1. Oh I LOVE this quote, I have never heard it, but yes it is so true! WE do have to make things happen ourselves, and not just sit back. Some days I do just sit and stare at my laptop an feel frustrated that I have lost inspiration, but it is always short lived. I don’t really know what inspires me to start writing again, I just get an idea and the go with it.

  2. That is a great quote to live by! I know I need some of that magic lately as I’m trying to get myself back to writing my stories but haven’t had the time or the motivation, or the inspiration. This quote just drives it home that I need to sit down and make it happen. Thanks Debbie! #candidcuddles

  3. Lisa@Intotheglade

    I have never heard this quote before but it is fab! We do have to go out and make it happen ourselves, I am definitely feeling motivated now xx #candidcuddles

  4. Alana - Burnished Chaos

    I’ve never heard this one before (although I have read similar ones with the same sentiment), and I love it. For me, sitting down and writing, even if it’s writing that I don’t know what to write and going of on any tangent that pops into my head, helps free up space to let the inspiration through x

  5. absolutely prabulous

    This really puts me in mind of your post about finally giving up the barmaiding and going all the way with making an income from writing. That post really inspired me and made me think “what if I can do that too”. Nobody achieved their dreams without a lot of graft aka wand-waving πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing this on #candidcuddles

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