Firstly, I would like to point out that I absolutely love Christmas. I’m not a humbug, I enjoy the build up and all the excitement as much as the next person. But I love Christmas in December.
I understand if people have children, or if money is tight, they may need to start saving early, or even buying early.
What I’m talking about here is Christmas campaigns that start the day the Back to School campaigns end. I mean is it really necessary?
It’s not like the date changes every year and we need a heads up as to when it’s happening.
Even from a retail point of view, people aren’t going to forget they need to buy things. If you don’t have a massive campaign going in September and Christmas songs blaring out mid-October (why?) people will still come into your store. They will still know they are allowed to buy things for Christmas.
Maybe this is just me, or maybe it bugs everyone.
I am someone who refuses to even think about Christmas except in a very abstract way until December.
I love the rushing around, fitting everything in. The hustle and bustle in the shops, wrapping gifts in front on the fire, fairy lights merrily dancing away and of course a cheeky wine.
One year, I decided I would be super organised. By the end of November, everything was done except the fresh food shop and the decorations. Cards wrote out and addressed ready to post, presents all bought and wrapped. I had it all figured out. I would sit back and watch the panic and feel a it smug.
And you know what? I didn’t enjoy it one bit. There was no magic, no build up and no excitement. I vowed never again.
This year, I feel really organised because I bought some cards early, simply because the pub I work in got our charity cards early this year and I like to get them while there is still plenty of choice of design.
So now December is here, the excitement can start. The shopping can begin. And the decorations can go up (although not until next week, I don’t want to be sick of the sight of them by Christmas).
What do you think? How early is too early? Do you like to be all done or are you a last minute shopper? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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I don’t think its ever too soon! I started buying things in October when things started showing up in the stores. Its always good to be organised! #brilliantblogpost
I actually enjoy the rushing around (I’m weird like that lol)! Each to their own, whatever works for us 🙂
Hi Debbie, I am 100% with you on this. I love Christmas, it’s my favorite time of the year, but there should be a blanket ban on all things Christmassy until December; it’s not like we don’t know it’s coming.
Saying that though I do like to have most of my Christmas gifts bought by the end of November or at least know what I’m planning gift wise for a person, I’d have a meltdown otherwise. Also living on an island I do most of my shopping online and we don’t often get more than one postal delivery a week, so knowing everything is ordered prevents any disappointment. But I’ve noticed that I manage to do my Christmas shopping quietly and without the aid of Christmas adverts, so I am sure others can too.
I wouldn’t dream of wrapping any presents before the decorations go up, in mid December, that just wouldn’t be fun and I love Christmas baking (just not until December!).
Maybe we should start a don’t start Christmas until December campaign?
Starting the hype so early takes all the fun out of it. By the time it comes, I’m sick of hearing about it lol! I can understand why you need to be prepared early in your situation, but like you said, if there wasn’t any Christmas advertising campaigns, you would still know to do it! Yes, let’s start that campaign 🙂 x
First of December. End of discussion. Any earlier is November and that’s not Christmas.
Should wait until December. Drives me nuts.
Me too, I’m sick of it all by the time it actually is Christmas!
I love to get everything early and then I can enjoy December without getting stressed. I can mooch around shops at my leisure.
Anytime after Bonfire night is perfectly acceptable to see christmas ads and stuff in the shop, but I do agree home decorations need to stay in the loft till December x
I quite enjoy the rushing around in December, but each to their own 🙂
I would love it to be like old times when all the ads etc waited until December, it made Christmas more exciting somehow. When they start too early I’m sick of seeing them all by December lol x
I like to think about being organised each year and buying presents throughout the year, maybe next year will be the year that I do that. Maybe.
With kids I think anything before December is too early, my toddler is ready to pop about Santa and it’s only the 10th!!
Lol, maybe it will! Yeah I think the kids end up so over excited so early that by the time it comes around they are kind of over it.