This week, we have Susie from This is Me Now taking part in the Blogger Spotlight interview.
If you would like to take part, and your blog is under six months old, or has been re-launched in the last six months, please email me
1 Firstly, tell us a little bit about yourself
Hi my name is Susie. I’m originally from York, but now live in Norfolk with my husband Matt. We met at uni and have been together for 10 years and married for three and a bit. We have a little girl (Miss Belle) who turned two on New Year’s Day! I love Strictly Come Dancing, Friends, rom coms, chocolate and baking. I don’t love exercise but I love how it makes me feel. I dislike how much my husband likes football!
2 What is your blog’s name and what is it about?
My blog is This Is Me Now ( and well, it’s about my life now! I used to work as a press officer and before that as a broadcast journalist, and I was quite career driven. I’ve changed quite a lot since having a child, and I’m now a stay at home mum – something I never expected I’d ever be. I write about how I’m finding being a SAHM, the joys and challenges of parenting, days out in Norfolk and some foodie posts thrown in too.
3 Why did you decide to start a blog?
I went back to work part time in January but just hated being away from my daughter who was constantly ill from those first year at nursery germs. So after a lot of thought I left in June to be a SAHM. I was very aware of still wanting to be employable one day! And so to keep writing, and to learn some new skills, I thought I’d start a blog. Little did I know how sucked into the wonderful world of blogging I would get!
4 Do you have any goals for your blog?
I suppose if I’m honest I’d say yes, for it to be ‘popular’ but that’s hard to define! Really I’d like is to see a steady increase in engaged readers – people who like what I’m writing, can resonate with it and come back for more. It’s lovely when you get a comment and feel like “oh thank God it’s not just me!”
5 Tell us one random fact about you
I have met and interviewed leaders of the three major political parties when working as a journalist… David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg. Nick Clegg was the nicest!
6 What is the best piece of blog related advice you have received so far?
Ooh gosh I’ve had so many tips. I’d say to write for yourself. Sounds easy, but after only a couple of months of blogging I felt overwhelmed and a bit rubbish when I looked at my stats and compared them to others. I doubted myself and my writing. But we all have different reasons for blogging, different situations and different commitments. So long as I remember why I’m blogging and keep my posts honest and real, then they are good enough for me.
7 What is your favourite thing about blogging?
I think definitely finding so many talented and supportive bloggers. I read a couple of blogs before I started blogging but through joining linkies I have found so many more! My bookmarked blogs tab is over flowing! Not only have I found brilliant writers, but I’ve found fellow bloggers to be so generous, giving help and advice to newbie bloggers freely. It’s such a lovely community.
8 Is there anything you would do differently if you were starting over knowing what you know now?
Yes, loads. Learn how to take good photos for a start! And I’d maybe get a proper designer to have made my header and thought more about my name. I’m not sure it’s catchy or ‘mumsy’ enough!!
9 Anything else you’d like to share with us?
Just to say thanks for having me and to all the bloggers who’ve shared posts with advice for new bloggers. They’ve really helped me. One day I hope to return the favour to other newbies!
10 Where can we find you? (blog link and links to any social media)
Blog –
Twitter –
Facebook –
Instagram –
Pinterest –
Thanks for having me take part lovely! xx
Thank you for sharing Susie!!!