Welcome to this week’s Blogger Spotlight, a series that showcases some of the newest blogs around. This week, I am pleased to welcome Laura from Dear Bear and Beany.
1 Firstly, tell us a little bit about yourself
Hi, I’m Laura, I am wife to Andy and mummy to Alice, age 3 and Holly, Age 1. We live in Berkshire and I am a stay at home mum.
2 What is your blog’s name and what is it about?
My blog is called Dear Bear and Beany, it is a family lifestyle blog. I love to share stories about our life, the ups and downs. It’s my place to empty all the thoughts in my head that is constantly working overtime.
3 Why did you decide to start a blog?
I first thought about writing a blog nearly four years ago, when I was on maternity leave with Alice. But, I just didn’t quite find the push I needed. Then when my maternity leave with Holly came to an end and we made the decision for me not to return to work, I felt that I needed something for me. Something that could let me be me and with the final push from my husband, Dear Bear and Beany was born.
4 Do you have any goals for your blog?
The more I blog, the more I love it. My goal is to carry on as I am doing what I love and seeing where that path takes me…
5 Tell us one random fact about you
I hate tea! It made my mum sick when she was pregnant with me and so she only drank coffee, which I love. Weirdly my brother is the opposite and only drinks tea, because coffee made my mum sick.
6 What is the best piece of blog related advice you have received so far?
I haven’t received any advice directly from anyone. But I have read a lot of blog posts about blogging and blogging for newbies, the best piece of advice I have read is to just concentrate on writing for you, find your voice and let all the other stuff just fall into place.
7 What is your favourite thing about blogging?
I have two things, sorry is that cheating 🙂 I love that it is all mine, I can take it in any direction I want, I can post anything I want, I don’t answer to anyone. I also love the blogging community, everyone is really friendly and supportive. At the moment I am on the side line looking in, but I hope over time I will be feel more part of it and that excites me.
8 Is there anything you would do differently if you were starting over knowing what you know now?
I wish I could go back four years and tell myself, it’s amazing, you are going to love it, just do it.
9 Anything else you’d like to share with us?
Anyone reading this that is thinking about starting a blog, just go for it you won’t look back.
10 Where can we find you? (blog link and links to any social media)
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram , Pinterest and of course my blog – dear bear and beany.
Don’t forget to pop over and see Laura, and of course leave her some lovely comments below 🙂
Thank you for having me as part of your series. I enjoyed answering the questions X
You’re welcome, it’s been a pleasure to introduce you to my readers 🙂 x
I love the random fact!!! that is amazing! It’s funny I often wonder with things like this did we influence the baby or did they influence us? When I was pregnant with my second daughter I went really organic and had to buy organic bamboo cloth nappies, I was meditating, and almost like a hippy. Her whole birth was the complete opposite to my first (so stressful), it was like an out of body experience, the room was dark and silent. And my daughter now at 9 is so floaty and carefree and quirky, I call my children different names on my blog to protect their privacy, but she even has a hippy name lol. I wonder did I affect her, or was it all her and she made me change during that pregnancy? Sorry for bobbing on, have great day xx #anythinggoes
The birth sounds like a great experience, like it was very natural and you were really in touch with your body. That’s a really good point – did you affect your daughter or did she affect you! x
Lovely to be introduced to new bloggers, so hello Laura! I couldn’t get through my day without tea, but probably drink way too much! Good luck with your blogging and I shall look out for you. Good to connect. Alison x #AnythingGoes
I think we all need that caffeine boost most days 🙂 x
Good stuff as always, and great to branch out to other bloggers… #AnythingGoes
Thank you 🙂
Lovely to hear more about you! I think those are my two favourite things about blogging too – the community is awesome, and I love having a hobby which is all about me. 🙂 #anythinggoes
I love the community, bloggers are so nice and welcoming 🙂
yep – just do it! and enjoy it – don’t worry about stats and positions and what not at first – just write from your heart #anythinggoes
I totally agree, once you fall in love with the writing, the rest will come 🙂
I really like this type of post. She is so true about just writing fir you #AnythingGoes
Thank you 🙂 I totally agree about writing for yourself too!
I dont know anyone who doesnt like Tea! I adore my cuppa tea 😀 But I’m Irish so that goes with the territory 🙂 So nice to read how you started blogging and why you enjoy it! Thanks for sharing #AnythingGoes
I love a good cup of tea or coffee 🙂
I can totally relate to this, I too started blogging when we decided I wouldn’t return to work. I really felt like I needed something for me and so I started my blog!
A blog is a great way to have your own outlet 🙂
Lol Welcome to blogging Laura 🙂 Its a great outlet for mummies and i get what you mean about it being all yours.
Thanks for introducing her Debbie
Thanks Sarah, I love Laura’s blog 🙂
I’ll be checking out your blog immediately. Nice to meet you. #BloggerClubUK
Laura’s blog is fab, you won’t be disappointed!
Hello Laura. Lovely to hear about you. You’ve got some spot on advice.
Sally @ Life Loving
Laura is a fab blogger 🙂
Oh I love Laura’s blog and I like what she says about why she loves blogging, that it is all hers and that the blogging community are so supportive – I agree! #bloggerclubuk
I agree too, the community is lovely and having your own little space is great 🙂
I love reading why people blog and finding out more about them! Thanks for sharing! #bloggerclubuk
Me too 🙂
I think that’s the wonderful thing about blogging that can give us purpose and meaning to our lives, a way to stay connected, without going ‘out’ to work. Blogging is wonderful.
Interesting about the coffee, tea and pregnancy thing. I had a terrible pregnancy diet, and now my daughter is pretty fussy! #BloggerClubUK
Blogging is, as you say, such a good way to meet people without having to go out!
My goodness honey you hate tea – how do you make it through the day ha ha! Great to meet you Laura ! Debbie this series is great xx #bloggerclubuk
Thanks Fi, I’m really enjoying it 🙂 x
Brilliant series and love the questions. You really find out more about the blogger which is lovely. #bloggerclubuk xx
Thank you, I love having a nosey into other blogger’s lives! x
Great to read about the person behind the blog, so hello Laura. Love how you started your blog just for you, reckon that’s the best way & I couldn’t agree more about how friendly & supportive the blogging community is.
Lovely to meet Laura and get to know her blogging goals. Definitely agree that it’s lovely to have something that is just your own, to take in whatever direction you want, another “baby” in a way!
As a non-parent, my blog is definitely my baby lol
Love the random fact! I’m definitely a coffee person! #bloggerclubuk
Love the random fact. I’m definitely a coffee person! #bloggerclubuk
I like both coffee and tea 🙂
What a fab way to introduce new bloggers!! Hello Laura 😊 I was very much the same with my first baby I really wanted to start writing and didn’t have the push to do it until my little boy came along! Although I spend more words on my big girl than my wee boy! #bloggerclubuk
Thank you 🙂
Back again for #BloggerClubUK !
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Ah I love this series and finding bloggers that I may not have come across yet. It’s inspiring that the more you blog, the more you fall in love with it – I’m so pleased it’s all working out well for Laura and that she pushed herself to make it happen 😊 #bloggerclubuk
Thank you 🙂 I agree, it does grab you and make you love it!
Loved Laura’s answers, and I agree with her view of blogging and the blogging community completely 🙂
Me too, I love the blogging community!
Great random fact! I am a new blogger like Laura and lovely to read her thoughts. Enjoy, good luck and hope it brings you everything you hope for! #BloggerClubUK x
Thanks for the comment, feel free to email me if you want to take part in the series 🙂 x
This is such a great idea, I have followed parenting blogs for ages and recently decided to take the plunge and do it myself. It is so nice to find new blogs to read and follow. I love that no 2 are the same! #bloggerclubuk
Thank you 🙂 I love that too – with all the millions of blogs out there, they are still unique!
We have definite tea and coffee separates at home too. Nice to find out about you. #BloggerClubUk
I like both 🙂
Ah lovely to get to know more about you Laura – I totally understand your feelings about blogging as having something for yourself, and also how wonderful the blogging community is. I think your attitude is brilliant too as the writing should always be the focus of a blog in my opinion!
This is such a great series Debbie, it’s lovely to get to know other new bloggers better.
Thank you, I’m really enjoying the series, I love having a nose into other blogger’s lives!
Love reading about why other bloggers start and being a newbie I am so encouraged about your advice and doing it for me and being myself. It can be quite overwhelming taking on so much advice! Looking forward to reading more from your blog. 🙂
I love these type posts too! Feel free to get in touch if you would like to take part in the interview series 🙂
I always enjoy finding new blogs to read 🙂 I can’t eat any of the food that made my mum sick when pregnant either!
It seems a few people are saying that. I’m going to have to ask my mum if anything made her sick!
It’s amazing how addicting blogging is! I think that is the perfect advice – your voice comes out over time & things fall together. We all go through the new blogger panics though & questioning. And I’m still in & out of it lol Great to learn more about you, Laura! #BloggerClubUK
It really is addictive! I don’t think it matters how long you’ve been blogging I think you still question yourself sometimes
Hi Laura! Lovely to learn a little more about you! Isn’t the blogging community just fab?! And you’re so right about the advice to anyone thinking of starting a blog – they must! Thank you for sharing #BloggerClubUK
I totally agree with both of those points 🙂
I love getting to know more about bloggers!! What a lovely way to find out all about Laura and what drives her to write #BloggerClubUK
I love it too, I love a good nosey into other people’s lives lol 🙂
Hi Laura – nice to get to know you a bit better. I have a friend who doesn’t drink hot drinks – ANY HOT DRINKS!! I mean, how can you adult without a hot drink??! 😉
You are so right about the blogging community – so supportive and welcoming.
Great series Debbie x
Thank you 🙂 And I agree about the hot drinks! x
Thank you everyone for all your lovely comments, so nice to pop on and see them all. X
Glad you saw them all Laura 🙂 x
Lovely to read more about you Laura and your reasons for starting a blog. I think the advice you’ve shared is very important and I love the fact that one of your favourite things about blogging is the fact that your blog is all yours and you can take it in any direction you want. The blogging community is also one of my favourite things about blogging. How funny that you don’t like tea because it made your mum sick when she was pregnant with you and the same is true for your brother with coffee. #bloggerclubuk
It’s great having that creative freedom isn’t it. I love the community too, such a lovely bunch of people 🙂
love this series! Lovely to learn more about Laura… I too blog for a bit of something for me away from the kids and husband (even though my blogs are ALL about the kids and husband lol) but…I get where Laura is coming from. #BloggerClubUK
Thank you 🙂 Lol, it’s still your own little space which is great!
I started my blog on maternity leave too for very similar reasons, and I’m planning to continue it now that I’m back at work because I love how it forces me to use my brain in a different way. I agree that the blogging community is fab too! #BloggerClubUK
This is such a great series! I love to hear other people’s stories about why they started blogging and love the random question too! I’m delighted you’re enjoying blogging, Laura. I think for many of us, there’s been a creative person waiting to break out for years and when we finally publish our first post we’ve got wings and we are writing and we are being creative. Its wonderful. All the best! #bloggerclubuk
Thank you, I do too 🙂 I love that about us getting out wings!
I know so many mummy bloggers that started their blogging journey while on maternity leave – myself included. It’s a great outlet – and I too love the community. So many nice, helpful people. Looking forward to looking at your blog. #BloggerClubUK
The blogging community is fab, so welcoming and helpful 🙂
Lovely to find out a bit more about you Laura. I went off milk when I was pregnant with my second and hated the fact I couldn’t drink tea! Certainly made up for it though after she was born. #BloggerClubUk
It must be very frustrating going off something that’s a sort of part of your daily routine!
I love Lauras blog and it was so lovely to read a little more about her. So many bloggers seem to start their blog while on maternity leave! I think it’s a great way of keeping your brain ticking amongst all of those sleepless nights and nappies! #BloggerClubUK
I do too 🙂 yes, I’ve seen loads of blogs that started when the blogger was on maternity leave, I think you make a good point about it keeping your brain ticking
Love these kinds of posts!!
Thank you 🙂 x
Oh you so have the blogger bug! Like you I wish I could go back and stat my blogging earlier than I did #BloggerClubUK
That would be great wouldn’t it!
It is great to have a blog that you can do with what you wish. It’s all yours in that way. Great interview.
I agree, it’s lovely having your own little space 🙂 Thank you!
Lovely guest post. I love Dear Bear & Beany’s blog and think you have done fantastically well in the short time you have been blogging. I really enjoy reading your posts and love the advice you have given here 🙂 Emily #BloggerClubUK
I love her blog too, it’s fab 🙂
Ooh I enjoy posts like this – I read Laura’s blog and its fab! I love a good cuppa tea – but strangely go off it when I’m pregnant, in fact that’s how I knew I was pregnant with my second!# bloggerclubuk
Thank you 🙂 I love Laura’s blog too. Fab way to know you’re pregnant lol!
Love these kinds of posts as you get introduced to lots of lovely new blogs! Thanks for sharing #bloggerclubuk
It’s a fab way to find new blogs to read, I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂
That is so random and interesting about tea! What a random fact! I went completely off tea and chocolate when I was pregnant with H… then gradually go back to decaf tea, and chocolate a while later. Now, given H, at 18 months, points at a cup and says ‘tea’ and doesn’t seem averse to chocolate I’m not sure it’ll be the case with her!
Great to know more about you!! This seems a great series! #bloggerclubuk
It must be different for different people! I’m loving the series, great to have a nosey into other blogger’s lives 🙂
Love these posts I am a real nosey parker!
Thanks for sharing #bloggerclubuk x
Haha, me too! x
aww lovely interview, and definitely good advice about just giving blogging a try, it is addictive!
It really is!
Ohh I was so excited when I noticed it was Laura on blogger spotlight this week. I love her blog!! Good advice too, I wish I had started it properly years ago 🙂 #BloggerClubUK
I do too 🙂 And yes, I also wish I had started ages ago!
Hi Laura lovely to find out more about you. Great advice about finding your voice and I agree it is lovely to have something that is mine! #bloggerclubuk
It’s fab having that space that’s totally our own!
Oh I love this – I’ve not seen this before. Will definitely be checking Laura’s blog out. #BloggerClubUK
Thank you, I’m glad you liked it. Laura’s blog is fab, you won’t be disappointed 🙂
What a great idea for a series 🙂 lovely to get to know new bloggers.
Laura – I know what you mean about starting I was umming and arrring for ages! And then the name came to me and that was it! I read articles all the time – there’s so much to learn!! Really loving your blog my dear xx
Thank you, I love getting a nosey into other blogger’s lives! x
Lovely to learn more about Laura! Loving that random fact about the tea and coffee & her & her brother – how weird is that? #BloggerClubUK
It is weird isn’t it! Goes to show we start learning even in the womb 🙂