If only it was as easy to love your body as it is to say it. Well maybe it is.
I remember when I was a teenager, I heard a saying:
“Love your body, because without it, you would have nowhere to live.”
I remember thinking what a great way to put it. You can’t really argue with the logic.
What I really love about the saying is it’s simplicity.
It doesn’t tell you that you have to be perfect, or that you can’t dislike certain body parts, it just tells you a simple truth. If you didn’t have a body, your mind wouldn’t have anywhere to live. Surely that’s reason enough for you to love your body.
Forget for a minute the physical appearance of your body, and take that minute to think about how mind blowlingly clever it is. How all the various systems come together to make you able to walk, talk, sit down, stand up, think, feel and a whole lot more besides.
I believe if we truly listen to our bodies, we would crave the things we need rather than the things we want. How often have you ate junk food and felt like crap afterwards? That’s your body screaming at you to love it.
Now let’s talk about the physical side. I’m sure all of us have one or two things we would change about our bodies given the chance, but overall, it is so important that we learn to love ourselves in spite or our flaws (whether real or imagined).
It can be hard to love your body when you are constantly swamped with the media’s perception of perfection. And sadly, it’s not just the media. So many people have unrealistic ideas of beauty, and they spend so much time and energy trying to fit the mould of perfection, that they forget that perfection is a state of mind.
Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder (yes I know it’s a cliché, it’s over used because it’s true). Your idea of perfection is different to the next person’s.
The funny thing is, we judge ourselves so much more harshly than we judge others. We may see their “imperfections”, but we don’t berate the person, we don’t hate them, we don’t judge them and we don’t only see that part when we look at them. We save all of that for ourselves.
I think it’s time to give ourselves a break. At the very least to hold ourselves to the same standards we hold others to, not to the often ridiculous standards we place on ourselves.
- Forget what anyone else might think
- Forget trying to impress people
- Forget the media’s opinion on beauty
- Forget being told you can’t wear that
- Forget being told only a certain body type is acceptable
And feel free to replace “forget” with a different F word like I did in my head as I was writing this!
We are all different and that’s a good thing. Next time you berate your body and wish it was more like someone else’s, try to remember that even though they seem perfect to you, they have all the same insecurities you do.
If you don’t yet love your body, let’s think about why.
Is it really because your body is hideous? I’m betting no. I would be willing to bet the problem is your state of mind rather than your actual body.
The years being spoon fed unrealistic images of perfection, and the years of being told that loving yourself is big headed or arrogant.
With regards to the media they show this stuff because people buy into it. They slate celebrities for gaining a pound or two, and people love it.
I think we need to move away from the culture of body shaming, whether a celebrity, an acquaintance, someone you dislike (surely you can come up with something better to slate them for than the way they look) and most importantly, yourself.
Be the change. Be the person who doesn’t buy into body shaming others.
As for the second point, I believe there is a difference between being arrogant and being comfortable in your own skin. Saying I’m happy the way I am is a whole lot different to saying I’m better than you.
If we can change the mind set to one of self acceptance instead of self loathing, then we really can learn to love our bodies.
Try to see yourself through a friend or lover’s eyes. They don’t see you in a negative light. They love you for you and you should too.
Above all, remember – love your body, because without it you’ll have nowhere to live.
Do you love your body or at least try to? Do you have any tips to help others learn to love their bodies? Let me know in the comments 🙂
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
I can’t in all honesty say that I love my body. I mean if my boobs were bigger and my stomach smaller it would be a lot easier 😉 Joking aside I do get what you’re saying though and I am a lot more confident in myself these days than I was when I was team and that’s because I have come to realise that all bodies come in different shapes and sizes and that’s ok. More than ok. It’s how you feel on the inside that counts.
*team* should say *a teen* lol. Sorry. Predictive text ain’t always what it’s cracked up to be 😉
Predictive text is the work of the devil, I’m sure it looks for the wrong word on purpose!
Lol, I know what you mean! There are things I would change, but I too have learnt to be comfortable with who I am, mostly because I’ve stopped caring what other people think of me! It’s definitely more about how you feel inside 🙂
I definitely care a lot less than I did when I was younger. But I know I should take care of my body more too, so I keep having somewhere to live, and I find that really difficult to do properly. #BloggerClubUK
It is hard. Sometimes you want that pizza, or to skip the gym. I think its about finding a balance 🙂
I try to love my body, even with it’s failings in health, the days that I can’t squeeze into my jeans, the fact that I had 2 emcs. You only get one body you should appreciate it! #bloggerclubuk
I think it’s so important to love our bodies, and if love is a stretch at the very least to co-exist peacefully with them!
I try and listen to my body and most of the time I get it right. My body is by no means perfect but it does the job and I’m happy with that. #BinkyLinky
I try too and it’s not always easy, but it’s worth it. That’s my thoughts exactly – I’m alive and pretty healthy!
So true. And I need reminding of this right now. New Year diet has well & truly failed but I know that really that is because I am trying to chase something that isn’t actually realistic. Thanks for the post #binkylinky
I’m glad you found this post at a time you needed the reminder 🙂 Try not to beat yourself up over the diet, any little step in the right direction isn’t a failure!
Lovely post. So very true. Thank you. Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky
Thank you, it’s something I think is important 🙂 Thanks for hosting x
As long as you are comfortable with yourself that’s all that matters thanks for linking to Binkylinky
Couldn’t agree more! Thanks for hosting 🙂
I think I was better at this when I was younger! Although my body is currently housing a baby which makes it the most amazing it has ever been (apart from the first time round). I have plans to get back into shape after (its been a little over due) but at the moment I am in awe of it. You are so right beauty is most definitely in the eye of the beholder! Thank you for joining us at #BloggerClubUk hope to see you again next week x
It’s funny because I was rubbish at it when I was younger and looking back I would switch now lol 🙂 Carrying a baby is the most amazing thing a woman’s body will ever do – I mean it’s growing a whole new life, you have to love it for that! Thanks for hosting, I’ll be there x
This is something I have always had difficulty with. One of the sticks my ex use to metaphorically beat me with was due to my physical appearance.
Mr AD is a fantastically supportive bloke who always compliments me. I have got to the stage now where I no longer dislike my body, loving it will take a little bit longer.
Thanks for sharing with us, Tracey xx#abitofeverything
It must be hard after years of someone putting you down, but you’ve taken a step in the right direction 🙂 Thanks for hosting x