Being that I don’t have children, me taking part in the elf on a shelf thing would probably be pretty strange, so you might all be wondering what on earth I’m doing a post about it for.
I have seen a lot of bloggers taking part in elf on a shelf this year and I have also seen quite a few who think it is a waste of time or are totally against it on the grounds that you shouldn’t need an elf on a shelf to make your children behave well.
As with pretty much everything, I’m an each to their own type. If you want one great, if you don’t also great.
What I will say is that I don’t think using an elf on a shelf is anyway indicative of being a bad parent, or someone who doesn’t know how to discipline their child. It is supposed to be fun.
Every picture I have seen shows excited, happy children eagerly searching for their elf, and the joy on their faces when they find it speaks volumes.
Children are excited at this time of year, and I think it’s only natural that sometimes the excitement might lead to bad behaviour. Surely if the thought of their elf helps to calm them down, this can only be a helpful tool for parents?
Also, I fail to see how this is different to the classic that Santa won’t come if you’re bad. Parents have used that one for as long as the tradition of Santa has been in effect and they haven’t been criticized for that so why criticize for the elf on a shelf?
I actually think it’s quite a sweet little tradition, and one that children and parents alike can have a bit of fun with.
The point I actually wanted to make here is why are the elves so creepy looking? At first glance, they look quite cute, but after having a closer look, that smile is just creepy. I sure wouldn’t want to wake up at Christmas (or anytime for that matter) to find one of those looking at me.
Elf on a shelf – good or bad? Fun or not? And most importantly, do you think they are creepy looking? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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Creepy as all heck! I think the concept is sweet (or as naughty/fun as you like) but those faces? I couldn’t have one in the house, they freak me out let alone the kids!
I am so happy I’m not the only one that finds their faces creepy looking! Enough to give kids nightmares lol 🙂
I’m just too tired to think of adding another thing to my list 🙂 Although, I do think it is a cute idea!
It would be a lot of work coming up with something interesting for every single day for sure