1. Claire at Life Love and Dirty Dishes

    I’ve been getting some traffic from stumble and have just been trying to get to grips with it so this is really useful. Thanks. #BrilliantBlogPosts

  2. Little Miss & Mummy

    Thank you so much for this post. Ive signed up for Stumble Upon and walked away. Time to go back to it today

  3. That’s such a brilliant post! An hour ago, I was just browsing on Instagram and I spotted your post about Stumble Upon, then I came to your site and now I’ve been on Stumble Upon for the best part of an hour! I had no idea how it worked. I had done the ‘Stumble’ thing by just pressing the button and then closing the page and I was wondering what it ever did… I had no idea about the whole site behind the ‘Stumble’ button, he he! Your post is brilliant, informative and I’ll definitely be reading your follow-up post. Thanks for sharing! Pinning now!

  4. Sassy

    Thank you so much for doing this post, sharing what it’s about and how to do it! I really think I must try stumble upon now! xxx

  5. Wow that is so many views Debbie!! I’ve had a few posts get a lot of views but most don’t go up that high! I will have to try your idea of stumbling categories, sounds like you are on to a real winner there! Great post & advice. x

  6. Jenny | Jenny on a Plate

    Thank you, this is really useful! StumbleUpon is one of those things I’ve heard of but have no idea what it’s about, so I’m going to have an experiment with it 🙂

  7. Jodie Allen at Makeup to Motherhood

    This was a very interesting post. I have used stumble upon for a while now but very passively. I do get some traffic from it but I never really understood how to make it work for me more. Thanks for such a useful post! #BinkyLinky

  8. Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap)

    Great post Debbie! I will have a nosey and see if it works for me! My stats have been a bit crappy recently so a boost would be good :- ) xx #binkylinky

  9. Hi Debbie, I did give StumbleUpon a go last year, but felt I was wasting my time (probably because I had no idea what I was doing really).

    You’ve shared some really useful tips and I may even give it another go one day.


    • When I first started out, I did feel like I was going through the motions a bit, but I had heard such good things I stuck with it and starting playing around to see what worked. It is worth having another shot at it 🙂 x

  10. I joined SU ages ago and never really used it at all. Yesterday I was looking at my Google analytics and had a bunch of traffic from it! I’ve never posted on it! So I logged in today and now I’m going to attempt to use it! Thanks for sharing this info – there a lot to take in!! #TheList

  11. Emily

    I haven’t really tried stumble upon will be taking a look soon great post thanks for linking to the #binkylinky

  12. Oh wow I am so off to stumble my list after commenting here. I had only done one because it was more convenient I never thought that it would put them back into the list. Thank you for dispelling some of the myths 🙂 I am hoping to add more posts in the coming days as I still have all my historic ones to add. Thank you for joining us at #BloggerClubUK hope to see you again next week x

    • I think Stumble Upon is one of those networks people are scared to play around with in case they lose their traffic. When I started playing around, I was only getting around 50 views per post so I figured if I lost them, I’d live! I have loads of old posts that need adding, but I never seem to get around to it. Thanks for hosting, see you next week 🙂 x

  13. absolutely prabulous

    Oh my God how amazing is this? Spent the day banging my head against a wall because I found so much rubbish/conflicting advice about how to use Stumbleupon. Then just went on to the list to grab the badge and realised I’d not commented on last week’s linkups. And there you were with a gem of an explanatory post. No wonder you get them views (although I’m laughing at the ‘fair way to go’ and ‘1500 views’ mention in the same line. I don’t do badly but I’d die and go to heaven with 1500 lol) #TheList

  14. Kiri

    Iv’e only just joined stumble upon – I’ve added a few posts and seen quite a big rise in stats already! So thanks for this post as I wasn’t sure about if I needed to add other people’s stuff.

  15. Another one I’ve read is that SU will only allow you to add a certain number of pages from a specific website. If you have already added 150 of yours, I’m going to assume this isn’t true. SU has been very hit and miss for me. Some stuff I’ve added has been seen 1000+, others only a handful. I try to add 10 pages of other peoples work for every one of mine, both just in case SU really does label people as spammers, and also for the good karma. I also like that I have a list there of all the favorite things I’ve read and added

    • I’ve read that too but when I’ve looked into it on the site itself, I really think they are more concerned with business sites that are using the free service when they should be paying. I can’t see them concerning themselves too much with what people are doing unless they can make money from it. It can be a bit hit and miss but I always think it’s worth adding things, it only takes a few minutes and you never know when one will attract a lot of attention.

  16. This is so helpful…I signed up a while ago and just left it as didn’t really understand it so this post is just what I needed… I am having a nose around now! Does it matter how often or when you add your posts? For instance, can you do them in bulk?

  17. Stumble Upon: The Blogger's Guide - Live Love Blog

    […] Read the full post here: Stumble Upon: The Blogger’s Guide […]

  18. I can’t figure out how to stumble my list. I click the button and then it takes me to the first one, but then when I click stumble again it just stumbles randomly – can you explain a little more. Sorry if it’s obvious.

    • I’ve just taken a look and it’s not working for me either. Not sure if it’s a temporary glitch or if they’ve changed the way it works. I’ll keep an eye on it and see if it gets fixed and if it doesn’t, then you can manually stumble each one by starting in a new place on your list each time.

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