This week, we have Eliana from The Family Treasure taking part in the Blogger Spotlight interview.
If you would like to take part, and your blog is under six months old, or has been re-launched in the last six months, please email me
1 Firstly, tell us a little bit about yourself
Mum of 2, wife of 1 J Born in Lima, raised in Barcelona, married to a Corinthians fan from Sao Paulo, and growing our family in Manchester, UK. My professional background is in Advertising and PR but I’m currently on maternity leave, juggling time between my baby boy, my 4y.o. little princess and my new-discovered passion, blogging, oh! And my hubby, of course… 😉
2 What is your blog’s name and what is it about?
My blog is called “The Family Treasure” and it’s our own little corner where we share the experiences of living in UK. How we adapt ourselves and learn a new culture while raising our kids and facing the same challenges that probably every other family does.
3 Why did you decide to start a blog?
The first and main reason was to keep our families, who live far away from us, on track of what we were up to in this new adventure. That was almost 3 years ago. Now the blog is more public to everyone and we like to share our family experiences with other families with the aim to entertain, uplift and for those who are in a similar situation, be a point of reference.
4 Do you have any goals for your blog?
I’d like to feel more established as a blogger, grow my audience and feel more involved with the blogging community. Working with brands would be a great experience as well, but not my big aim at the moment.
5 Tell us one random fact about you
Even though I was born in Lima, Peru, and my parents are Peruvians, my second surname is Bay, so part of my ancestors came from these Islands.
6 What is the best piece of blog related advice you have received so far?
The best one, and actually the one I’ve read in more than one blog, is to write for yourself and not for others. Sometimes I fall into the feeling that if I know one type of posts had the most views I should write all the rest around the same thing or following the same style, but the truth is that there are other blogposts that I’ve written which are very close to my heart that maybe only had very few views and comments, but I still love them and wouldn’t change them at all.
7 What is your favourite thing about blogging?
My favourite thing is the good vibes of the blogging community. I’m not sure if it’s only among the parenting-family bloggers or it might happen with other type of bloggers as well, but everyone seems to be very friendly and nice. I assume not all that glitters is gold and that I may encounter not so good experiences in the future, but so far so good.
8 Is there anything you would do differently if you were starting over knowing what you know now?
I would have prepared myself a bit more, trying to learn all the basics first instead of just jumping into the water and start “throwing” all my content… I suppose I was just testing waters in the beginning and it was just more like a diary to myself, literally to myself, because I don’t think anybody else read my blog, lol… but knowing what I know now, I’d have liked to have a better strategy and more knowledge.
9 Anything else you’d like to share with us?
Thank you for this opportunity! It is lovely to be able to introduce myself to other bloggers and readers.
10 Where can we find you? (blog link and links to any social media)
Blog link:
Social media
- Facebook Page:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
- Youtube:
My first posts weren’t seen by anybody, either. And it’s probably better that way. I think we start off anonymous for a reason–we need time to develop our voices, and that’s best done when no one is watching.
Yes, I agree. I look back on them now and cringe!
It’s funny I had never read a blog before staring mine, I had heard about it and decided OK let’s do this as I just wanted so badly to write! I knew nothing about Twitter, I wasn’t even on Facebook! Funnily enough though I wouldn’t change that, maybe I should have read blogs and researched more, but I think in the beginning it gave me time to discover my own voice and just be me. So lovely to meet a lovely blogger! #anythinggoes
I’d read a few before starting mine but not many, I was like you I just jumped in blind 🙂
Fab new blog discovered and some great tips, it really is about writing from the heart whether one post gets alot of hits and another doesn’t, you’ll never regret being honest to yourself. #anythinggoes
I totally agree about writing honestly 🙂
Thanks for sharing. I love reading what prompted other people to start blogging and find out more about them. This is also fab to help new bloggers grow. Thanks for hosting #anythinggoes
I do too, I love a good nosey into other blogger’s lives 🙂
I love the advice about writing what we (bloggers) want and enjoy writing about. It is so easy to just write what we think others want to read about or what’s popular. Great interview. #anythinggoes
It’s fab advice 🙂
Off to check out this blog right now. Hasta luego (my Spanish is shaky). #bloggerclubuk
Enjoy 🙂
“Write for yourself not for others” – my new mantra this week – thank you! Loved it.
Whoops forgot to leave #BloggerClubUK
Great mantra to have!
great idea to get to know other bloggers. Love it. great post.
Thank you 🙂
I love this feature. Its nice getting to ‘meet’ new bloggers x
Thank you, I love meeting new bloggers too 🙂 x
I love posts like these as they are great for finding new blogs and potentially new blogging friends 🙂
Thank you, I love them too 🙂
I totally jumped in without planning or researching ….but then sometimes it is the best way to learn? By doing? I’m a couple of months away from a year of blogging now – it has gone so fast and I still don’t get as much done as I want to!! #bloggerclubuk
Yeah, I agree about learning as you go. I think if I had really researched and saw everything involved in one go, it would have seemed impossible, but learning as you go is manageable
Love this series! Such a great way to find new blogs to read. Such a lovely idea to start a blog so your family can keep up to date with what you’re up to 😊 x #bloggerclubuk
Thank you, I’m glad you like the series 🙂 x
I love these types of posts. I love getting to know different people specially when they are from other countries!
Thank you 🙂 I do too x
Write for yourself and not others is such a crucial piece of advice that I keep hearing – I guess it’s easy to get buried in all the “blogmin” and lose your sense of direction. Really enjoyed reading these answers and getting to know you better. Thank you for hosting #BloggerClubUK Debbie and bringing us this series 🙂 xx
You’re welcome, I’m glad you’re enjoying the series, thanks for linking up 🙂 x
Lovely feature- I love these Q&A types and being able to get to know bloggers a bit more. I totally agree with ‘writing for yourself’, sometimes I get carried away with writing what I think people want to hear rather than what I’m feeling! #bloggerclubuk
Thank you 🙂 I really enjoy them too!
It’s so interesting, as a newbie blogger myself, hearing other newbie’s views – all very similar to mine. I hadn’t read many other blogs, I just enjoyed writing. I had no idea about the blogging world that is out there. Thank you for sharing and introducing us to Eliana. Alison x #BloggerClubUK
It’s funny isn’t it, until you start blogging, you don’t realise that’s it a community, not just lots of people doing their onw thing and ignoring each other x
So glad you give the newer bloggers a chance to get their names out there so that others may follow them and read their great blogs! Another great new blog! #bloggerclubuk
Thanks Michelle, I love giving new bloggers a chance to pick up some new readers 🙂
Really enjoyed reading this, especially the reasons why you started blogging. I think many bloggers initially start blogging for themselves as a record of their children as they grow and it quite easily becomes something more. Great interview, thanks for sharing #BloggerClubUK
Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Good luck with your blog, lovely pictures and just keep going, we are new to blogging as well so inspired by your efforts! #bloggerclubUK
Thanks for commenting 🙂 Good luck with your blog!
Ohh, I’ve now got a new blog to add to my reading list. I think lots of us just jump in at the deep end when it comes to blogging.This is a great series Debbie, a love;y way for new bloggers to get themselves seen by others xx #bloggerclubuk
Thank you, I’m really enjoying the series 🙂
What a great way to introduce new bloggers! I love this idea.
I can’t imagine what it’s like being in a whole new country with a young family, but what a fab way to keep your family (and all your other readers) up to date.
Thank you 🙂 I know, it must be so hard!
Lovely to find more about the person behind the blog. I agree always write for yourself, I think it shows the writing x
It really does 🙂
A lovely interview and I totally agree with the community side of blogging being the best part. #BloggerclubUK
Me too 🙂
A really interesting read, love these Q&As! Thanks #Bloggerclub UK
Thank you 🙂
This is such a great series, Debbie. I love the advice to write for yourself – it’s a great one! And joining posts like these & linkies is a great way to get into the blogging communitiy. #BloggerClubUK
Thank you 🙂 I agree about the linkys, that’s how I first started to interact regularly with people 🙂
thanks for sharing! I agree with writing for yourself – so important 🙂 #BloggerClubUK
Thank you 🙂 I agree too
Already love this blog, but lovely to get a little insight into the bloggers world (: #BloggersclubUK
It’s great to get to know a bit more about the people behind the blogs isn’t it!
Always great to hear of other bloggers abd love that focus point is on new blogs less then six months old X #bloggersuk
Thank you, I love being able to introduce some new bloggers 🙂 x
Questions are great for exposing bloggers thoughts and feelings over things as well as finding out things we may not have otherwise. #BloggerClubUK
Thank you 🙂
Really great to hear about how you got started!
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Such awesome advice here. Love the Q&As! Thanks for sharing and for hosting #bloggerclubuk – it’s fab to be part of a new gang! Xxx
Thank you for linking up, it’s lovely to have you be part of it 🙂 x
Lovely to get to know you better 🙂 What a lovely idea to start your blog to keep people up to date with your adventures xxx #BloggerClubUK
It’s good to get a know about the blogger behind the blog x
I’m off to take a look at your blog. As an Expat (UK in Holland) I’m really interested in seeing another Expat view of life in the UK. Great advice to pick up too… #BloggerClubUK
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Lovely to hear about Eliana (such a pretty name!). What an interesting background she and her family have. I think a few people are kind of clued up and have a real aim with starting a blog & pre-promote it, etc. But I’m sure most of us are just like Eliana – write something random & then twiddle our thumbs wondering how anyone ever gets their blog read! #BloggerClubUK
Yes, I think that’s how most of us start out! I agree, Eliana is a really pretty name 🙂
Love your advice, I think it’s easy to write because you think it’s what will draw readers in rather than what you’re interested in, I’ll definitely have to keep repeating this to myself x #BloggerClubUK
Thanks for stopping by 🙂