This week, we have Marina from Simply Marina taking part in the Blogger Spotlight interview.
If you would like to take part, and your blog is under six months old, or has been re-launched in the last six months, please email me
1 Firstly, tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am the proud mother of a four-year old boy in my late twenties. I love cooking, reading, being at home, and seeing beauty in anything around me. Most people find me weird because I don’t talk too much, but they don’t know I’m a desperate optimist.
I had had other plans for my future career, then I met my husband and I abruptly changed my plans. I discovered that family was actually what I needed, but I kept doing my own things. I believe that mothers should not stop with their personal development. As a matter of fact, I have achieved much more since my child was born. I found new passions, I learned more, I changed my lifestyle for good. I even started blogging and I know it is motherhood that helped me summon up the courage.
2 What is your blog’s name and what is it about?
My blog Simply Marina reflects… well, simply me. I write about the things that most interest me – the exciting journey of being a parent, the importance of paying attention to children’s feelings, my passion for healthy food, Yoga and wellness, my special attitude to children’s healthy diet, and of course, books (I am a total bookworm who could devote every spare minute reading, although motherhood has changed that a little bit J). In a nutshell, my humble blog describes me, the woman and mother and her world of happiness.
3 Why did you decide to start a blog?
I have always been fascinated by writing. I guess, it often happens to book lovers. I had written some pieces but I was never confident enough to publish them anywhere. However, after publishing an article in a famous Bulgarian online magazine for women, I thought that maybe the right time had come. I was stay-at-home mummy who wanted to share her thoughts with the world. Yes, it was the right time.
4 Do you have any goals for your blog?
I’d like it to remain my precious place for sharing and interacting with people who are also interested in the things I am. Let’s be honest, every blogger wants to see their blog grow. But for the time being, my main goal is to keep writing on the same subjects I have written so far, and hopefully, be more prolific. If my posts are decent reads or could be of any use, I would be most satisfied. If I could inspire other women to live more healthily or feed their kids with healthier food, then I have achieved something, and this would mean a lot to me. I take it all seriously, that’s for certain.
5 Tell us one random fact about you
I am a massive fan of Bon Jovi and rock music.
6 What is the best piece of blog related advice you have received so far?
Not to give it up.
7 What is your favourite thing about blogging?
It gives you the freedom to write about anything, the way you want, not the way you are said to. And it connects you with other fellow bloggers out there. It’s priceless. I’ve never thought the blogging world is such a friendly community.
8 Is there anything you would do differently if you were starting over knowing what you know now?
Yes, I would try to get in touch with other bloggers more actively. I knew it was important and yet, in the very beginning, I was more concentrated on the writing itself. Blogging is about conversations, not monologues. I’ve been working on this lately. Well, the beauty is that you are learning along the way.
9 Anything else you’d like to share with us?
I wish the world could be a happier and safer place for our children. I strongly believe every little step counts. So do our mummy/women/ whatever they want to call them blogs.
10 Where can we find you? (blog link and links to any social media)
Thank you so much for including me in the series, Debbie! It was a pleasure to answer your questions. 🙂 x
You’re welcome, thank you for taking part 🙂 x
It seems like everyone who starts a blog likes writing in some way. Glad to meet you, Marina.
I think you have to have a love for writing to want to blog
Nice to meet you, Marina! I agree that blogging is all about conversations. I didn’t get that at first either, but I’m so glad I decided to get a bit more social and interact with more bloggers – it’s introduced me to such a wonderful and supportive community. #BloggerClubUK
Lovely interview, I’m really enjoying this series 🙂 xxx #BloggerClubUK
Thank you, I’m glad you’re enjoying the series 🙂 x
Really enjoying these! I’m still in my first couple of months of doing this properly so still learning lots too. Keep up the good work, Marina! #BloggerClubUK
I’m glad you’re enjoying the series, good luck with your blog 🙂
If only there were more hours in the day to bury our noses in books! (Ones that don’t ‘teach’ you how to raise tiny humans). #BloggerClubUK
I couldn’t agree more!
I really enjoyed reading about Marina’s blog. This is a great way to find new blogs and I love this one. Looking forward to following Marina as her blog grows. #BloggerClubUK
Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed Marina’s interview 🙂
Hi Maria, Glad to hear you’re enjoying blogging and your family so much. Thanks for the reminder about not giving up – i can never hear this too often! Jo #BloggerClubUK
It’s something we all need to hear sometimes!
Lovely interview – it really is the community that makes blogging so much fun, I agree! x #bloggerclubuk
I totally agree, meeting other bloggers is fab 🙂 x
Lovely interview, great advice about not giving up too. I sometimes wonder how I am going to juggle my blog and my four children and everything else that comes along and yet I know that even if I only blog once a week, it’s better than nothing! #BloggerClubUK
Sometimes you look at everything you have going on and wonder how you’ll ever blog again, but somehow, we always find the time!
As a new blogger myself, I really enjoyed reading this. Thanks for sharing 👍 #BloggerClubUK
Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂
You are so right Marina that a blog should not be a monologue and you need to interact outside of it too. As a newbie, I am learning that as well. Look forward to reading more of your posts. #BloggerClubUK
Interaction is really important, I agree, it’s also one of the most fun parts of blogging 🙂
“Blogging is about conversations, not monologues.” LOVE this – you are so right, I didn’t appreciate that until I starting blogging a few months ago. #bloggerclubuk
It’s really well put isn’t it, and so true
Lovely interview – great to get to know you a bit. I think your advice is brilliantm to not give up and also interaction is something I’m working on too! #bloggerclubuk
Thank you 🙂
Hello Marina *waves* lovely to find out a bit about you, great series Debbie! #BloggerClubUK
Thank you 🙂
I love reading about other bloggers through this series and I like the sound of her blog so will now take a peek. #BloggerClubUK
I’m glad you’re enjoying it, and I hope you like Marina’s blog 🙂