1. Trust is a huge one for me as I have trust issues and those trust issues, along with honesty and communication played a big part in the down fall of my marriage. He also had severe trust issues and with both of us having these issues it was really hard to have an open and honest communication with each other. I clump all of these together because they over lap with one another. What do you think Debbie? Popping over from #anythinggoes

    • I think without trust, it’s very hard to have love. If one of you has some trust issues, it can work because the other person can reassure you and I think long term, if they don’t break their word, you could begin to trust them. But if both of you have the same insecurities, it would be extremely difficult to work past them.

  2. my advice is to pick your battles. A mature person knows when it is time to just shut your mouth. Chances are whatever it was will seem like a lesser deal soon and you’ll be glad you didn’t start a fight for nothing. At the same time, don’t be afraid to speak up if something really is important to you

  3. Sue

    After over 30 years together I can definitely say marriage is not for wimps! Great advice for all couples. I think the biggest hurdle is not expecting perfection from your relationship. Things will be hard sometimes. Sometimes they’ll be wonderful. Forgiveness and putting your spouse before yourself may be old fashioned, but they really help to nurture your relationship.

  4. Tracey Abrahams

    I think the old saying never gonto bed on an argument is an important one, letting things fester is never a good idea.
    Showing physical affection towards a partner is important too, not just sex but little thinfs like holding hands, cuddling up together when watching telly, a kiss good morning/good night.

  5. Some great advice here. I say bring back the fun into the relationship, you’ll remember why you fell in love with that person and you can make new, fun memories at the same time.

    Sally @ Life Loving

  6. All 3 of those are great.
    I’d add in forgive each other, I really think that resentment can kill a relationship.
    I’m here thanks to your anything goes Linky, which I found after following you on Twitter. Good to connect

  7. Silly Mummy

    Good advice, and also agree with Jeremy & Nicola at the top of the comments. There is another compromise option between horror and comedy, however: watch Shawn of the Dead! Or Severance! #anythinggoes

  8. Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby

    This 3 list is spot on! Another one for me is trust… without trust, starts the suspicions, accusations and then conflict arise. Lovely post! #AnythingGoes

  9. Lady Nym

    I think communication is the most important part of any relationship. It’s key whether you’re having problems or not, I think.


  10. Yvonne

    It’s true those honest conversations can be very hard. Trust is such a big factor. Not just trust in a ‘being faithful’ way, I mean to trust someone with our feelings. Love this post. Thanks #anythinggoes

  11. Really good advice here. I always think that my husband and I rarely argue because we communicate so well. It’s our ‘once a term’ date day coming up this Wednesday, Please pray that my smallest doesn’t develop the chicken pox (brother had it starting 10 days ago) and ruin it! #AnythingGoes

  12. Something Crunchy Mummy

    I totally agree with all of these, especially communication. Even in everyday life communication is key #anythinggoes xx

  13. Great post, and I totally agree with every point you’ve made here! Everyone’s comments below are also fantastic πŸ™‚ never going to sleep on an argument is the motto of our home, I must admit I’ve been stubborn in the past but it really works you forgive each other quicker and wake up happy the next morning πŸ™‚ xxx

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