Today I want to put paid to another blogging myth – the blog niche.
You absolutely don’t need a blog niche to have a successful blog. There I said it. I’m sure a lot of mega big bloggers are reading this and shaking their heads.
Actually, scratch that, I don’t believe for a second mega big bloggers read my little blog, but if they did, I have no doubt a lot of them would be disagreeing with me.
When I first started getting serious about blogging, I trawled the internet reading blogging tips from all corners of the world.
When you’re new, it’s easy to forget that all these types of posts (my own included, I’m under no disillusions here) are just someone’s opinion.
Blogging is not a subject that has hard and fast rules. What works for one person might not work for another.
The majority of the blogging tips posts I read all had one thing in common – they all said, in one way or another, find a blog niche or you won’t be successful.
The first time I read this, I didn’t give it much mind. The second, third and fourth time, I started to worry a little. By the 35th time I was in full on panic mode.
All these bloggers are saying you need a blog niche to stand any hope of being successful. I didn’t have a blog niche, so I was destined for failure before I had even began properly.
I spent a good few weeks second guessing myself and telling myself I needed to settle on a blog niche and fast.
The whole time I was telling myself this, I was still blogging nicheless. And you know what? I was gaining readers. Readers who left nice comments telling me they enjoyed my blog. Readers that came back regularly. Readers who maybe even liked what I was doing.
The more I thought about it, the more I knew a blog niche would never work for me. I couldn’t (and still can’t to this day) think of one single topic that could hold my attention enough to write about it every single day for the rest of my life.
And if it couldn’t hold my attention on my own blog, what chance would it have of a holding a reader’s attention? None whatsoever.
I read a lot of blogs that have a blog niche, one single subject or theme that ties everything together. I enjoy them and it’s obvious that the writers enjoy writing them. And that’s great, but it’s not for me. And it doesn’t have to be for you either. It is only an opinion that a blog niche is essential. And here’s why:
It doesn’t matter whether you blog exclusively about something as specific as dark blue T-shirts, or whether you talk about anything and everything, your blog already has a blog niche. A blog niche that is so unique. And that is you. Your voice, your thoughts, your opinions. You are the glue that holds your blog together, you are the string that ties it all together.
You are your blog niche.
So in one sense, I guess we do all need a blog niche to be successful, but in another sense, we don’t need to find one at all because it’s right there in front of you. It’s you. Never be afraid to write about whatever you want to.
Do you have a specific blog niche? Do you think it’s important to have one? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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I was the same when I started – I leapt into blogging with no idea about anything, then started seeing all the stuff about niches and though “holy cow” because I was all over the shop. I think I’ve fine tuned down a bit to a general theme that runs through most of my stuff, but I refuse to lock myself into one specific area and miss out on all the stuff that I want to write about that may not fit.
It’s so scary when you read all that stuff and panic! I like that way of thinking, a general theme keeps you targeted, but as you say, it doesn’t rule out things that you may want to talk about at some point 🙂
I guess parenting is my niche but it encompasses everything from food to travel to the kids – you’re right, it’s just me!
If pushed, I would say Lifestyle for me, but to be honest I think that’s just a word for nicheless lol!
Haha I totally agree Debbie, my blog is my little bit of space to do with what I want!! Popping back again from #blogstorm!
Thanks for popping back and for hosting 🙂
This is such a reassuring post, thank you! I’m reviewing my blog at the moment, I want to make more of it but I worry it’s unstructured and unfocused, and I don’t have a niche. This makes me feel a lot better about just being me. Great post 🙂
I’m glad you found it useful Jenny. I love your blog and I don’t think it’s unstructured at all! Being yourself is brilliant. Thank you 🙂
What a fab post Debbie & well said, even if you write about one subject, for me it’s food and cooking you feel the pressure to write your next post about what’s in at the moment. I write about what I enjoy & what I like to bake or cook myself, I have decided to give up on trying to work out the next new food fad just to get more readers.
Thank you 🙂 I think that sums it up well – if you are constantly chasing the next fad, it takes the fun out of blogging, and I think readers prefer reading something about what you genuinely care about than something that’s “in” 🙂
I got hung up on this too when I started last year. I started out just posting about food and I found I wasn’t loving it so much because I wanted to write about other parenting bits and bobs too! And so I started to do so and I’ve seen an increase in readers, follows, comments etc. Great post and reassuring!
Glad to hear your readership is going up, it’s so rewarding when you see that! I love blogs that have a bit of everything 🙂 Thank you!
Nope. No niche at all. I write a combo of writing, life, and whatever hits my mind on a given day! That opens me up to be able to meet all kinds of people. I do feel bad when I post something about writing that my non-writer friends don’t really get it.
I love reading blogs that talk about a variety of things. I know what you mean about sometimes worrying that some of your readers won’t “get” a certain post, but for me personally, if I like the writing style, I often find myself reading about things I wouldn’t have expected to enjoy and still liking them.
I just write when I am inspired. I don’t know if I have a niche or not – the autism and teaching posts have done best. But I figure as long as you write about what you really want to, from the heart, then you’re exactly right, your voice is your niche ☺
I love that approach, if you don’t try to force writing then I think the post sounds so natural and so honest.
I guess since I’m a writer, my niche is writing and books, but it’s not something I always write about. Personal posts find their way on my blog too and sometimes totally random things.
When I first started blogging, I thought I was the only person blogging within my niche. Then along came the A to Z Challenge, and I learned there are others out there. YAY! Suddenly, not so lonely and others that share my interests. But because my blog is so niche specific, I am toying with the idea of doing a separate blog as a ‘catch all’ for the randomness in my brain.
It’s a great feeling when you find your blogging buddies! Blogging can get pretty lonely and that community of like minded people are one of the best parts of blogging. I think you’ve picked a fab niche, who doesn’t love music! I like the idea of a second random blog too, if you do that, give me a yell 🙂
Go with what feels right to you in writing your blog … and in writing your novels or journal or whatever.
Emily Dickinson didn’t listen to her detractors and kept writing poetry that suited her.
Writing your heart in your blog will always be fresh and authentic. And that is what attracts readers.
Thank you for your nice words about my A TO Z theme reveal. 🙂
My niche is grief and parenting after loss with mental health and maternity care thrown in. Unless you find me on a linky mine isn’t the sort of blog you actively seek unless you are a member of the terrible club where no one is a member by choice.
I’m not looking for lots of readers (except when awareness raising!) but I am looking to reach those that need reassurance or a place to feel less alone.
I think you’re blog is amazing, raising awareness of such a sad thing, especially when you throw in the fact that for some reason this seems to be a taboo subject for some people. I really hope that through your blog you can connect with people who have been through the same thing and hopefully all bring a little comfort to each other.
So glad I came across this. Started to 2nd guess myself having just started. I hope to keep it real!
I’m glad you found it useful 🙂 Always go with your gut instinct when you start second guessing yourself. Good luck with your blog 🙂
Good post! I feel like aiming for a niche in the beginning has definitely me in having direction and being more focused on what I put out, rather than just posting randomn things but I think as I get more and more comfortable with blogging, and my writing gets betters my blog will be less of a children’s fashion and lifestyle and more about me and the kids 🙂
Thank you 🙂 A niche can be great in keeping focus and like you say, as you get more comfortable, there’s nothing stopping you branching out if you choose to!
Good to visit your site as a part of my A to Z visits. My theme Blog Promotion
Welcome to A to Z April Blogging Challenge 2016 – Co-Participant – Nrao
Thanks for stopping by 🙂 Love the sound of your theme!
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[…] Blog Niche: Why you don’t need one to succeed […]
I really worried when I first came across the niche advice. But then I realised that there was no point in blogging if I couldn’t write about what I wanted to, whether that be Victorian cold cases or cute things kids say! x #blogstorm
It’s such a panicky moment when you read something that tells you you’re doing it wrong isn’t it! And it takes a while to get the confidence to just ignore it and do your own thing. I like reading nicheless blogs too, both of the examples you give are something I would read and to find them both on one blog would be a bonus to me! x
I’ve heard that advice and worried just a bit over it. I love the idea that I am the niche. There are several things I really love talking/writing about… and when I get a great idea I want to write about it, not be limited to what my blog is supposed to be about. I didn’t really even want to give my blog a name that would limit me too much. My life changes year to year and I want my blog to last with me.
When I first started out two years ago, I felt the same – everywhere I looked, people where saying you need a niche. It took me a long time to come to see that I was doing ok without one. While I would now say I have a niche it’s really general (motivation/inspiration) which still leaves me open to talk about a wide range of things. To be honest, if an idea I want to write about comes up, I roll with it! Good luck with the blog!