My quote for this week’s thought of the week is:
“Always be you – no copies, no imitation – because you are awesome!”
Re-read that last little bit again – you are awesome – and you are.
No two people are exactly alike (even identical twins aren’t technically identical), and that’s something to be celebrated not shied away from.
Celebrate your quirks and eccentricities, all the things that make you a little bit different to every one else.
Imagine how boring the world would be if we were all the same.
It can be hard sometimes to be yourself and stand up for what you believe in, but ultimately, people will respect you more for that than for following the crowd.
And those that don’t? Ask yourself if they are really people you want in your life – people who bring you down, people who don’t appreciate you for who you are, people who are too afraid to embrace something different.
Having one person like the real you, imperfects included, is worth 100 people who like a projected version of you, a version modified to be likeable and interchangeable depending on who you are with.
When you meet someone you really admire, it can be tempting to think “I want to be like them.”
Instead of trying to become a carbon copy of that person, think about what you really admire about them. Are they confident? Strong willed? Is it their fashion sense? Their humour?
Whatever it is, you admire, it is them, their quirk, and trying to copy it won’t make you more confident, stronger, better dressed or funnier. It will make you a clone.
Remember, no matter how hard it is to believe sometimes, you have qualities others admire in you. Because – I’ll say it again – you are awesome.
Everyone is awesome in their own way. Don’t change who you are, embrace it. Stand proud as yourself, and rock the awesomeness.
I’m not saying it’s easy to suddenly stand proud and not care if some people don’t like you – it’s not. But it’s worth it to know that the people in your life like the real you. And, sometimes, you just need to hear that you are great the way you are.
Are you ever tempted to change certain character traits to fit in? Let me know in the comments π
You can find me here: Twitter Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
You are so right Debbie! I think we get so bogged down by the expectations of others and of society in general that we forget how to be ourselves. It also is why most people are so stressed out all the time. This world doesn’t leave much room for us to be ourselves and when we don’t have some sort of outlet for that, the stress of life builds and builds until we explode. Always be yourself. The right people will come into your life who will love and appreciate you for who you are. Awesome quote! #candidcuddles
You are totally right, if you are trying to hide who you, it must be incredibly stressful trying to remember how you “should” act instead of being natural. Thank you π
I love what you said about having one person in your life who accepts and loves you for your true self is better than having 100 people who accept the “modified” version of you. You’re so right- life’s too short to change yourself for the sake of others. It’s much better to be who you are and be happy with a select few than be miserable amongst a crowd! Lovely quote, Deb! #candidcuddles
Thank you π It’s something I feel quite strongly about. I hate that society dictates how we are supposed to behave, particularly when something is described as “unladylike” or “unmanly”. Why can’t we all just be who we are! The crowd is worthless because you can’t say they are your friends – they don’t know you!
Oh I love this, in my job I am forever challenging society’s prejudices of what is expected from who and when. Sometimes it is very difficult, however I am who I am and I refuse to comply with how my peers expect me to behave. A great quote xx
Good on you for not conforming! Your job sounds very interesting. Thank you π
Woohoo, I am awesome! I think we are all pretty awesome all right. And our uniqueness should be celebrated not changed. I’m loving your motivating & inspirational candid cuddles posts lately Debbie! x
You are awesome! I love that everyone is unique and different. Thank you, I’m glad you like them π x
I adore this!!! Yes yes yes!! It has taken me until the last few months to realise it but I finally see that I am best at being me. Fab post hun.
Thanks for joining in #HappyDaysLinky x
Thank you π Katy, you are truly awesome! I’m so glad you have figured it out because it doesn’t matter who tells you if you don’t believe it yourself. Thanks for hosting x
This is so inspiring and you are so right! I am guilty of always trying to fit in, it’s hard to change. Thanks for joining us for #HappyDaysLinky x
Thank you π It is hard, but the feeling it brings you when you finally reach a point where you are comfortable being yourself is worth all the work! Thanks for hosting x