I think this is a good thing in most respects, especially now that just about everyone in the developed world can say that there are plenty of internet providers in my area and for the most part, the internet is affordable for most people.
It’s also a bit worrying about how reliant we have all become on it. I think we are lucky to have pretty much the entire world’s knowledge at our fingertips, although I do think some of this knowledge may be best left unshared.
The answer to pretty much any question we don’t already know the answer to is “Google it”. This is great assuming the information comes from a valid source, but how much of it does?
I don’t know the official facts and figures (maybe I should Google it) but my guess would be probably around 30%. The rest comes from a mixture of genuine people who have no idea that what they are posting is wrong, things that were right once but haven’t been updated to reflect changes and people who intentionally want to mislead others.
That’s without even touching on spoof sites that people somehow don’t realise are a spoof and online newspapers that print their version of an event without getting the full story.
So how do you know whether the information you have found and are trusting is correct?
I don’t think there’s a fool proof answer, but a general guideline would be to use official sites, or to take the information with a pinch of salt. Look at more than one site. Does the information tally? Generally if there is a lot of agreement, I would tend to believe the information.
What I find really scary is the amount of information you can find online about people. Seriously – Google yourself, the results will shock you.
I just tried it with and without the name of my town. There were a lot more hits without the town name, but none of the additional onesย (at least not on the first two pages, I didn’t check any further) were me.
Simply by typing in my name I found all my social media accounts – this I expected and I don’t post anything I would be worried about people finding out.
I also found my full postal address and mobile number, andย my place of work and its full address and phone number.
The most weird one was a site I have never heard of which listed a few places I have been to recently. I find this weird because I never “check in” my location on any social media.
This just goes to show even if you don’t choose to check in, wherever you post anything from is still logged and made available. A stalker’s dream in other words.
Although I found this kind of freaky, I am a total internet addict and I will continue to use the internet in the same way. Overall, I think the good outweighs the bad. The sort of people that would use that information against you are usually the same sort of people who would find another way to gain it if it wasn’t so readily available.
The internet is not only a fact finding resource, but for some people it is a way to find friends, potential partners and support through the tough times in life. Anything that can do that can only be a good thing in my mind.
What do you think? Is the internet good or bad? Have you ever Googled yourself and been surprised at the results? Let me know in the comments ๐
It is a double edged sword. Good, because when I was young I spent hours and hours at the library. somethng I don't need to do now. Bad because we get sucked in and end up wasting our time with nonsense (cat videos). And of course there is the privacy issue.
I must admit I don't miss the days when you had to go trawling through ridiculously big encyclopedias to find anything! I do waste a lot of time online though lol!
That's a question I think its both there is some good and some bad
Yes, I think it's about understanding the risks and being as safe as possible whilst not worrying too much about it if that makes sense!
The good most definitely outweighs the bad. We need to, however be cautious. Apparently, Instagram by default tags your location when posting pics and you need to change your settings to stop it. Not sure if it is true and if that was what happened in your case. Knowing your home and work address is really a concern.
Thanks for sharing this in our #ShowcaseTuesday linky
That could definitely explain that then as I do post from home and work. I had no idea that happened, I will check it out, thanks for letting me know! Thanks for hosting ๐
It absolutely terrifies me the impact it has on our day to day life! Even as I write this I'm obviously online to read and comment on your post, it's constant ! Good post #abitofeverything x
Its a total Catch 22 – we take to the internet to write about the dangers of it and the fact we are constantly online! Thank you ๐ x
I have googled myself too but since I'm not the only Michelle Kellogg out there, there is a lot of information. Under my maiden name however, even though the information is significantly less, the addresses I have lived under that name and an email address that I have actually forgotten about,came up, along with one photo of me at the age of 25. wow! I google everything too. LOL!
Its scary the things the internet knows about you isn't it! Good job I have noting to hide lol ๐ I live on Google haha!
I use Google all the time, or I actually use Pinterest as Google. I love it. Addicted to having the answers to my questions immediately! LOL But I do think that our kids will have no idea how to use the library for research, the card catalog or microfiche. I sure hope their cell doesn't go down, we could be in trouble!!! I would too, if it was down for a day, I'd panic!
Imagine if that actually happened – it wouldn't just be the kids that were lost! Only difference is we would know how to find information once we recovered from the panic lol ๐
LOL, I'd better find my library card!!!
Haha, yeah me too! ๐
Interesting!!! I never google myself – well actually that's a lie (ha) – I have in the past when I've been a business owner. I haven't in ages certainly since blogging. It scares me and when I last did it, I had the same as you and personal details on random sites. They do say you should do it for this very reason so that you can remove personal details. Of course it's a minefield isn't it. You can find 20 answers at least to every one question and find out that you are dying if you google an ailment. You will also know that your hotel is the one with the dodgy bathroom tiles that is referred to on Trip Adviser and, no, it will never leave your mind. Of course we still do it – just like you say!! Great post #ShowcaseTuesday
I only did it for the sake of this post, just to see what was available. It felt a bit stalkerish to use someone else lol! One thing I never do is Google symptoms, its not worth the panic for something that inevitably turns out to be nothing. I often fall into the Trip Advisor trap though – I really should look before booking rather than after haha ๐ Thank you!
I agree with others double edged sword! It is amazing for finding out information and keeping in touch with people. I mean I would have never found your blog without it BUT as you say can be a bit stalkerish. I find it weird I can type both my married and maiden name and find out quite a lot of stuff!! I try to stop googling medical stuff though! OMG! xx #abitofeverything
Yeah, I love it for connecting with people. As you say as bloggers we would never all have met without the internet (or indeed have blogs at all!). It's crazy the amount you can find out about people. I never Google symptoms, its never a good answer lol ๐
Hi Debbie, haha, I've just Googled myself!…. And with relief (deep exhale) I found that just my name bought up many people who aren't me, but if I add my whereabouts, only my blog came up. Nothing I don't mind people seeing…
The internet is as equally wonderful as it is dangerous. People should cross check their facts when looking for information and exercise common sense. The word of Google is not set in stone and as you said, many people who don't necessarily know what they are talking about can easily mislead someone.
Oh that's great, obviously you want your blog seen so a bonus there too!
I think the problem is people often just read the first article, which is often someone who has paid to be there – Google don't fact check so there is no guarantee that information is correct! x
Ive just googled myself. Aparently Im a fantastic artist. Its werid because when I googled my maiden name I also came up as an artist.
This is quite odd as I cant draw at all. I think the internet is your friend as long as you engage your brain a little, and think about anything you see online. I sometimes ask people on facebook when they share things as fact how do they know what they are sharing is true. Very few of them are able to give the true source of what they are sharing beyond, I read it somewhere on the internet.
Thank you for linking up, Tracey xx #abitofeverything
That is weird! maybe its the internet trying to tell you something lol ๐ Yes, I agree, a lot of people read things online and just assume its on the internet so it must be right!
Thanks for hosting ๐ x
Seriously scary !
Has made me more wary of ” privacy ” issues
I don’t think there’s such a thing as privacy online anymore