Today’s post was going to a round up of my favourite swimwear and summer outfits but those posts are literally everywhere I look at the minute and I really don’t think I have anything new to add to the mix.
So, I sit here (last minute as usual) pondering what to write instead. I can think of a good few positive posts to write, but seeing as tomorrow is #effitfriday day over on Life With Baby Kicks I thought I would have a little rant instead.
You know what really bugs me lately? People who are getting served in a shop or where ever and they continue to talk on their mobile phone.
For the record, this isn’t a problem I have at work (I work in a pub if you don’t already know). If someone comes to the bar when they’re on the phone I ignore them completely until they’ve finished. If they have the cheek to moan because they were ignored I smile sweetly and tell them it would have been rude of me to interrupt when the call was obviously so important. They’re never quite sure it’s sarcasm (it is).
In a lot of places, it seems the staff are expected to just suck it up and take whatever crap they are dealt, including trying to effectively serve someone who is ignoring them completely.
Talking on the phone while someone is serving you is like telling that person that they really don’t matter – they’re just a server not a person.
I think these types of people take the word “serve” too literally. The people working in stores etc are just that – people. They aren’t your personal slaves, and you aren’t doing them a favour letting them serve you.
Treat them as you would like to be treated, it really isn’t that hard.
Obviously, there’s a chance that call is hugely important – don’t join the queue until you’re finished. And if the call comes as you’re being served, at least have the decency to apologise before taking the call.
I once read somewhere that it should be a legal requirement that everyone works at least 6 months in a shop, bar or restaurant. I think this would be a good idea, it may well teach some people some basic manners.
I can’t be the only person this annoys. Does it annoy you when you see people do it? What would you do if you have to serve someone who was on the phone? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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Oh yes, it’s beyond annoying. It gives multi tasking a bad name. It’s been several years since I’ve worked in a shop. You are right it should be compulsory,I don’t think it’ll help though. People are too wrapped up in themselves. I’ve had fun with a few cashiers eye rolling at people who do this. It’s just rude!!
You’re probably right – the sort of people who think being rude is ok probably wouldn’t learn much from the experience. I do love a good eye roll haha
I’ve definitely been guilty of this Debbie. and I know it’s terrible I always try the apologetic smile and the hang on to the person on the phone! the other problem I have is my children taking all my attention when I’m being served!
See I can tolerate it if the person is apologetic, it’s when they think they are so important that the cashier doesn’t matter! I can imagine the children one, and I don’t think it’s rude to try and stop your children running away/adding stuff to your basket etc 🙂
Yes very annoying! Especially when they start gesticulating wildly and the poor person at the till can’t work out what they are trying to say! Xx
Yes, that must be so annoying! x
I agree completely. I once told someone “I don’t object to cell phones. It’s the way people use them that bothers me.
I’ve rarely been in a position to complain when someone’s ignoring me, but when I have I just ignore them until they put the phone away, if possible.
That’s a good way of looking at it! If used in a decent way they’re a great invention 🙂
It is annoying and rude.
Yep exactly!
I’m seeing a lot of this, too. Yeah, kids make phone calls while in class! Um, no, you’re supposed to be working, not calling Mom to get her to bring you food to school. Seriously.
I love your response to people. “Important call”. I may have to steal that one.
Wow seriously? Making calls in class takes rude to a whole new level, you would think their parents would tell them off for calling them in lesson time!
Haha, feel free 🙂
Yes this is the height of rudeness. I hate it when I see people doing this, as though their time is more important than the other person’s! #effitfriday
Exactly! The person is being paid to sort your purchases, not be your servant!
I have served people without a single word being exchanged. It does make you feel like a non-person or some sort of ‘seen but not heard’ servant. Very very rude! #BloggerClubUK
It amazes me how some people seem to struggle with something as basic as “hello” “please” and “thank you”!