Welcome to day fourteen of the A to Z Challenge! My theme is 100 word (give or take a word or two) flash fiction on the darker side of human nature. I hope you enjoy.
The night time is the worst. It’s when the bogeyman comes out to play. It is witching hour and devil’s hour. It is when the monsters come for me. The grim reaper, the demons, the ghosts of the past. I have moved house but they come with me. I have considered an exorcism but it won’t work. I am cursed, I will suffer the monsters for all eternity. They cannot be banished nor defeated. The monsters are in me. They are part of me, the part I try to hold back. I am the monster and the night is my home.
For extended versions of the A-Z flash fiction pieces and some whole new stories too, download my book, Twisted Tales.
Let me know what you think in the comments 🙂
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I think my title for N sums it up best. Noooooo!
Lol, it does sum it up well!
One can grow a bit too comfortable with one’s own monsters, after half an eternity.
Yes, that’s true
I hope the narrator can eventually stand up to these monsters and show them who’s really in charge.
I hope so too!
Chilling last line.
Thank you 🙂
Makes me really curious about him! It could go supernatural or normal!
Yes, that’s a good point. I was kind of thinking of the demons within, but yeah it could totally go supernatural too. Maybe that will be a new avenue for me to explore!
We all have our monsters and life is a constant battle against them. Well constructed.
Meet My Imaginary Friends
Yes, that’s true, we do. Thank you 🙂
Our most horrible demons often lie within us.
I couldn’t agree more!
J here, of the #atozchallenge Arlee Bird’s A to Z Ambassador Team. Thanks for commenting on my blog.
Is the challenge going well for your blog? M marked the halfway point!
My blog’s giveaway is still going. I want everyone to visit more stops. On Sunday, there’s a post about how to better use the image alt code– featured on the main A to Z blog as well as my own.
I’ve followed your listed social media.
I like being a monster of the night… keeps the annoying neighbor kids off the lawn. Ha ha, I’m kidding! Nice work on the writing.
It’s going really well thanks, I can’t believe we’re over half way already! Thank you for the follows, I’ve followed back 🙂
Haha, very good point about keeping the kids off the lawn 🙂 Thank you!
The beginning you make the speaker sound sympathetic, but then it takes a dark twist.
~Ninja Minion Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author
It’s funny because when I was writing this, I was going along the lines of making the narrator a persecuted character, and then the last line just sort of write itself and changed the whole tone.
I love this. The switch in tone works perfectly… It’s a transformation of sorts; he goes from denial (the monster is outside of me, it’s coming to get me) to acceptance (it’s in me, “the parts I try to hold back) to full-out owning it. And I love that this happened unplanned; those are the best twists 🙂
Thank you so much 🙂 I love it when one of my characters surprises me like this!