Welcome to week 15 of my Thought of the Week.
This week’s quote is:
“Being a little fish in a big pond isn’t a bad thing – it means you have plenty of room to grow.”
This quote fits in perfectly with February’s self improvement theme.
When we start something new, often we start at the bottom. There is so much to learn and a lot of work ahead of us to make it successful.
And that’s ok, because when we start small, we have room to grow.
Watch some fish in a pond (or aquarium).
The big fish swim about, lazily confident that nothing will bother them.
Now watch the little fish. He darts from place to place, always alert, always busy. He learns to adapt and find new ways to do things the big fish takes for granted. He is clever. He will grow.
Sure, there’s danger along the way, but he takes it all in his stride. He is little but he knows how to survive in a big world.
Now put that into context forย a person starting a new business venture.
There are lots of bigger companies doing the same thing. They are established.
So what can the new business do to compete?
They can stay alert, watching for gaps in the market. They can think differently and try a new approach to the same thing. They will grow.
There might be some casualties along the way, but that’s no reason not to tryย to survive and grow. Do you think our little fish ever looks around his pond, sees the bigger fish and wishes he had never been born?
Of course he doesn’t. He shrugs his little shoulders (fins?) and finds a way to survive.
It’s a big pond, and it’s a big world. There is room for all of us to grow.
What’s been your favourite quote this week? Let me know in the comments ๐
You can find me here: Twitterย Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
“Do not learn how to react, learn how to respond” – Buddah
Great post, we all need room to grow- the above quote really got me thinking this week. Thanks for sharing! ๐
That’s a really good one! Excellent advice ๐
That’s a lovely quote! It gives a lot of encouragement and hope to everyone and to anybody in this big wide world. Thanks for liking up with #candidcuddles
Thank you ๐ A bit of hope can go a long way! Thanks for hosting
The entire time I was picturing Nemo in my head and how he conquered his way and was reunited with his father. He took chances that put him in a bad situation but in the end he learned valuable lessons. Love that movie and your thought for the week!
Thank you ๐ I love Finding Nemo too, and he was a tiny fish in a huge ocean and look what he achieved!
I really love that it is so encouraging for anyone starting up. I think that the problem is that nowadays a lot of people expect instant success, they don’t give themselves the time or space to grow. Another great quite Hun x
Thank you ๐ Yes, people these days expect to be millionaires within a week of starting. x
That is a great quote Debbie! I have not seen this one before or heard it before but it makes so much sense! It reminds me of what I told my youngest just yesterday about always learning, no matter how old you get. Popping over from #candidcuddles
Thank you ๐ It doesn’t matter how old (or clever) we are, there’s always something more to learn.
Ooh, I love this one! My fave this week was actually something a work colleague said to me – no matter what happens in the day, so long as you wake up in the morning it’s a good one! x #candidcuddles
Thats a fab quote debbie. I’ve not heard it before but it is a great thought and something i can bear in mind in the coming weeks. Angela popping by from #candidcuddles
I actually just used a variation of this quote in a post I’m working on about my first year of blogging. Yours is a little more inspirational though
Great minds think alike ๐
Oh it made me think of Nemo too, such a brave creature! It’s true, just like blogging, there is room for everyone. A great quote xx
Nemo is fab ๐ There is definitely room for us all. Thank you!
What a great quote Debbie. What a great metaphor, it all about learning and growing and can be applied to us all whatever we’re taking on.
Thanks for linking up with Candid Cuddles
Thank you ๐ I kind of had my blog in mind when I was writing it, but it could apply to any new venture. Thanks for hosting x