1. I totally love how, as a blogger with far too much screen-time and already wearing glasses (long sentence!!), by making a point of reading a book for a little while before bed, I get to escape, empty my head AND kind of rest my eyes. Win-win! πŸ™‚

  2. Those are all the things I love about books too! And these days I’m apprectiating the smell and feel of a physical book more and more. Technology has us reading from devices rather than experiencing the book itself. To me, the book is all a part of the experience of the words themselves. My son is having to read from a website as homework. I’m so sad about that. Thanks so much for hosting #anythinggoes

    • Nothing beats a real book – I don’t mind a Kindle in small doses but that’s it. It is sad when even school’s are doing it – you would think a school would be one of the places you could rely on to try and instil a love for books in kids!

  3. I love reading and i too love the smell of books (so glad i’m not alone as i always thought that made me weird lol).

    I’ve started to get Agent M into reading too and he loves it. He has all these creative ideas after finishing a book (like the How to train your Dragon series is making him try to learn dragonese lol)

    Agent D bought me a kindle for our first Christmas together thinking it would be an ideal gift. At first i was horrified as it was like turning my back on my beloved books but after i started to actually use it i fell in love with the ability to take so many books about with me. i always have it with me so i can read whenever i have down time. I still buy the occasional paper copy though … just not as often.


    • Haha, I thought it was weird too, but quite a few people have said they like it too! It’s great that Agent M has taken to reading and that’s its fired his imagination – Dragonese sounds fun lol.
      I use a kindle on very rare occasions but I’m still kind of old school in that I love a paper book πŸ™‚

  4. I love books for all the same reasons you have listed. There’s nothing quite like getting lost in such a good book that you don’t want to put it down and can’t wait to get back to it! And as much as I live my Kindle for convenience – you really can’t beat the smell of a book. #anythinggoes

  5. To be honest I was never into books growing up, and I love love love that my daughter adores books now. It’s given me a second chance to get into books and we both love our weekly visit to the library πŸ™‚

  6. I love reading too. There’s something so satisfying about getting stuck into a good book. I love the pleasure you get when you finish a good book. I also love the smell. The kindle is practical but isn’t as real as a physical book.

    Sally @ Life Loving

  7. Ross - The Stented Papa

    I have to admit, I’m not the best reader – I truly wish I was, I try to get into books and I start off great. But as each day rolls by and takes its toll, I’m too tired to read and when I’m like that, reading just knocks me out in seconds so I get nowhere fast! That said, when I do like to read, I love to read auto biographies (normally sports or comedians) & funny / humour. I like reading what’s happened in their life and it proves, although they are famous, they are just human beings. Nice post. #AnythingGoes

  8. wendy

    I love love love reading. I wish I had more time for it, you really can’t beat escaping into a good story and forgetting about the stresses of your own life for a bit. I love the smell of books too!xx #anythinggoes

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