1. Great post! SEO can feel intimidating, but you simplified it and made it sound like something we can all do! I especially like the tip regarding alt text for photos. I’m going to make sure to put this into practice. Thanks for the great info! #KCACOLS

  2. This is all stuff I know from using Yoast, but it’s always good to be reminded of it, as I know I don’t always optimise my SEO, even though Yoast is brilliant and prompts me to do everything. I can see since using it my SEO has improved, as I used to write the most ludicrously long titles that no one would ever search for, but I still need to do more to get my content out there. Thanks for posting. #KCACOLS

    • I find Yoast a useful back up just to check nothing has been missed although it has a habit of telling me my keywords aren’t in the first paragraph or aren’t in the URL when they clearly are! I used to do that with titles, or leave them ambiguous hoping people would like the mystery!

  3. Thanks for these tips. I think I get most of my views from Twitter, but more recently I have had an influx from Flipboard? Strange! Occasionally I get really strange phrases to how people googled me.
    Amanda. #kcacols

  4. Really useful post as I have just discovered SEO and the need to pay more attention to it on my blog! I literally went through all my posts this week and made sure that all of my images were updated with alt tags and that my posts were ‘Green’ in the eyes of Yoast! πŸ™‚


    • Thank you πŸ™‚ When I first started blogging, I used Blogger for around the first 9 months so I had to learn to do SEO without a plugin. I really wish I had had one, it would have made it a lot easier and I wouldn’t have wasted so long not optimizing anything.

  5. Regina L. L. Wells

    Great tips, and they really do make a difference. Yoast SEO is probably one of the most important plugins I use. I couldn’t agree more with your recommendations. Thank you for sharing! #AnythingGoes

    • Thank you πŸ™‚ I saw my traffic from search engines go from practically zero to about 20% of my traffic when I started optimizing posts properly. I love Yoast, it’s a great safety net to check you haven’t missed anything

  6. Jeremy@thirstydaddy

    this is something I know that I need to pay more attention to, I just never seem to. Very few of my posts seem to be about things that would naturally be searched, so thats my lazy excuse. I need to start paying more attention

  7. Great post! I knew next to nothing about SEO this time last year but the geeky side of me has loved learning about it. I don’t think I’m ever going to be a ruthless SEO type, but it’s really interesting how it all works and everything. #anythinggoes

    • Thank you πŸ™‚ I really enjoyed learning more about it too, I’m glad I’m not the only one! I use it where I think it’s appropriate but I don’t go so far as too change a post completely to hit every point. The main one I do religiously is use the alt text on images. Partly for SEO but mostly because it drives me mad when I see something pinned on Pinterest with no description!

  8. These are great tips Debbie! I do all of these and have the SEO plugin but I will admit to forgetting to use the alt text on my images. This is something I need to do. Thanks so much for hosting #anythinggoes

  9. The Pramshed

    This is really useful, thank you for writing this and sharing. I never knew that a blog post should be at least 300 words, and there are lots of other things I never knew here. Right, I’m going to SEO my blog, it’s about time. Claire x #KCACOLS

    • Thank you πŸ™‚ Generally, I’m pretty wordy so most of mine are over 300 words anyway, but there are a few that aren’t. I wouldn’t want to add a load of pointless waffle just to hit the word count, but it’s worth bearing in mind x

  10. I think Yoast is a great plug in. It helps guide people through the mind field that is SEO. I’ve been working in SEO for many years now and it’s so hard to keep up with the latest information about what you should and shouldn’t do, so a plug in offering that advice is an excellent idea. You’ve got some great tips here.

    Sally @ Life Loving

  11. wendy

    Great post! Really useful tips. I don’t do any of this, I know I should but I just kind of wrote whatever comes out, not worrying about keywords etc. I know my blog is probably suffering for it but I really just can’t be bothered.bad blogger!Maybe when /if I decide to take my blog to the next step I will up my SEO game. These tips are great x #anythinggoes

    • Thank you πŸ™‚ I don’t think it makes you a bad blogger at all! These are just some tips for anyone that wants to improve their SEO but wasn’t sure how. If you enjoy writing your posts the way you do, don’t let anyone tell you you’re wrong!x

  12. Trista, Domesticated Momster

    Great tips Debbie! I am clueless when it comes to SEO. I’m still not even self hosted and probably never will be for I’m afraid of losing anything in the transfer. Thanks so much for hostessing #AnythingGoes!

  13. This is fab Debbie! I was thinking of writing one of these SEO posts myself but I think you have it all covered here. I write under description – I better switch to alt text, thanks for the tips & for hosting x

    • Thank you πŸ™‚ Don’t let this post stop you if you still want to write one, we all have our own takes on things. I’m not sure if description works too but alt text definitely does so may be worth doing both. Thanks for linking up πŸ™‚ x

  14. ali

    thanks for this, i’m useless at optimising my site and tend to just stick to yoast but never get my key word in the first section

  15. I really wished more people used the Alt Text in their pictures. Not only does it help with SEO, but I can’t tell you how frustrated I get when I read a good post and want to pin it, and then the image description just says like “photo 1” or a long list of numbers or something. Give me a description, people! Great post!

  16. Thank you, as a new blogger I found SEO confusing, but I’ve just installed Yoast and things are getting simpler. Thank you x via#KCACOLS

  17. Pen

    Thanks Debbie. I am abit rubbish when it comes to SEO. It really is something I need to pay more attention to. Your tips are really useful. Thanks Pen xx #KCACOLS. Ps I hope you’re well.

  18. I get so confused by this – and I’m a researcher! I need to learn to think backwards – I want people to find this post, what would they search on?!

  19. Yvonne

    Great post, as a newbie I find all this really interesting. I definitely need to work on using key words through out my posts. thanks #anythinggoes xx

  20. absolutely prabulous

    Oh Debs when we finally meet we’re gonna have a loooong conversation about SEO lol. I must admit yes I knew all of these as I use yoast (which super annoyingly tells me the keyword isn’t in my content or even the first 100 words when it is…grrr!) but the ‘invisible’ keyword i didn’t know!! Amazeballs. I only discovered the headings aspect a few months ago to my embarrassment but gave up with it as it totally changed how I wrote and the entire structure of the post became forced and unnatural (I know I should get over this if I’m building a commercially successful blog but hey ho). But the images…how long have we got? I only discovered recently from another blogger’s post that the alt text is important and me oh my what a fiasco I’ve got myself into. Not only do I have to go through the entire site updating all the images but apparently you can’t use the same keyword across multiple images as Google downgrades you…a problem if you’re running a series such as the #OopsFiles! I wish I’d been more aware from the start. Great post again. Thanks love. #TwinklyTuesdays

    • Lol, I’m sure we’ll work it in around putting the world to rights! My Yoast does that too. I sit saying to it, yes it is! I wouldn’t worry to the point where it changes the flow of your post, it’s only something I do if I can work the headings in naturally. I know, the series thing is pretty frustrating. I don’t bother for any of my series. I just use the alt text to name the images for pinning purposes on those ones. Thanks πŸ™‚

  21. Great post! I was aware of some of this, but as I still haven’t yet made the leap to self hosted, I can’t yet access the all-important Yoast Plugin! I keep forgetting about the alt text in the images too so I need to get on to that. Thanks for hosting (my first) #anythinggoes xx

  22. Kelly Robinson

    This was so helpful thank you so much for sharing. I have been blogging since October last year and I seem to learn something new about blogging every day! #AnythingGoes

  23. Mother of 3

    This was so helpful! I have read article after article on SEO and I think this is the first one I have really understood. Thank you.

  24. Silly Mummy

    Really helpful advice. I kind of know about this as my OH is a web developer, but actually dealing with it is another thing altogether! He told me about the alt text actually, but I think I kind of ignored it! #anythinggoes

  25. So helpful thank you! This has always been really confusing to me but you’re explaination helps so much ❀️ #anythinggoes

  26. Great tips and I love Yoast – it’s so easy to use and quickly check your SEO. Picture descriptions are so important, especially in the Alt tag. I try to include the key words but also an actual description of what the image is as this is also picked up by screen readers used by people with visual impairments. Thanks so much for linking up to #KCACOLS and I hope you can make it again next week x

    • Thank you πŸ™‚ Oh good idea about describing the actual image. The post title probably doesn’t really help anyone visually impaired understand what is in the image. Thanks for hosting, I’ll be there πŸ™‚ x

  27. Laura @ Dot Makes 4

    I love this post. So helpful!
    I’ve kept it as a bookmark to use as a reference! πŸ™‚
    Laura xx

  28. I love how you’ve broken this down into simple but effective solutions. I’ve only recently started using it, but definitely could have done with this guideline much sooner! Great post as always πŸ™‚ #AnythingGoes

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