1. jeremy@thirstydaddy

    There are plenty of things I’d probably do different, but there are also things that I wouldn’t appreciate as much now without having gone down the road I’ve travelled. I’m definately more of a believer in re-evaluating my reasons for taking certain paths and trying to take the correct one next time, as opposed to turning around and starting from scratch

  2. Katie (Growing Up KaterTot)

    I totally agree. One incredibly difficult and frustrating experience comes to mind. Part of it was my fault, another was the fault of someone with a cold heart. I’d never want to repeat the experience. Ever. But I wouldn’t erase it either. I learned quite a few valuable lessons from it, and I believe that I’m a better person having gone through it. #AnythingGoes

  3. Wow! I never thought about that before but now that you say it, it makes perfect sense. I always say that I’m starting a new chapter, which is the beginning of a new path but not to erase the old path. I see it as I have come to the end of the road and it’s time to choose a different road to continue my journey. I can’t forget my past because it made me who I am. I have learned a lot in this life from all of the mistakes I have made along the way but as you said, there are some really great memories too that I cherish and don’t want to forget them. This is a great way explain what “new beginning” actually means! Thanks Debbie. #anythinggoes

    • It’s only recently I’ve began to see it this way, I have used the term new beginning myself loads of times. I don’t know really what it was but something just sort of clicked that I don’t want a new beginning, I just want to forge a new path for the future. I totally agree, even through the bad times, there are the odd good memories that I wouldn’t want to lose. Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Completely agree with you that it can be helpful language, but that you can’t erase what’s gone before. You can change how you feel about it, which is maybe the most important element? #AnythingGoes

  5. wendy

    Another brilliant post. I love reading your blog, your posts are always so well written and give me something to think about. I wouldn’t want to erase my past, there are things I wished didn’t happen and decisions I wish I had and hadn’t made but I wouldn’t be where I am now without those things. I am really happy with my life now but I know this is because I am able to fully appreciate what I have because life has not always been this way. I think even if we could completely start again, life would never be perfect because we would still make mistakes second time around. Mistakes help us learn and grow, I don’t think they are always a bad thing.xx #anythinggoes

  6. Mrs Tubbs

    We always watch It’s a Wonderful Life at Christmas. (Rev T insists). That illustrates your point beautifully as if George hadn’t been born, so many other good things wouldn’t have happened.

    As life doesn’t come with an undo button, you’ve just got to make the best of what you’ve been given I think

  7. I totally agree with you Debbie! We can’t think what if we had a blank slate or what if we changed a decision in life because it’d be a domino effect & we’d lose all of the positive & special moments along with the negative. #AnythingGoes

  8. Tracey Abrahams

    I sometimes think about this in the quiet hours of the night when I cant sleep, what I would do differently if I could go back and start again, but in truth as you say you the good and the bad are intertwined along the same path, and that path has led me to some wonderful moments and my wonderful hubby, so how could I possibly want to change that. #anythinggoes

    • There’s a lot of things I wish I didn’t do but I did and I just have to make peace with them. All experiences, good and bad, make us who we are today. When you think something as seemingly inconsequential as walking down a different street on a certain day could change your fate and mean you didn’t meet your hubby, why would anyone want to mess with that!

  9. Silly Mummy

    Yes, I agree with you. And, while there are lots of things I wish I had done differently, I do know that if I had, everything would be different. Which would mean that I wouldn’t have my kids. Kids maybe, but not these ones. So I would not want a new beginning, much as I would like some things to have been different. (& to be younger again!) #anythinggoes

    • That’s true, to change your past would mean you wouldn’t have your kids so all those things you would want to change actually turned out to be good as they meant you ended up where you are now. I like the idea of being younger again though lol ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Trista, Domesticated Momster

    I would only go back if I could keep the knowledge of what I have learned along the way and make different choices. I think that when we are young we seem to have this thought in our teenage heads that we know everything about life. I didn’t know a damn thing about life up until about 30. And even after 30 there are some things I wish I could change. Good point of thought. Thanks again for hostessing #AnythingGoes.

  11. I love the point you are making, yes bringing new positive possibilities into your life certainly is great I think we fail in our “New Year Resolutions because they are usual so drastic and so life changing

  12. This is great way of looking at things. The bad and the good make you who you are you can change direction but if you erase the good and the bad then whats the point :). Totally agree and a thought provoking post. Thank you for hosting #AnythingGoes xx

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