Last week, I wrote a post sharing how I did on my 2016 blogging bucket list. One of the things on that list was a 50 book challenge, and today’s post, as promised, will be the list of books I got through last year.
I’ve tried to remember them all, although I’m sure some have been missed.
To view the books on Amazon, click the titles. The ones with links next to them are books I’ve reviewed on here, so be sure to check out those.
50 Book Challenge 2016
- Dying for Christmas by Tammy Cohen (Read my review here)
- The Shroud Maker by Kate Ellis (Read my review here)
- Death Angel by Linda Fairstein (Read my review here)
- In A Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware (Read my review here)
- Ever After by Kim Harrison (Read my review here)
- Perfect People by Peter James (Read my review here)
- Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
- Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
- Percy Jackson and the Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan
- Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan
- Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian by Rick Riordan (Read my review of the series here)
- The Strain by Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan
- The Fall by Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan
- The Night Eternal by Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan (Read my review of the series here)
- Lois Lane: Fall Out by Gwenda Bond (Read my review here)
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J K Rowling
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J K Rowling
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J K Rowling
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J K Rowling
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J K Rowling
- Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by J K Rowling
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J K Rowling (Instead of reviewing the series, I did an alternate ending!)
- Clinical Hypnosis Textbook by Professor Ursula James (Read my review here)
- The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty
- The Boy in the Attic by David Malone (Read my review here)
- The Ritual by Adam Neville (Read my review here)
- The Fabulous Women’s Guide Through Cancer by Nicola Bourne (Read my review here)
- Delirium by Lauren Oliver (Read my review here)
- Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
- Requiem by Lauren Oliver (Read my review of the last two books here)
- Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healey (Read my review here)
- Send them to Hell by Sebastian Williams (Read my review here)
- Revival by Stephen King (Read my review here)
- The Demonologist by Andrew Pyper (Read my review here)
- Myra: Beyond Saddleworth by Jean Rafferty (Read my review here)
- Grey by E.L. James (Read my review here)
- Never Saw it Coming by Linwood Barclay (Read my review here)
- A Cold Season by Alison Littlewood (Read my review here)
- I Knew You Were Trouble by Paige Toon (Read my review here)
- Broke by Mandasue Heller (Read my review here)
- Kisscut by Karin Slaughter (Read my review here)
- Demon Road by Derek Landry (Read my review here)
- Toys by James Patterson (Read my review here)
- Geek Girl: All That Glitters by Holly Smale (Read my review here)
- No Rest for the Wicked by Dane Cobain (Read my review here)
- Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan (Read my review here)
- Let the Devil Sleep by John Verdon (Read my review here)
- Trust Your Eyes by Linwood Barclay (Read my review here)
- People Who Eat Darkness by Richard Lloyd Parry (Read my review here)
- Little Hands Clapping by Dan Rhodes (Read my review here)
- Little Stars by Jacqueline Wilson (Read my review here)
- Charles Manson: Coming Down Fast by Simon Wells (Read my review here)
- The Dead Won’t Sleep by Anna Smith (Read my review here)
- The Dying Hours by Mark Billingham (Read my review here)
- Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion (Read my review here)
- The Sabbath by Arthur Nsenga and S.K. Francis (Read my review here)
- Angel Time by Anne Rice (Read my review here)
- Gray Mountain by John Grisham (Read my review here)
- The Descendants by Kaui Hart Hemmings (Read my review here)
- Wizard’s First Rule by Terry Goodkind
- Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind
- Blood of the Fold by Terry Goodkind
- Temple of the Winds by Terry Goodkind
- The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan
- The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan
- The Shepherd by Ethan Cross
- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
- Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
- The Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
- Gone by Michael Grant
- Hunger by Michael Grant
- Lies by Michael Grant
- Plague by Michael Grant
- Fear by Michael Grant
- Light by Michael Grant (Read my review of the series here)
- The Ice Twins by S K Tremayne (Read my review here)
- The Stranger in My Home by Adele Parks (Read my review here)
Well that turned out to be quite a long list – when I decided to do the challenge, I thought I would miss the 50 mark. I’m also pretty sure I missed a few out.
Do you like the sound of any of these? Have you read any? Let me know in the comments 🙂
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Wow, you did well to get through talk those. I see you read a Adam Neville book, we are neighbours & his daughter is in the same class as my youngest! #BloggerClubUk
Thank you 🙂 Oh, small world!
Wow. What a list. You must have read non stop all year. I love Adele Parks, the Hunger Games and Harry Potter. There’s a few authors I’ve never heard of.
Sally @ Life Loving
This is some list! I have read a few of Harry Potter, others not yet. I hav eto check our library if they have them;)) Great challenge 50 books;) I’ll see where I end up after a year;) I also love reading… #bestandworst
Wow that’s a lot of books! The Harry Potter books are amazing I read them all again when I was on maternity leave! And Paige Toon is an amazing writer #bloggerclubuk
Oh wow! I’ve struggled to get to the end if one book let alone 77. That’s impressive!
I love the Harry Potter sets and could read those time and time again.
Whoops forgot #BloggerClubUK
Just wow! I used to read non-stop but really slowed down since I’ve started blogging – I need to change that because I adore reading! Will refer back to your list lovely and reviews x #BloggerClubUK
i was talking with Mr MC&W about how I no longer read and I really miss it. I really want to get back to reading, still have not finished harry potter books may have to start from the begining bloggerclubuk
Reading this has inspired me to read Harry Potter again, it never gets old!
Loving your list! I find that a good book makes me feel so relaxed and ready for the next challenge. I spotted Harry Potter in there right 🙂 How many times have you read it? #BloggerClubUk
This year was my third time lol!
Oh my word – I’m useless at sitting down to read a book, I’ll probably never read anywhere near this many!! 🙂 #BloggerClubUK
I need to do this!! although It takes me 6 months to finish one!!
The only one I’ve ready from this list is Grey. I always wanted to read the Harry Potter series but I’ve seen the movies and I dislike reading the book after seeing the movie. I prefer to read the book first, but I didn’t get my hands on those books fast enough.
In 2016 I didn’t read as much as I usually do because Peachy was a newborn and that gobbled up a lot of reading time. I did manage to get through all of Jane Austen’s novels, the latest John Irving book, a Harper Lee novel, and a few others. I also read the entire Peter Rabbit series 3 times, a stack of Dr. Seuss books, and a small mountain of miscellaneous kids books.
I watched the movies first too and although I like the books I prefer the movies (shock horror!)
Bloomin heck you weren’t kidding!! Wow I’m impressed! I’ve read one of those – Grey! I just don’t have the time these days. Holidays are my opportunity but since doing this blog it’s taken over. I need to schedule in some reading time. There’s lots there that are right up my street. #bloggerclubuk
Wow that is some list! Lots of fantasy titles that my husband would read, if he hasn’t already. Finding it hard to make time for reading at the moment, got to try harder. #BloggerClubUK
What a list!!! I love reading, I used to read a couple of books a week at least but since I had the kids I just don’t have the time and by evening I’m too tired to concentrate! You have inspired me to read a book again though, I miss it so much! #BloggerClubUK
I’m in awe! I’m always so determined to read more and it just never seems to happen! Now I’m totally inspired, thank you! #BloggerClubUK
Wow, what a great selection! Harry Potter is by far my fav, I’m a bit of a Potter nut! #BloggerClubUK
That’s an impressive list of books! I set the bar low last year at 12 books and didn’t manage that – although this year I’d like to read more! Love the Harry Potter books, seeing them on your list makes me want to go and re-read them 🙂 #bloggerclubuk
I felt exactly the same when I added them 🙂
impressive list! you ave here really nice ones. I read some of them as well:)
What a great collection.I love reading deeply but I don’t let myself as once I pick one up ,I can’t stop and nothing gets done!#BloggerClubUK
Oh we have such a similar taste in books. You should check out the three by Sarah lotz (I think, can’t see it on the shelf from here), you’ll like that. #bloggerclubuk
Ooh, I’ve just bought that to read this year! Glad to hear it’s one I’ll like, thanks 🙂
Ehm, I feel totally embarrassed that I haven’t read any, but then again, I’ve only read non-fiction for a number of years now. I’m completely stunned that you read probably over 80 books (or more?) in a year. It’s impressive! Congrats! You’re a genius! #BloggersClubUK
My kids have read quite a few of these, I recognize the titles, they aren’t ones that appeal to me though, they keep trying to get me to read some of them but they are too fantasy based for me. 50 in a year is impressive. I probably do 1 or 2 a month so I’m way behind you. #BloggerClubUK
Do you remember reading them all?
I did something similiar last week
*follow on from above*
“I did something similar last year (a week is too silly)
I could remember most books by the end of the year but there were 3 on the list I had no recollection of reading or even what the plot was.
Actually there were several on this list where I vaguely recognised the cover and that was about it – I actually checked back on to some of my reviews of them to check I had them right! So glad I’m not the only one this happens to!
I used to be the teenager who wandered around the house with her nose stuck in a book. These days, the only literature I get to read is Julia Donaldson or some regurgitation of a Disney Princess story! #BloggerClubUK
I love that you’ve delved into teen fiction, which is always fun. I think if I had that pile of books to get through I would lose weeks of my life all in one go; I’ve got no discipline about putting books down when they are good!
I think I might set myself this challenge to read at least 50 books this year. I used to really enjoy reading but can’t find the time as the baby takes up all my time and the rest of the time I just want to sleep. #BloggerClubUK
What a lot of books. I read Harry Potter and while back and Elizabeth is missing is on my list of books to read. I’m hoping when my kids are older to rediscover my love of reading #bloggerclubuk
wow, I feel awful that I havent read a single one of those and I call myself a book fan! shame on me! #bloggerclubUK
Popping back from #anythinggoes
My jaw just hit the ground! OMG! How? When?! I just about find enough time to read blogs! So amazing that you could read all of these books and still do all you do, very inspirational and I shall be aiming to actually get round to reading a book in the near future now. #bloggerclubuk
I love the way you have compiled this list, also I think it is a nice thing to look back on years to come and remember 2016 and the books you read. I need to start to keep a note of what I read. I do read a lot but on different mediums: ‘real’ books, kindle and audio. The only ones on your list I have read are the Harry Potter, but I am going to look up a few of these.
Some excellent books in there. And so many of them. Well done. I’m doing the British Book Challenge this year. It only requires 1 book a month. I think I can manage that lol
Wow so many books. How do you manage to juggle reading with parenting? #bloggerclubuk
I have an advantage – I’m not a parent lol! I don’t know how anyone finds the time when they have little ones!
Wow what a list and some great choices. I am bookmarking this, as I am always looking for new books to read. x
Wow that’s a lot of books! I love reading but only managed to tackle the Harry Potter series with starting a few books without actually finishing them annoyingly! #bloggerclubuk
I have been reading a ton over this past month – such a great way to relax.
I’ve read the Strain books, The Sword of Truth novels, Angel Time, and have Revival sitting on my shelf waiting. Good for you. I’ve been making a real effort lately to try and get back to reading more. Unfortunately thats not the first time I’ve said that!
WOW! What an impressive list. only read a few on the list. #anythinggoes
Oh wow thats more than one book a week, what a great achievement. I do miss getting stuck into a good book, instead now I get stuck into a good blog! lol. #BloggerclubUK xx
What a great list! I am bookmarking this for when I run out of reading ideas xxx #BloggerClubUK
Popping back in from #AnythingGoes 🙂 x
After being the classic book worm til the age of 15, I just stopped reading. I briefly got back into it a few years ago and even got a – shock horror – kindle but I just don’t read anymore. Just blogs!! I’ve no idea how you have time to read this many books, oh my. Even before kids, I couldn’t have managed!
What a great list! I needed some new books to try!
forgot this #AnythingGoes