1. Here’s a confession. I’ve only wished a long and painful death upon two people in my entire life. I was very disappointed when one of those people passed recently, and I didn’t feel that they had suffered quite enough. Does that make me a bad person?
    I usually tend to let things roll off the shoulder and just move on with life. Ultimately, it makes me a happier person.

    • I’m guessing that whoever that person was, they must have done something really bad to you to make you feel that way so I would say it makes you human to feel that way. I do feel happier when I just let things go, but sometimes, that’s easier said than done.

  2. I just saw this quote on Facebook the other day and it’s so true. As I write posts about forgiveness and healing, this is the perfect quote to sum up how I feel about it but it took me a long time to realize this. I was the one suffering and I had to learn to let some things go so that I could be happy and healthy. Great quote to share Debbie! #candidcuddles

  3. I like that quote. I’m definitely one to hold onto anger. I’ve never been into all that forgiveness stuff, some people don’t deserve forgiveness and harboring anger doesn’t weigh me down or hold me back one bit. πŸ˜€

  4. This was just what I needed to read today, I’ve seen that quote before but not recently and it’s so appropriate for me right now! I’m feeling so much anger, and yes, the person who is hurting so much because of it is me and only me. My latest post is about letting go of negativity and I need to let go of the anger too. I just wish I knew how!

  5. This quote is absolutely awesome! It is so true! I held onto so much stress for so long and watched the person who hurt me act like normal, it caused me more pain and him none. I had to let go, not for him, but for me and my family xx Thanks for linking #candidcuddles

  6. Great quote… I might need to write this one down on the back of my hand as a reminder. Someone makes me feel really cross and on edge, but deep down I know that if I could let go of the negativity it wouldn’t be half as bad. #candidcuddles

  7. I’m a very forgiving person by nature, but everybody needs to deal with pain in their own way. To tell somebody who’s been incredibly hurt that they need to let go when they aren’t ready . . . I think that can be more harmful than the anger is in the first place. They could feel ashamed and like they’re a bad person and wonder what’s wrong with them when everybody else seems to be able to forgive.

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