Well I’m back from my holidays 🙁
We all had a great time, and out of the seven days, six of them were sunny which is always a bonus in the UK. More to come on that later when I post my review of the place we stayed and what we got up to.
Of course, I spent some time thinking about my blog. I really missed it but having no internet except on my phone, I couldn’t be tempted to post.
I have made a few decisions about what’s going to happen going forward.
I have decided that I will no longer be posting every day. Although I really enjoy posting daily, now I’m doing a fair bit of free lance writing, I am really struggling to fit everything in. Rather than letting blogging become a chore, I am easing up a bit. I will now only be posting Monday to Friday.
Monday will still be #AnythingGoes but it will now close at 7pm Friday.
Wednesday will still be #BloggerClubUK exactly as it is now.
Tuesday and Thursday will vary depending on what my monthly theme is, or if something pops up that I really want to talk about.
Friday will now be my blogger spotlight interview day, so if you have already submitted your answers and been given a date, the post will go live the day before that.
I will still be posting the odd book review of books I have been sent, or anything I particularly love, but I am currently working my way through a very long series, and it’s so hard to review series’ one at a time without giving out spoilers. Expect a mammoth review when I finish the full series, although I don’t think that will be for a long time.
I’ll still be posting this weekend, and the new changes will take effect from Monday.
Oh, and I must start using Instagram again, I’ve totally slipped with it, so if you follow me on there, apologies for the radio silence.
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Still writing on Monday to Friday isn’t really bad at all. Whatever feels most comfortable for you is best.
Thank you 🙂 I just think it’s time to cut back a little, but I’m hoping it doesn’t have a detrimental effect!
Personally, I’ve never felt like there was a need to post seven days a week. I’d probably knock my blog down to three days if I didn’t have things going on. (Like this week. Only three days of blogs.)
I’m not sure why I decided to post everyday, but I made it a goal for the year so I’ve been loathe to stop, but sometimes we just have to roll with what’s happening and I just hope it doesn’t have too much of a negative effect!