debbie

  13. Cliona Kelliher

    I love pinterest for myself and use it all the time for inspiration. Pinning a lots is not a problem ๐Ÿ™‚ I've only recently started to think about using it in a more businesslike way so these tips are perfect and I will take some time to go through pins and boards soon.

  14. Helen WonderfullyAverage

    I love Pinterest but I don't use it anywhere near it's maximum potential for my blog. It was really interesting to read the ruthless method, I will have to give that a try. Thanks for sharing your tips ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Emily Higgins

    I love Pinterest for finding things like Cupcake designs or arts and crafts things, but I rarely use it for my own blog! Great post! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  16. Anna C.

    When I started my blog I used Pinterest a LOT to promote my blog but I wasn't getting anywhere with it. Maybe I was doing something wrong… Not sure. But I think I have to redo the whole Pinterest concept with my blog.

  17. Zeit my Geist

    Oh this is great to read, since I really must start to tackle Pinterest. I've been meaning to set up on there for ages.

    So you've inspired me. I'm going to do it! Thank you, some great advice there.

  18. Something Crunchy Mummy

    Great post. I really need to get into Pinterest more as I love browsing just don't use it for the blog. Thanks for linking up to #justanotherlinky xx

  19. Becky H

    Wow this is so useful! I never realised that Pinterest promotes popularity but that's definitely worth a go! Thanks for sharing this! #justanotherlinky

  20. Hannah Parker

    Woah! Mega fascinating. I've not thought about pinterest properly since January 2014 when i did the whole pin 100 times a day thing and that grew my followers from about 100 to over a 1000 in a month, then I got a side-tracked with the other 1million things bloggers have to do. I then totally lost track as you say, they changed the old algorithms so this has really helped me feel I could have another go ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for linking up to #TheList xxx

  21. Domesticated Momster

    I too have been studying Pinterest a lot…well not lately as I have reached a blogger burnout lately and can't seem to shake it. These are all great tips and some I didn't know about. Thanks for sharing them with #momsterslink.

  22. Tracey Abrahams

    I have tried to use pintrest to promote my blog, but Im a sporadic user and useless at remembering to change my pics so they are pinable. Im hoping to get more organised when I get the self hosting thing done x #Blogstorm

    • Debbie, My Random Musings

      To be honest, I like pinning all sort of random stuff too much for it ever be streamlined enough for the algorithms! Good luck with your organising x

  23. Laura @ Life with Baby Kicks

    Pinterest is something that is on my back burner, one social media platform at a time, my current love is IG. I use Pinterest far too personally, all my pins are recipes and things for me rather than blog related I think I need to get gentle let alone ruthless!!!

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