Today, I thought I would share with you a list of Christmas blog post ideas. If you are taking part in blogmas (where you blog every day in December up until Christmas), you might be running short of ideas for new posts by now.
Some of these I have done, some I have planned and some I won’t be able to fit in this year. The clickable ones are ones I’ve done if you’re looking for some inspiration.
35 Christmas Blog Post Ideas
- Christmas gift guide. There are a lot of these kicking about so try to put a different slant on it.
- Outfit or make-up of the day. You could share your planned look for Christmas Day, or perhaps a look from a party you’ve been to.
- Share a cocktail or party food recipe.
- Share one or more of your Christmas traditions.
- A Christmas themed craft you or your children have done.
- A list of possible posts 😉
- Share a list of your favourite Christmas movies.
- Review something – a movie, book, Christmas event, Christmas market, a toy you’ve bought, a gift idea, anything Christmassy!
- Christmas decorations. This could be your decorations, the story behind your favourite tree ornaments, a wish list of things you would like to decorate with or a tutorial of how to decorate a tree or certain area.
- Your Christmas wish list
- A how to post: how to cook the perfect turkey, how to wrap perfectly, again anything Christmassy that you are particularly good at.
- Write a Christmas themed short story or poem.
- Put together a list of your favourite Christmas party dresses.
- Write your opinion on something topical or a Christmas debate that pops up every year.
- Share some of your elf on a shelf ideas.
- #blogitforward. Write about a good deed or act of kindness you’ve done this year Wayfair will donate £50 to Habitat for Humanity.
- Write about what Christmas means to you.
- Run a Christmas themed linky
- Have a little rant about something Christmassy that annoys you.
- Share your to-do list.
- Share your Christmas Day routine.
- Share your favourite Boxing Day hangover cure.
- Run a giveaway.
- Do a Christmas shopping haul post.
- Share your favourite Christmas memories from your childhood.
- Take part in a Christmas blogging tag.
- List five things you like and five things you dislike about Christmas.
- Write about your favourite Christmas indulgences.
- Share what’s in your children’s Christmas Eve boxes.
- Do a round up of your favourite Christmas jumpers.
- Spread some Christmas blogger cheer and make a list of your favourite blogs.
- Have you ever been abroad for Christmas? Write about what you preferred/missed compared to a traditional Christmas.
- Share your favourite Christmas quote.
- Do a Christmas play list.
- Share your Christmas nails.
I hope you have found an idea or two that you can use if you are a bit stuck for new post ideas. Why not share some of your Christmas blog post ideas in the comments 🙂
You can find me here: Twitter Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
These are such great ideas! I have been putting my blogging on the farthest back burner this month with all that has been going on with kids, their schools, Christmas, appointments, photography etc. but great list you have here. #KCACOLS
Thank you 🙂 You have the right idea! Stupidly, I decided to try and double post daily in the busiest month of the year! I haven’t always managed it though lol 🙂
Very good ideas! Thanks for sharing. I would be referring to your post from time to time. #KCACOLS
Thank you 🙂 I hope you found some you want to do!
Such great inspiration! Thank you! I may use this for ideas! #KCACOLS
Thank you, I’m glad you found the list useful 🙂
These are great ideas Debbie!! Super helpful as I was actually thinking that I should post more Xmas posts! I had some of them in mind but there are a good source of inspiration here!! Thanks so much for sharing this at #KCACOLS. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2016. I hope to see you in the New Year! 🙂 xx
Thank you, I’m glad it has helped. Sometimes a list like this make you think of an idea, even if it’s only loosely connected with what was on it. Thanks for hosting and you will def see me next year! Have a fab Christmas 🙂 x
Some fab ideas, some of which I’m bound to pinch next Christmas!! Although I’m not sure I’ll be taking part in blogmas, that sounds hard going!! I also did some light hearted “how not to” guides on Christmas shopping with a baby and how not to make stockings, as I’m a terrible sewer!! Thanks so much for hosting #ChristmasCorner, have enjoyed reading all of the festive posts 🙂
Thank you 🙂 I generally post everyday anyway, so it was only really thinking up different Christmas related things that got me. I love the idea of a how not to guide 🙂 Thanks for linking up, glad you enjoyed the posts!
Great ideas! I am going to have to use a couple of these this season!
Ah the Christmas debate. I wonder what is this year’s one? The Elf on the Shelf debate is heating up I suppose. All great ideas for posts Debbie. #ChristmasIsCalling
I’m shocked every year how passionate people get about elf on the shelf lol
Some really great ideas here, thank you so much for sharing your ideas. #BloggerClubUK
Thank you, I’m glad you liked the list 🙂
I can’t even imagine trying to come up with a new post every day. I make a real effort to at least stay somewhat interesting with what I write. i don’t think I could at that pace. Great ideas here though for people that are stuck. #christmasiscalling
It’s hard posting every day (I did it for over a year and often struggled for ideas!). Now I post 5 times a week but two are linkys and one is my interview series so it’s a lot more manageable. Your posts are always really interesting and get me thinking so whatever you’re doing, you’re doing it right!
Every Monday, I do a Music Monday so this whole month has been Christmas music. And basically this whole month has been Xmas stuff or events that I have seen around the area I live.