It really upsets me to think that there are people out there who can’t afford food for their families, and for them, food banks are a life saver.
With over 1,000,000 people using food banks last year, we can no longer pretend this isn’t a problem in this country.
From what I can gather, quite a few of the people using food banks have jobs. How it can be allowed to pay someone so little they can’t afford to eat defies logic, but that’s another post entirely.
At the last consensus, my home town recorded 92,000 people over 18.
Now, lets say all of those people are married couples (I know that’s not the case, but just to keep it simple). That’s 46,000 couples. Let’s say 10% of those are pensioners, and a further 20% are disabled or otherwise unable to work.
That leaves 32,200. Let’s say another 15% genuinely can’t afford to donate anything. That’s still 27,370. Imagine if every one of those households donated just £5.
That’s £136,850. Pretty good start. That could make Christmas doable for a lot of people.
See here for more information on what food banks do to help local people. If you would like to help, look here to find your nearest food bank, or you can make an online donation to my local food bank here.
Every year at Christmas, I try to buy some extra food to donate to my local food bank. This year, instead of doing this, I have bought some bottles and chocolates. I am organising a number draw in the pub I work in. There will be 100 numbers at £1 each and the £100 will be going to my local food bank. I also bought a couple of toys as they accept stocking fillers to hand out to children too.
I had no intention of blogging about this as I don’t believe in giving to charity to write about it. But then I was looking through Instagram a while back and I came across a post from You Baby Me Mummy. The post explained that Wayfair are donating £50 to Habitat for Humanity for every blog post detailing a charity event or good deed using their badge and the # blogitforward. You also have to nominate two other bloggers to take part.
I apologise if this post read as a little awkward as I did feel kind of awkward writing it, but £50 is £50 so I did it.
I now nominate Angela from The Inspiration Edit and Becky from Cuddle Fairy. No pressure if you don’t want to take part. If you do want to take part, consider yourself nominated 🙂
Remember to #blogitforward
Do you have a local food bank you support? Let me know in the comments 🙂
You can find me here: Twitter Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Well done on doing something to support your local food bank and at the same time also generate donations for Habitat For Humanity! We have the police and some local volunteers coming around the neighborhood this time of year to collect non-perishables for families in need. I was out for a walk recently and saw all the neighbours out at their fences ready to donate their foods and it warmed my heart, especially as there’s a lot of pensioners and young families in my area, not necessarily well-off people.
Sorry, I forgot to say I came via #KCACOLS – great to visit your site 🙂
Thank you, great to have you here 🙂
Thank you 🙂 Oh that’s lovely, it’s so good when people come together to help other within their community 🙂
What a great idea, I also saw the wayfair blog it forward campaign too. It’s good to be able to give back. When in my last employment I would give food or change to some of the many homeless people I would see on my way to the bus stop. I don’t have a lot myself but I have more than they do. #KCACOLS
Thank you 🙂 Exactly – even if you can only afford to give 10p, if 20 people did that, that homeless person could now afford at least a sandwich or a cup of tea!
hello. Found you on the Weekend Blog Share on Single Mother Ahoy. Came over to say hello and was pleased to find such a deep post about food banks.
Here in the States we have a local food bank that my company sends volunteers to twice a year.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂 That’s brilliant, great to see some companies getting involved too!
Rev T helped set up the food bank in the village and our church hosts it. It really is making a difference and it’s a great thing to be part of.
We’re not part of Trussell. It’s worth googling food banks and your local area to find your nearest as there are quite a few independent ones around
That’s brilliant! Well done to Rev T, I can imagine it making a huge difference to people in your community 🙂 Oh I will do thanks, I didn’t realise there was independent ones too!
This is such a lovely and thoughtful post! I ashamed to say i haven’t for a while. When I worked I used to help/organise little care boxes.xx #KCACOLS
Thank you 🙂 Care boxes are a great idea! x
This is a lovely post. Just before December I dropped off around twenty advent calendars in the food bank box, and we always make a donation every time we go shopping – the food banks are so important and it’s such a shame that we need them in this country 🙁 #KCACOLS
Thank you 🙂 Advent calendars is a good idea, as many of the families using the food banks would never be able to afford something like this. It is a shame, it’s a sad reflection of this country.
A simple and lovely post written about an important topic. It’s startling how many people need help, and how many of those have children.
Thanks for linking with #KCACOLS
Thank you 🙂 It’s shocking that in our so called developed country there are people who can’t afford to eat!
Oh my gosh! I missed this and didn’t even know! Is it the last day to do it tomorrow? I best get on with it and thanks so much for nominating me.
Angela xxx
Yes, I think tomorrow is the last day! You’re welcome, hope you get chance to do it 🙂 x