1. That’s how I do it too when I write. For me, the characters usually come from a dream I had. I will wake up, write down what I dreamt and go from there. The title is always the last thing I think of and when I do think of it, it takes me longer than writing the story, LOL! Thanks for sharing this Debbie! It’s nice to get in the minds of fellow writers! Glad to be back at #anythinggoes

    • Oh, I love the idea of characters coming to you in a dream. For the challenge, the titles sort of had to come first, but generally, I’m the same. I always have trouble thinking of a title! Great to have you back ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. My inspiration mainly comes from everyday life, I am naturally reflective and love inspiration and decorating so I tend to just go with the flow of the day. When I work on my novel it is purely imagination and what pops into me head. I am not a planner at all. #anythinggoes

    • I love writing without a plan. When I write fiction, I usually have an idea how the plot will go, but a lot of the time it ends up somewhere completely different. It was a bit different with the challenge though because I had to stay on topic to keep each story relevant to the day’s letter.

  3. wendy

    I loved your A-z challenge, nice to hear a bit about your thought process behind it all. Just wondering, why did it have to be a dark theme..is that the genre you enjoying reading?xx #anythinggoes

    • Yes. It runs in April. Basically every day in April (except Sundays) you post something starting with A day 1, B day 2 etc. There were almost 2000 bloggers took part last year and we all visit other bloggers and exchange comments. It’s really fun and a fab way to grow your traffic.

  4. It’s interesting to read where people’s inspiration comes from. I too find inspiration comes at the strangest of moments, perhaps I’ll be on the cusp of falling asleep or just be quietly baking, but I have to say if my mind is blank whilst sat at the PC I simply have to walk away from it and return an hour or so later. #anythinggoes
    Angela x

  5. Alana - Burnished Chaos

    One of my favourite writing exercise is to pick three words (using either a random word generator or flicking through a book with my eyes closed and putting my finger down at random), put them at the top of page, set a timer for ten minutes and then just write whatever comes into my head. Sometimes it has nothing at all to do with the words but whatever gets the words out of my subconscious is a win win situation. I guess if you used a dictionary you could make sure all the words started with the right letter for each day.

  6. What a great challenge to take part in! Its hard to answer your inspiration question really, I feel that different things at different time inspire me to write, I find it difficult to pin it down! I suppose I just write what the mood takes, when it takes it!


  7. Ah I’m the same way, I’m inspired by the most random of things – It usually starts off with an overhead comment or a headline, something like that and I create an entire story around it in my head ๐Ÿ™‚ Great post! #AnythingGoes

  8. I find that my best stuff comes when I’m not expecting it. I’ll get an idea and the words start spitting out. If I don’t catch them right that moment, its near impossible to go back and capture that same spirit #anythinggoes

  9. Yvonne

    Oh I love hearing how you were inspired for this series! I love it when inspiration just hits, they tend to be the best posts ๐Ÿ™‚ xx #AnythingGoes

  10. Mindful Mummy Mission

    Very interesting finding out about fiction writing and how you go about it – I would love to try one day. Sounds like a sensible process! #AnythingGoes

  11. It’s one of my dreams to write a fiction novel but I honestly have no idea where to start! Have you ever written a post about that by chance? I’d be interested to know your tips! #AnythingGoes

  12. Silly Mummy

    That’s really interesting. I haven’t tried flash fiction (or any fiction, in fact, for a really long time) ever – I think I would find it really hard. I always find keeping things short hardest! #AnythingGoes

    • I’m generally pretty wordy (as you’ll have noticed with my blog posts lol) and I found the flash fiction really helped me to write in a more focussed way for fiction. It was a lot of fun, give it a try, I bet you’d enjoy it ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. It’s good to hear your thoughts and reasonings for creating the theme. I’m in awe of how often you write!
    I’ll never be a fictional writer, but my inspiration for writing is about spreading a positive message about disability, along with sharing other peoples stories ๐Ÿ™‚ #AnythingGoes xxx

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