Am I a writer, just because I’ve written something, or is there more to it than that?
I think this debate has been around for as long as writers have been around. Everyone has an opinion on it, but there seems to be no hard and fast rules.
I mean in theory, you can call yourself a writer whenever you want, even if you’ve never written a thing in your life. I think the question is more a question of when you would be comfortable saying you’re a writer in response to the whole what do you do for a living question.
I used to think that by having a blog, I would feel comfortable calling myself a writer. But then I started a blog, and I didn’t feel comfortable calling myself a writer because I wasn’t being paid to write. It felt like I was lying.
Whilst in theory, I was writing, calling myself a writer when I wasn’t actually getting paid to write felt like saying I was the CEO of an international retail company because I once sold something to an American on eBay.
So, I moved the goal posts and said I would feel comfortable calling myself a writer when I published a book. Well, I’ve done that now, and I’m still not sure I would officially call myself a writer. I mean anyone can self publish a book. It doesn’t necessarily mean you are a good writer, and it definitely doesn’t mean you’re making money from it.
And I think that right there is where the problem arises about when you can call yourself a writer. I think to call yourself a writer, its about more than just writing. Its about being good at writing, or being a recognised writer, or at least paying the bills as a result of your writing.
So next, I decided I could call myself a writer when on of two things happened: Either I got a publishing contract with a big publisher, which probably isn’t going to happen (and that’s not me being negative, its me being realistic), or I started getting paid to write.
For the last couple of months, I’ve been doing a lot of freelance ghost writing, so now I officially get paid to write.
Yet when anyone asks me what I do for a living, I tell them I’m a barmaid (which I am).
If you tell someone you’re a barmaid, that’s usually the end of it, or maybe they ask you where you work and you name the pub. Tell them you’re a writer, and they want to know what you’ve written that they may have heard off. As a ghost writer, I am not credited for the writing, so even if they have read it, they won’t know its my work. And of course, as a ghost writer, you aren’t allowed to disclose what you’ve written. Imagine trying to explain all of that. The end result is usually that people don’t believe you and you look a bit stupid.
I think part of it, for me, is that even though I am making money from writing, I enjoy it way too much to think of it as a job as such. So when someone asks me what I do for a living, I automatically tell them about my “real” job.
The funny thing is, I have had a lot of different jobs over the years, and I’ve never had any issue with when I could officially say that is what I do.
Like when I started in the pub, I was happy to tell people I was a barmaid straight away. It didn’t mean I was saying I was good at it, or that I had any idea what I was doing, it just meant I worked in a pub.
Many times through the years, I have worked two jobs at the same time, and I was happy to describe myself as either of the jobs. Now technically, I guess I’m working two jobs again – a writer by day and a barmaid by night, but my default answer to what I do for a living is still always a barmaid.
So now I’ve decided that I will call myself a writer if I ever write full time and its my only job. I guess if that happens, I’ll have to call myself a writer, because any other answer would be a blatant lie.
EDIT: I am now a full time writer and I do call myself a writer because what else can I say now that’s my only job.
I think this debate occurs with anything creative where you can also make a living.
Like can you call yourself a photographer because a friend slipped you £50 to take some photos at their wedding, or are you only a photographer once you have a studio? Can you call yourself an artist before you’re selling your work?
A lot of it is down to other people’s perceptions.
For example, imagine someone who is between jobs.
Now, if that person were to do oil paintings and someone asked what they did for a living, and they said they were an artist, when people found out actually they weren’t selling paintings, they would probably say that person wasn’t an artist.
Now, imagine that same out of work person has been to medical school, and they say they are a doctor. No one would question the validity of that statement, even though they are not currently working as a doctor.
So does it come down to a qualification? I don’t believe it does. I don’t believe that writing, painting etc are things you can teach. A person either has a flair for it, and a passion for it, or they don’t. If they don’t, no amount of studying is going to put it there.
I think a lot of the issue is that there is still a certain stigma attached to creative professions. It seems that anyone who describes themselves as a writer, an artist, or heaven forbid a musician, are instantly judged to be lazy people who do no real work, and are generally not earning a living. Unless of course they have made it big.
So I actually think the question isn’t “when can I call myself a writer” but more “when will I stop worrying about how society perceives me because of a label”.
Maybe next time I get asked what I do for a living, I’ll them I’m a barmaid and a writer.
The irony here is that anyone reading this post would instantly say “no, you’re not a writer” because of all the babble.
What do you think? Is there a point where its ok to call yourself a writer? Does that point come with conditions attached? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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This is certainly a common debate and if it’s any consolation, I’m exactly the same. So here goes, I’ve had two short stories published in collections by my University press – but as it was my own university’s press I didn’t feel comfortable with the label writer. I’ve ran my own blog for 18 months now, had an article printed in a magazine – but as you say, none of these are paid positions. I’ve been working since May as an article writer and blogger for an education website and I get paid for this. I still can’t call myself a writer! I tell people I get paid to blog. It’s only a part-time role so maybe it’s because I don’t write full time, maybe it’s because I write freelance, maybe because it’s not fiction – however I’ve written fiction? Who knows? I still can’t do it! I honestly think it’s down to confidence – maybe the term will grow on us! Janet X 🙂
It’s a weird one! When I hear what other people have done I think, well of course they’re a writer! I agree about it being a confidence thing x
It sounds to me, Debbie, like you are a writer! I’d definitely call myself a writer – I’m extremely passionate about writing, and write a lotttt. I haven’t published a book yet (still working on it) however I am a writer, but I definitely get where you’re coming from. It’s so silly that people in creative professions are seen to be lazy etc because they are SO not! We work hard, (perhaps even harder) as we have to get recognised for what we’re doing, if that makes sense. Whenever I tell someone I want to be an author when I grow up they’ll usually ask me what I’d want my PROPER job to be. Now, being an author is my ultimate aim and for me that’s definitely a PROPER JOB, and even if I did do something else, that would be the one that’s on the side, because I want to be an author. I think because so many people publish books now (for example) and they don’t actually have a passion for writing (which is fair enough) – they may be knowledgable about a subject or want to get word out about something, however the rest of the world sees that anyone can be an author/writer (like you said) but are they a writer because of their love for writing or are they a writer without intending to be? It’s a bit jumbled but I hope it makes sense! Great post and thanks for sharing Xxx
Thank you 🙂 Don’t give up on your dream – the only difference between writing and a “proper job” is in your “proper job” you work maybe 40 hours. In writing that’s a warm up!
I am a self taught freelance writer. Work is sporadic and it doesn’t pay very well but I enjoy it. I also used to think I am not a writer because I never published a book but I have come to call myself a writer simply because I write.
Its strange how you even have to think about it where with any other job, you just know!
You’re a writer. What you tell people when they ask what you do for a living is up to you. But you’re a writer.
Thanks Liz, that means a lot. Now I just have to start believing it myself!
Brilliant read! I totally relate. I do sometimes tell people I am a writer, because I am, but I agree I hate all the questions that come with it. I also kind of dislike the question about what do you do for a job. For many years I was a stay at home mum, yet I felt that isn’t a job, yet it is hard work. I also have a nursing degree yet I am not currently practising so I don’t say I am a nurse. I am now working as an administration assistant at a tax office. But writing is my number one passion and so I am a writer…… aren’t I? #anythinggoes
I know what you mean – I’ve seen people ask mum’s this question and then say “oh so you don’t work then” when they say they are a stay at home mum. It annoys me so much – I can’t think of any job that is harder!
When you put it that way, then it simplifies the question, yes, if writing is your passion, you are indeed a writer 🙂
Interesting. The very first thing I told Nathalie Laitmon at Suburban Misfit Moms when I interviewed with her was, “I am not a writer. I am just a mom that tells funny stories.”
When and IF I ever get a steady income from writing then perhaps I will toy with the term.
Its such a grey area isn’t it – no one seems to know exactly what defines it!
Very great post, that leaves me thinking about this myself. You are definitely a writer though. LOVE the way explain things. I myself do not feel like a writer yet. I am still in the beginning stages of having my blog and until I receive an income then I might possibly be one at that time. 🙂
Ashley-The Geeky Mama
Thank you 🙂 Its definitely something that people struggle with knowing when it is ok to say!
Difficult one! I would say that you are a writer because you have been published. It doesn’t matter if it’s with a big company or self-published. You have actual books so you are a writer and a good one in my opinion! Blogging is different. There are so many people blogging. And they are not all (good!) writers. I am not!!! I am just having fun #AnythingGoes
Thank you 🙂 Maybe it is a book thing. I have to disagree with your last point though – you are a fab writer!
I quit my PR job over 10 years ago to be a SAHM and since then have done lots of freelance writing. When people ask me the dreaded what do I do question I always say this but I can automatically see them switching off and thinking “oh not a proper job then” – unless of course they are doing the same thing. Are you a writer? Yes you are. You write and get paid for it and you have written a book and have a great blog. Be loud and proud. #anythinggoes
Yes, people just don’t get it unless they are doing something similar! Thank you 🙂
You call yourself whatever you want my love. It’s up to the individual you’re talking to as to whether or not they accept it and bollocks to them if they don’t!
Yes, that’s a great point! x
Forgot #anythinggoes xx
I can understand why this is a debate lovely! But from what I see on your blog…you are most certainly a writer! Your blog is amazing and you should be very proud! #AnythingGoes
Aww thank you so much 🙂
Writer! You are a writer Debbie – you have a sucessful blog which you ‘write’ and you ghost write AND have a book (doesn’t matter how it was published). I think the ghost writing gig sounds VERY exciting! Maybe start saying ‘barmaid and writer’ to get comfy saying it… also, I bet you have a lot of good stories from working in a pub to talk about anyway so it takes the pressure off the ‘I’m a writer’ thing! Don’t analyse it too much 🙂 (tho a magazine pubilshed an article about be and called me a ‘blogger’ which made me cringe because I would never describe myself as one! Thanks for hosting #AnythingGoes
Thank you 🙂 I’m loving the ghost writing so far! That’s a good idea, people probably would be way more interested in the funny bar stories than anything writing related. It’s fab that a magazine wrote about you, but I know what you mean about the blogger part!
I think it’s definitely a confidence thing, I still don’t tell people I wrote a blog. Even though I get a lot of sponsored work, dying ‘I’m a blogger’ still feels so foreign to me. You on the other hand are definitely a have a book!self published or not. Also, the fact you get paid to write definitely makes you a writer, well it does I’m my eyes anyway xx #anythinggoes
Very few people know I write a blog – its too complicated to explain when they want to know “what’s the point?”. Thank you 🙂 x
You are a writer. Not only that, you are a really good writer. Just have the confidence to say it! I think you are right about creative types – they don’t want to put their name on the line, but you absolutely should. Alison x #AnythingGoes
Thanks Alison, what a lovely thing to say. I hope one day I do have the confidence to just say it! x
I think if you can put words together and other people read them on a public platform then you are a writer. After all, if you hadn’t ‘written’ it they couldn’t ‘read’ it. I consider myself a writer so you most definitely should 🙂 #anythinggoes
I like that way of thinking of it, it makes it pretty clear that we are all writers!
Great post and I think it shows how modest you are about your recent success in getting published. Celebrities are a great one….they think they’re something special and expect special treatment bit really what are they qualified in?! Thanks for hosting #anythinggoes
Thank you 🙂 I totally agree about celebrities, especially reality TV “stars”!
I definitely consider you a writer, but I understand where you are coming from. I think that maybe I’m afraid that calling myself a writer sounds pretentious. I have a friend who is an amazing artist and does commission work but is equally reluctant to call herself an artist. We’re all weird #anythinggoes
Yes, that’s true, it could sound kind of pretentious! Haha, definitely a weird bunch!
I am a full time carer to my disabled son. He cannot get out of bed without me hoisting him, he cannot get a drink without me, he cannot use the toilet without me or go anywhere without me. It is fun lo time. I am so home educate him.
I am not paid. Does that make me not his carer?
You are a writer. #AnythingGoes
Wow, that is by far the best argument I have heard for why we can call ourselves writers regardless of income. Thanks for that 🙂
Definitely agree with the other comments above that you are a writer but can also understand your reticence about describing yourself as one. For me being a writer is something that is right at the core of who I am – I have had a burning desire to write ever since I first learned to hold a pen and make letters with it and it has always been my way of processing things. I do occasionally describe myself as a writer but most of the time I avoid it because of the inevitable questions. Funnily enough, when people ask what I do, I tell them I’m a full time mum because that is how I see myself. If I get asked whether I work that is a different question – I work part-time (mostly from home) doing HR and payroll for my husband’s company. As to who I am – that is a mixture of lots of things which includes being a writer. #bloggerclubuk
I’ve always wanted to write, but it’s only been in the last few years I actually have. The questions are just so annoying, its definitely easier to avoid them!
You most definitely ARE a writer! I ca understand that you may not want to reveal this to people, but you should tell yourself: I AM a writer! and feel proud. #BloggerClubUK
Aww thank you, that’s really nice. I think it would help if I thought of myself that way first
Ooh I’ve often pondered this! In my head I definitely feel like I am a writer .. But yes out of my mouth when asked I’ll refer to my Main job as a Well-being advisor .. Which once I write it down looks washier as an occupation than ‘writer’ does! 🙈
Lol, I have to admit I’m not sure what a well-being advisor is – it sounds like something supportive though. I think maybe in your case, writer would raise less questions 🙂
Wow, I think writing a book definitely makes you a writer but I know what you mean. Saying it out loud can be hard as its perceived as one of those arty type things that people like to really question. I actually hide my blog from real life people but love it when others read it but would run like hell if someone recognised me in real life 🙂
Very few people outside of the internet know I blog. At first I was determined to stay anonymous, now I’m not that bothered if people find out, but because its been so long, it seems weird telling people now!
Like Louise above, I have written since I could. Stories, comics, poems. I’ve got notebooks full of observations. Scraps of paper with overheard conversations. I write blog post titles constantly, as soon as an idea pops into my head. But there’s not a chance I would describe myself as a writer! I suppose people like us, who write can say just that, I write. But I’m certainly not a writer. It would seem a bit arrogant to say I am!! #bloggerclubuk
Yes, I know exactly what you mean. Saying I write would be a great compromise.
It sounds like you have done more than many to earn this title. I wonder if your lack of confidence in using it is down to the age old issue of women not wanting to blow their own trumpet? – I bet if you were of the male variety you would call yourself a writer! The blogging world has opened up so many opportunities for us to express ourselves publicly, get feedback and improve, so we are ALL writers! Love Mary x #Bloggerclubuk
I think you might be onto something there – saying I’m a writer does kind of feel like blowing my own trumpet and the odd time I do say it, I follow it up with something berating like “you won’t have heard of me though” or something like that and then an awkward laugh. Thanks Mary x
I think it totally depends on how you see yourself. If somebody asked me what I did for a living I would say I’m a full time mum but I suppose at some point I should say that I write. I write my blog, I do copy writing, I write for various other people, of course I’m a writer. I just struggle to see myself as one I suppose, and if I’m honest I think it’s easier not to say it because inevitably people start asking, well what do you write?!! #BloggerClubUK
It is hard to see ourselves as writers. When I’m reading people’s comments, much like this one, I’m thinking well of course you’re a writer, but when it comes to myself, I’m still not sure. And yes, its definitely easier not to say it!
I feel your pain on this dilemma.
But the problem is with society, not us.
Anything vaguely arts connected (writer, musician, photographer, dancer) is not as valued as other occupations. People are pressured to ‘get a proper job’. Hence I tell people I work in a shop, even though some of my income comes from writing.
Really must stop that.
Yes, I agree – people assume that it means you do nothing except maybe scribble a line or two every couple of months! It really is easier just to mention the day job isn’t it
I think often we have these misconceptions about what being a writer (or artist, or musician… or anything in the creative industry really) should be. None of us are Van Gogh or Margaret Drabble but then they weren’t us, yet they ‘did’ creative things too. I know that is an unbelievably silly thing to say on one level but my point is we are all different and if you write, you are a writer. I do understand your point about it taking ages to explain if you tell people you are a writer but who really cares what anyone else thinks? You know how much work you put into something and if you enjoy writing and get paid, even better – and even more reason to call yourself it, in my opinion… how many people call themselves something they do at work (e.g. a ‘consultant’) and don’t enjoy it? Sorry, mega-babble alert. Anyway, v. interesting post. (And I definitely think you’re a writer btw). #BloggerClubUK
That’s true, at least if I said I was writer, I’d be telling people I was something I love rather than just a job. And yeah, I have to stop caring what people think! Thank you 🙂
Having read this I’d definitely say you were a writer, but I understand with the ghost writing why you don’t tell people that you are! I highly doubt I’ll ever consider myself a writer just writing posts for our blog because it’s supposed to be for fun and memories more than anything else! #BloggerClubUK
Yes, it just raises questions and when you say you can’t tell them what you’ve written, it does kind of sound like you’re lying. Blogging is definitely fun 🙂
Think it’s down to self belief. You’ve done something amazing and written a book, of course you’re a blooming writer!! #BloggerClubUK
Maybe I just need to give myself a kick up the ass lol 🙂 Thank you!
Aw I really like this post, it’s very thought provoking! I often feel the same, almost as if people will look at me similarly to me telling them that I own a pet unicorn! It’s almost as if there is a stigma attached because people do proceed to quiz you about it!
I have never earned a penny from writing, but I would like to! So I guess I’m an aspiring writer for now lol x
Thank you 🙂 Yes, it definitely is up there with a pet unicorn! x
I know what you mean when I’m asked what I do I say I’m a SAHM, I never mention my blog and the paid work I do. It’s just easier that way. X
It definitely is easier just not to mention it! x
Really interesting and well thought out post. I know exactly where you are coming from because I wrestle with some of the same things myself. But if you write, you are a writer…And you are a great writer, Debbie! BloggerclubUK
I’m glad I’m not the only one to feel this way! Thank you 🙂
My mummy would never class herself as a writer, it’s her hobby, her creative outlet but she’s definitely not good enough to be up there with all the good writers/authors! She blogs – it just happens to be with words 😉 a dilemma though. She would class you as a writer professionally. #BloggerClubUK
I think your mummy is a fab writer! Writing this way takes some serious skill 🙂 Please thank her for me
Ooh this is very interesting. I think you can call yourself a writer if you write in any capacity, whether paid or not, and you feel that is what you are. Was Van Gogh a painter before he died, even though he didn’t make any money?
I believe being a writer is a state of mind and an identity, rather than simply a profession. And as integrity plays such a huge part in an artist’s work, it’s essential any economic byproduct does not serve as validation.
Thank you for a very thought provoking post! #BloggerClubUK
I like that way of looking at it, the money is really secondary to the passion for it!
Have you considered that people judge those in creative jobs in such a negative light because a part of them wishes they could do it too? #BloggerClubUK
That could well be a part of it, often a bit of jealousy makes people act strangely
You have a successful blog, you have a book, you write and you get paid, kinda makes me feel you are a writer. But, and you are in good company, I think you have Imposter Syndrome. Well, and there’s a really famous writer who has this: Maya Angelou, after writing 11 books she still thinks she’s going to be found out! So guess what? I think you are a writer! #BloggerClubUK
That was a really interesting article and I definitely saw some of myself in it and Maya Angelou is pretty good company to be in! Thank you 🙂
I have just had a similar conversation with my partner as I’m needing to renew my car insurance and he keeps on at me to put myself as self employed as I have started (just!) making money from my blogging/writing! I find it strange to call myself a writer but I suppose that’s what I am?! Interesting read! 🙂
It does feel strange but yes, you’re right – if you’re making money from it then what else could you tell them really!
Interesting! I’d say you were a writer. You write lots of things and different types too. You could be right about confidence or getting paid though. Just keep doing what you love. #bloggerclubuk
Thank you – that’s good advice. I guess it doesn’t matter what we call ourselves as long as we love what we do
This is a brilliant post. I’ve often thought about this myself. I tend to use the word “professional” – I.e. I said to Hubs the other day “I guess now I’m being paid for sponsored content that I’m a professional writer.” But I said it with irony and we laughed. But really, am I?
It’s a big debate and does only seem to affect the creative industries, like you say. If people ask me what I do I still say “I’m a PA.” because that’s my day job. But once we get chatting or I get to know them better I tell them about my blogging and my advocacy work because although I’m paid very little at the mo both of those things are a huge part of who I am, but I probably wouldn’t bother explaining it all to a stranger.
And, btw, you ARE a writer – and a bloody good one at that 😘 xx #anythinggoes
Very few people outside of the blogosphere even know I blog – it’s like I’m two different people at times! I agree, explaining it to a stranger is just too much like hard work for no real reason. Thank you 🙂 x
You are whatever you want to be…it’s a shame we are all so hung up on what people think or perceive of us. Say you are a writer…see what happens! #bloggerclubuk
Haha, I just might!
Well, Van Gogh didn’t sell any of his paintings during his lifetime – does that mean he wasn’t an artist?
You are a writer because you write! I still don’t tell people about my blog, though, I keep thinking, it needs this or that, it needs to be more successful, etc, like it’s a vulnerable little thing that needs protecting. That would be my ego, I guess! #AnythingGoes
Good way to look at it! I’m the same, I tell myself I’ll tell people when XYZ happens, then it happens so I move the goal posts!
Yes, I think it’s a debate that arises about anything that some people do as a hobby & others as a job. I think I personally would tend to only refer to myself as being something that I do as an actual job. So I would be a writer if that was my full time main work. Otherwise, I would say that I write as a hobby, or enjoy writing, or do some writing, but probably not actually call myself a writer. But that’s just me personally, I wouldn’t necessarily think there was anything wrong with someone else calling themselves a writer though it is not their job. No one ever really says ‘amateur writer’, do they? I think that is how it is normally resolved – people whose job is photography are ‘photographers’, and people who do a lot of photography but not as a main job are ‘amateur photographers’. Somehow doesn’t seem to work for writing though. Maybe because ‘amateur writer’ would bring to mind a four year old! #anythinggoes
I think amateur writer would be a really good term, but I agree, it does sound like a four year old haha. Its funny because I really don’t think there’s anything wrong with people saying they are whatever they want – I only seem to have this issue when its with myself!
Some Exciting News... - My Random Musings
[…] might remember not so long ago I wrote a post called Am I A Writer? The Debate. I won’t rehash the full post here but the gist of it was me debating when I would feel […]