1. An imperfect mum (Catie)

    So very true- I think we are all guilty of getting stuck in that rut sometimes! Thanks for sharing 🌸

  2. I have this problem of making these goals, especially with my book, then not following through because I have so many other things going on at the same time then by the time I get around to working on it, I’m too exhausted. I hate that! This quote is such a great reminder to just do it! Popping over from #candidcuddles

    • I know exactly what you mean. It can be easy to push writing back when you don’t have a deadline, and the more you push it back, the easier it becomes to just think about writing instead of actually writing!

  3. Hmm, thought provoking. It’s tempting to stay in the safety zone, but sometimes it may be better to take a chance. Who knows where it might lead!

  4. Trista, Domesticated Momster

    I do believe we all get stuck in ruts sometimes. There are times it’s all I have in me just to keep the kids alive and other days I could conquer everything in one day. Just depends. But for the most part I just try to take a timeout when I know I need it. Thanks so much for hostessing #candidcuddles sorry for the delay in commenting as it’s been quite the crazy week and the linky commenting has suffered.

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