As part of my Over To You theme, it was suggested that I do a spotlight interview on a new blogger. This fab suggestion was from Sarah over at The Mumzilla
When I started looking for a new blogger to take part on the interview, I had a lot of interest, so I have decided to make this a regular feature.
If you would like to take part, and your blog is under six months old, or has been re-launched in the last six months, please email me
Without any further ramblings from me, I would like to introduce you all to Bridget from Bridie by the Sea.
1 Firstly, tell us a little bit about yourself
My name’s Bridget – I’m 32 and a first time Mum to my one year old, Emma and also a step-mum to a pre-teen. Since my pregnancy I have moved from London to Brighton and love being by the sea. We’re still in that stage of a serious lack of sleep so most of the time I’m guzzling coffee and eating Kit Kats, which is working for the extra energy required!
2 What is your blog’s name and what is it about?
My blog is called Bridie by The Sea and it’s a journal of my life with our wonderful family, getting to grips with being a mum as well as a step mum. The first question I get asked is – why Bridie? It’s a nickname that has stuck from my other half, who is Irish and tells me it’s a nickname for Bridget.
Mostly, it’s the musings that go on in my head, so ends up being a bit of everything. Sleep and feeding your baby are featured quite a bit, naturally!
3 Why did you decide to start a blog?
I wanted a place to remember all the little details about Emma growing up as I’m sure I’ll forget some things. I also wanted a creative outlet to exercise the old brain cells that have been focussing on baby things for the past year. I love being able to express myself and write about whatever takes my fancy. The discovery that the blogging community are so welcoming and encouraging is just the cherry on the top, it gives you such a boost as a newbie blogger.
4 Do you have any goals for your blog?
My current goal is to increase the number of people subscribed to my blog – it’s slowly growing but if I could make it to 100 subscribers, I think I’m going to have a mini dance on the kitchen table! I would also love to start vlogging, but still mustering up the courage to do so.
5 Tell us one random fact about you
I used to go to theatre school and would have loved to be in a musical. Though my ballet teacher at the time made no qualms in telling me as it is, that I can’t sing. Brutal honesty eh!
6 What is the best piece of blog related advice you have received so far?
Write from the heart and that often the posts that make you scared to hit ‘publish’ are the best received. And the golden rule: comment comment comment! Sorry, that was 3 pieces of advice wasn’t it?!
7 What is your favourite thing about blogging?
Meeting new bloggers via social media – it’s made me not feel as alone as a mum and as mentioned before, the support is just incredible. I wish I had started blogging sooner!
8 Is there anything you would do differently if you were starting over knowing what you know now?
I would have gone self-hosted from the start. I wasn’t sure how I’d finding blogging so didn’t want to make that commitment right away, but it really is the way forward. It’s also not as scary as it seems, from a technical point of view and there are always people who can help you if you get stuck.
9 Anything else you’d like to share with us?
Thank you for having me! I’m also a huge fan of cheese jokes so I’ll leave you with my favourite:
10 Where can we find you? (blog link and links to any social media)
You can find me here:
Blog, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Thanks for taking part Bridget.
Don’t forget to pop over and see Bridget and of course, leave her some lovely comments below 🙂
Great idea for a feature. Congrats, Bridget, on the blog. I hope you get your 100 subscribers soon.
Thank you 🙂
Thank you very much for your comment 🙂 x
I love this idea, I wish I had the opportunity to do this when I was a new blogger!
Bridie by the Sea, I have read some of your posts and I think you’re awesome. I feel the same as you about vlogging. I will do it eventually, but I don’t get any peace currently, so it would most likely be interrupted.
When you get 100 subscribers I think you should do a vlog, followed by a (videoed) dance on the kitchen table! Lol 🙂
Thank you 🙂 I second the videoed dance idea!
Thank you for your lovely comment – I’m blown away to be honest! You’ve made me have a second ponder about vlogging, but if I do – I promise the kitchen table dance will be a feature 😉 xx
hah that cheese joke is so funny, never heard that! You should totally Vlog, it can seem scary, but I can tell you would have charisma just by the way you write, plus you would look beautiful on camera! #anythinggoes
I agree, I think she would be fab at vlogging!
Thank you so much for the lovely comment , I’ll give it another think! I’ve sort of fallen in love with Instagram so it’s quite enticing to try vlogging as well! xx
Love this! Good advice and an interesting read! Look forward to finding out about more members of this fun community! #AnythingGoes
Thank you 🙂
Thank you 🙂 It’s a wonderful series, can’t wait to read who’s next under the spotlight! x
Bridie is fantastic and I enjoy reading her blog. It’s awesome she’s featured and I like to read more about her. #BloggerClubUK
Her blog is fab isn’t it!
Thank you Sarah, so kind of you xxx
what a nice idea for a series, it’s interesting to hear from new bloggers who are also building up their blogs. I have also found that the most scary mosts are the ones that are best received, it’s great tip to remember. #BloggerClubUK
Thank you 🙂 I found that too, it’s weird isn’t it!
Thank you very much for your comment 🙂 x
Bridie you know how much I love you and your writing already, but it’s lovely to read more about you xxx #BloggerClubUK
Her blog is awesome! x
Aww Fi, thank you so much lovely! I was quite surprised to come and see all these amazing comments. So pleased you enjoyed reading xxx
Love this feature! Amazing to give parent bloggers the exposure they deserve (: #BloggersClubuk
Thank you – I think it’s a brilliant feature too 🙂
Lovely to learn more about you, Birdie! I have enjoyed your posts and instagram pics. #BloggerClubuk
Thanks for the comment 🙂
Thanks Jane 🙂 x
Love this, love Bridgets blog and what a lovely lady she is too. I would give exactly the same advice for bloggers, writing from the heart is so important rather than writing what you think people want to hear. Great post, thanks for sharing #BloggerClubUK
Thank you 🙂 Yes, I would definitely agree with that too!
Oh lovely Laura – thank you for the wonderful comment! So pleased you liked reading it, it’s been so wonderful being featured 🙂 Thanks again for all your support with my blog xx
Love these finding out posts and love Bridie’s posts too. #bloggerclubuk
Thank you so much for reading 🙂
Great interview, Bridget’s lovely personality shines though.:)
Thank you Sarah, so kind of you to say 🙂
Oh, HELLO Bridie! Lovely feature and I knew what I was going to read was going to be awesome 🙂 That is also my favourite cheese joke, though my best joke of all time is ‘Why do mice have small balls?’ ‘Because not that many know how to dance.’ Probably why balls feature in my posts rather heavily (ahem) sometimes. Anyway, I digress … great to meet you Bridie!! #bloggerclubuk
HELLO lovely! Aww you’re so kind, thank you. I am sitting here LOL’ing at your joke – I will steal this for future engagements as I think people are tiring of my cheese ones 🙂 Thank you for reading xx
I love the name of your blog! I might have to try out the cheese joke too 😉 #bloggerclubuk
Ah thank you! It came about by accident as there is a football chant called “come on Sussex by the sea….” that my hubby and stepson love to sing 🙂 Thank you for commenting x
Big fan of Bridie and her lovely artwork as well as her writing. I also love halloumi 😊 Brilliant idea to feature new bloggers.
Thank you 🙂 Bridie’s blog is awesome!
Love getting to know you more Bridget! Lovely feature! It is always great getting to know the writers of the blogs we follow! All the best! xoxo #bloggerclubuk
Thank you very much for reading – it’s such a brilliant feature! xx
This is a great series for new bloggers to get their names out there Debbie. Good on you for giving them this chance! I love Bridget’s blog name too! So fun! #bloggerclubuk
Thank you, it’s great to be able to help out some new bloggers like people did for me when I was new.
You know I really can’t remember making this suggestion – was it on the facebook group?! Thank you for the nod though 🙂 #BloggerClubUK
I’m not sure if it was in the group or on the comments here lol
Lovely to read about other newbie bloggers and their inspiration. #bloggerclubuk
Thank you 🙂
Thank you for reading x
love this idea! off to have a proper nosey at your blog now Bridget xx #anythinggoes x
Thank you 🙂 I hope you enjoy her blog x
Thank you for reading and for having a look at my blog – hope you enjoy! x
I couldn’t agree more with some of the points you’ve raised. Blogging does become an exercise for the brain particularly when it comes to computer code. It’s also true that there is a lovely community surrounding blogging, perhaps that’s because we are all in the same boat. #AnythingGoes
Coding the work of the devil lol!
I’m not sure about that. #BloggerClubUk
It definitely does exercise the brain – coding can be the worst! Thanks for commenting x
What a great idea. As a new blogger it’s so easy to get overwhelmed with everything but it’s been lovely to find fellow bloggers like you who are keen to share and support us newbies.
Bridget – 100 followers sounds like a good aim. I’m sure you’ll smash it.
Thank you 🙂 It is a bit overwhelming at first but as a whole, the blogging community is really welcoming which makes it a bit easier.
Oh great idea for a feature and lovely to get to know Bridie better. Bridie I want to see you vlogging #bloggerclubuk
Great series. It’s always nice to be able to find out more about the person behind the blog especially with parent blogs as we spend so much time mainly writing about the kids.
Thank you 🙂 I agree, it’s lovely getting to know a bit about other bloggers
Great idea for introducing new bloggers to more established ones.
And Bridie, best of luck in getting your first 100. I’m still working towards that goal myself x
Thank you 🙂 x
Love posts like these. I’m looking forward to popping over to Bridie’s blog to have a good old nose! #BloggerClubUK
Thank you for your lovely comment – hope you enjoy the blog! x
Ooo what a great feature! My blog is under 6 months old, I’ll definitely send you an email ☺️ it’s so great to get to know the writers behind a blog, I hope you hit 100 soon Bridie, that’s one of my goals too! Xx #bloggerclubuk
Thank you 🙂
aww totally gorgeous to read a little more about you Bridie! Theatre school? Wow! I want to hear more about that! And love love love that joke – halloumi is my favourite cheese! #BloggerClubUK
Theatre school sounds great doesn’t it!
It’s nice to learn more about you Bridie! I assumed you were Irish by your blog name, that’s cute that your husband gave you that nickname. Great cheese joke lol #BloggerClubUK
I assumed she was Irish too!
Blogger Spotlight Interviews: 10 of My Favourites So Far - My Random Musings
[…] Bridie by the Sea […]