This week, we have James from A Life Just Ordinary taking part in the Blogger Spotlight interview.
If you would like to take part, and your blog is under six months old, or has been re-launched in the last six months, please email me
1 Firstly, tell us a little bit about yourself
I’m James, 37, dad to Joshua, 2, and husband to Sarah. Living in Reading and working at Heathrow. Generally very happy with my lot in life!
2 What is your blog’s name and what is it about?
A Life Just Ordinary – The Life & Times of Joshua’s Dad. Just another parenting blog talking about the roller coaster ride of emotions that is parenting a very active toddler! It’s generally intended to be amusing, but I’ll leave that up to you to decide whether or not that’s the case!
3 Why did you decide to start a blog?
I used to ‘keep’ a blog when I was in my 20s, containing general rubbish about life of a then single 20 something – at the time blogging felt quite new and exciting and all my friends were doing it! After 3 years and having met my future wife I stopped writing because I found lots of other things to do with my time! But a few weeks ago I started reading some parenting blogs and remembered how much I used to enjoy writing – and my new blog was born!
4 Do you have any goals for your blog?
Absolutely none at first! It was just somewhere for me to write stuff when my other half was on late shift at work, but people started reading it after a while and leaving nice comments, so now the aim is to try to keep people smiling and hopefully coming back to read the next post! I find writing for pleasure to be a really enjoyable thing to do in my spare time and a nice change from the more formal stuff at work!
5 Tell us one random fact about you
I have a mild grammar obsession. And 40 stitches from jumping through a closed patio window aged 8. Not recommended!!
6 What is the best piece of blog related advice you have received so far?
I think just to write about what you know and what you personally enjoy. If you get too caught up in stats and pleasing people, or finding a niche I think it loses the point of doing it, unless of course you are trying to make a career out of it! When I read blogs I’m attracted to those where the writer’s personality shines through – they could write about the most mundane subject but it would still be a great read, so the best advice is to let your personality free!
7 What is your favourite thing about blogging?
I don’t read books at all, so blogging has actually got me back into reading as well as getting me back into writing! There’s also a great sense of community I’ve found so far where it’s pretty easy to get talking to new people. But my most enjoyable thing is knowing that people are getting some entertainment out of what I have written at home on the sofa – being able to connect to people across the world so easily is awesome and is what motivates me to keep writing!
8 Is there anything you would do differently if you were starting over knowing what you know now?
I don’t think so. I could say about going self-hosted from the start to save the hassle of switching after a few weeks, or using more pictures from the start (because people love pictures!) or using social media more effectively but as I never had any major blogging ambitions those things just weren’t important to me at the time. I’m happy where I’ve got to and I think that starting slowly and gradually building up has been the best approach for me.
9 Anything else you’d like to share with us?
I also write about women’s football on Facebook (Reading FC specifically!) and spend increasingly unhealthy amounts of time on Twitter! Both social media and blogging are pretty addictive!!
10 Where can we find you? (blog link and links to any social media) for my blog.
JoshuasDadJames on Twitter
Jamesyboy1978 on Instagram
Yay! Thanks for featuring me!
You’re welcome, great to have you 🙂
Okay, there’s got to be a story about the jumping through a closed patio window. Was it a dare? Or a mistake?
Surely everyone has done that?! No? Just me then!! I thought it was open whilst playing chase with my cousins. Someone had closed it. Dramatic consequences ensued…
Nice to see another guy in the club
I agree!
Lovely post! I love reading James’ post. He is for sure a dedicated father. I love what he is saying about blogging and writing about what you like. So important, otherwise, you write no good. #AnythingGoes
I totally agree – it shows when you write about things you care about 🙂
It’s great to learn more about the person behind the blog. I love the photo what a cheeky little grin!
Me too 🙂
Really instating to find out about the people behind the blogs. Sounds like James has been blogging before most though so a man of experience #Anythinggoes
It’s fab finding out more about the people behind the blog. James is a pro!
James has written some really cool, funny and well thought out blogs. I’ve never met the man in persona, but we’ve ‘spoken’ regularly on Twitter and you just know he’s a cool dude. The beauty of blogging & social media. The jumping through the patio door sounds funny, and sore! Great post, enjoyed reading that. #AnythingGoes
It’s fab that you can “meet” people without ever actually meeting them! The patio door thing is hilarious! Thank you, glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Great interview. Love blogging Dads.
Me too, it’s great to get a different perspective!
I agree with writing what you enjoy, otherwise what’s the point? And it definitely comes across in the writing too.
I agree too 🙂
Thanks everyone for the lovely comments! Really enjoy blogging and the top people I get to ‘meet’ through doing it!
#BlogOnXmas - Thoughts on My First Conference - My Random Musings
[…] attended it. It was ran by James from A Life Just Ordinary (you can read my interview with James here). It was absolutely hilarious and a great ice breaker. James talked about how not to do social […]