Ever since reading a post about Stumble Upon over at Domesticated Momster, I have been wanting to try it.
It sounds fun. It selects articles it thinks you might like and you can give them thumbs up if you like them. You an also add your own feed to the database so other people get to have your posts to rate.
Joining it has been sat on my to-do list ever since I read Trista’s post, so when I decided to make this month’s theme The Online World, it seemed like the perfect excuse to actually go ahead and join.
So off I went. And it doesn’t support blogger! I find this quite strange because it’s one of the longest running free platforms, but it could be a Google thing. So I will have to wait until after I move!
The problem is I promised to review a site I can’t use. So what to do?
I thought instead of attempting to talk about a site I had never used, I would instead refer you to the original post that piqued my interest in Stumble Upon:
Using Stumble Upon from Trista at Domesticated Momster!
I will see you all there mid November!
Thank you so much Debbie for giving my post such an awesome shout out to my post! Always such a fab fellow blogger you are!
You're welcome 🙂 I thought your post was fab, it really did make me want to be a part of the Stumble Upon community!