Do you find that you often feel lacking in energy and that you get too tired too quickly? If you have a healthy diet, get enough sleep and exercise regularly, it can be difficult to understand why you feel lethargic all the time.
The ancient practice of chakra balancing may be something you want to try. It’s a way of finding balance within your body and mind, and anyone can try it out to see if it helps them rediscover their equilibrium.
What are the chakras?
When viewing the body in terms of chakras, it is divided up into seven zones, and for good holistic health, each area should allow energy to flow freely through it. When the chakras are balanced, the different sections of our bodies can work in harmony and we feel energised. Each of the seven chakras is said to have a spiritual purpose:
- Root chakra – about feeling grounded and secure
- The Sacral chakra – relating to feelings of pleasure, creativity and acceptance
- Solar plexus chakra – relating to feelings of confidence and self-worth
- Heart chakra – linked to feelings of giving and receiving love
- Throat chakra – about being able to express and communicate
- Third eye chakra – gives us the ability to understand life and perceive meaning
- Crown chakra – allows us to feel connected and purposeful
Another way of thinking about the chakras is to think of each one relating to a different organ system, located in the same body zone. For the body and mind to be healthy, all of our organs need to be working at their optimum level.
When you have blocked energy in one or more chakras, it is thought that this can lead to illness affecting those areas of the body. Chakra blockages could also account for feeling tired and lacking in energy. There are different ways that you can work to shift blocked chakra energies using yoga and meditation, or a holistic therapy such as acupuncture.
Yoga practioners often talk about the importance of allowing life energy (or chi) to flow freely through the body. Yoga is closely linked to chakra balancing and specific poses are beneficial for different chakras. The tree pose is linked to the root chakra as it provides a sense of grounding. Meanwhile camel pose allows the heart chakra to open up. Practising yoga is a great way to combine exercise with chakra stimulation and balancing.
“meditation” (CC BY 2.0) by Spirit-Fire
Try to visualise glowing shapes that match the chakra colours, starting at the root chakra and moving upwards. As you work through the chakras, tune into the relevant parts of the body and be aware of and acknowledge any sensations in them. The process of meditation can be very calming and restorative in itself, let alone the effect it can have on the chakra balance.
An acupuncturist will often stimulate different points that relate to chakras to bring them into balance with one another, reactivating those that are underactive and calming the chakras that are over-stimulated.
Chakra balancing will make more sense to some people than others, but one thing is certain. There’s no harm in trying to balance your chakras through activities such as yoga and meditation and seeing whether it brings you increased energy levels and feelings of well-being.
Written by Zoe Miles
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
When I was tired all the time, balancing my chakras didn’t help. Turned out I needed some serious adrenal help. But that’s a story for a different time.
One of the blogs I read regularly is written by a lady with adrenal insufficiency and from what I’ve read there, I think it’s too big a problem for something this simple to have much effect on!
Nicely explained the elementary. Well introduced the a/b/c of the subject. The entry into usage of the thesis is yet due. It would be nice to name the Sanskrit nomenclature and meaning thereof in terms of physical organs. Knowledge of breathing exercises, the Pranayama, absolutely necessary. Progress not possible without the tutelage of a knowledgeable Guru, till the ‘shishya’ commences to swim when he/she could be left alone to experience oneself. Om Sai Ram !
Thanks for the comment 🙂
I practice all of these, except acupunture. There’s nothing quite like a chakra balance along with reiki self-treatment – bliss! When I had my reiki 1 attunement, I found that I had so much more energy for the following couple of weeks. It was an incredible feeling and now I definitely find that taking a step back and meditating with crystals helps when I’m feeling lethargic 🙂
It sounds like it’s having a huge positive effect for you! Really good to hear 🙂