In this modern world, it seems as though we’re always on the go.
From getting up on a morning until going back to bed at night we’re working on something and rushing about trying to fit everything in. Just think how much easier that would be if you could easily give your energy levels a boost.
Here are my top 6 tips for simple, easy ways to give your energy levels a natural boost:
Improve Your Energy Levels – Good Quality Sleep
This one is a bit of a no brainer isn’t it. Your energy levels are never going to be good if you’re always tired.
- Aim for six to eight hours of sleep per night
- Try to establish a routine – go to bed and get up around the same time every day
- Switch your phone off
- Try lavender oil on your pillow
- Make sure the room is dark and quiet – if necessary, try a sleep mask and ear plugs
Improve Your Energy Levels – Switch Coffee For Herbal Tea
The caffeine in coffee provides an instant hit of energy, but that energy soon wears off, leaving you more sluggish than before. It can even lead to you getting headaches. Switch your coffee for green tea. And to really get a boost, why not take some CBD capsules with your green tea?
And if you really can’t bear to part with your coffee, at least ensure you aren’t drinking any after 7pm.
I really need to start this one, I’m a total coffee addict.
Improve Your Energy Levels – Stay Hydrated
If you are mildly dehydrated, you may find yourself lacking in energy. You may also notice that your hair, nails and skin are dry. This is easily combatted by ensuring you drink two litres of water per day.
If you can’t bear the thought of drinking so much plain water, try adding slices of orange, lime and lemon to give the water a bit of flavour.
You might also find that when you are properly hydrated, you are less likely to snack between meals.
Improve Your Energy Levels – Drink Vegetable Juices
I know the whole world seems to be banging on about juicing, and it’s getting old seeing it everywhere, but it really does work. Juicing keeps all of the natural nutrients in the vegetables that cooking can remove. You could try taking supplements, but really there’s no better way of getting those energy boosting vitamins than from their natural sources.
There are some fab recipes here for vegetable juices.
Improve Your Energy Levels – Ditch The Simple Carbs
Carbs might seem like they should boost your energy levels, but the truth is, they cause a sudden rush of energy followed by an energy slump (along with a whole host of other issues that I’m not going to go into here).
While I wouldn’t recommend cutting carbs altogether unless you’re willing to completely change your diet to accommodate this (it’s worth doing though, you’ll feel so much better), at the very least choose complex carbs over simple ones.
Simple carbs tend to be found in white bread, white rice, white pasta and sugary snacks. Complex carbs are generally found in wholegrain breads, rice and pasta and the natural sugars found in fruit.
Improve Your Energy Levels – Exercise Daily
This one might sound counter productive. If you have little energy, surely exercising will just take the bit you do have? It actually works the opposite way. Exercising gets your heart rate up, meaning your blood is flowing faster and pumping more oxygen to your brain. It also releases feel good endorphins.
Try a twenty minute HIIT workout, or even just go outside and walk for twenty minutes.
I hope these 6 simple steps will help to improve your energy levels.
What do you do when your energy levels need a boost? Let me know in the comments 🙂
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
I’m afraid I rely too much on the caffeine in coffee for temporary energy, even though I know it wears off.
I have to say I’m the same!
It’s good to be reminded of all these things – I’ve started exercising again recently and it’s made such a different to my sleep as I’m even more knackered by the evening! Might try the lavender oil one too. #BloggerClubUK
I agree with all of these tips, and they definitely work. I went on a massive health kick last year, and regularly do HIIT workouts. I’ve lost nearly 2 stone and feel so healthy. I’m a massive advocate of drinking lots of water too, so important! #BloggerClubUK
I am terrible for not getting enough sleep at the moment and I can’t resist that cup of tea at 9.30 pm with a biscuit. Thanks for the tips. #BloggerClubUK
I don’t drink enough water. I know I don’t and sometimes my body tells me that it’s getting horribly dehydrated. But I just don’t feel thirsty. I only feel sick and dizzy from being dehydrated. I try to drink water anyway but it’s hard when you don’t have thirst to remind me. I really need to make more of an effort and stop making excuses. #BloggerClubUK
Thank for his I definitely need to increase my water intake #bloggerclubuk
Agree on all of these. The toughest for me is replacing coffee with green tea, but next week I’m getting on my 40 day challenge of only raw food so it will be necessary;)) #bloggerclubUK
I must say, I’m pretty good with most of these (all of which really work!) except the coffee thing..! My problem is I just love the stuff, in all its forms – I could happily drink coffee until 10pm every day, but I really know I shouldn’t! ‘#BloggerClubUK
Good post, I know I need to do all of these but the hardest ones for me are the “sleep” as my children don’t! and the water, I try and fill up my bottle through out the day and I just cant keep up with drinking it!
I need this post right now. We’ve started using Matcha Green Tea but I still need a coffee in the morning! Trying to up my exercise game too. #BloggerClubUK
lack of sleep is definitely the reason I feel tired all day. #BloggerClubUK
I’m all about the caffeine, I know I should stop but I do love a can of diet coke! Exercise is my fave energy boost #bloggerclubuk
I need to try some of these I am a caffeine addict too!
Ok now I know where I’m going wrong – all of them!!! 😀 6 – 8 hours sleep a night?! I get five if I’m lucky! Maybe I need to make some changes! #bloggerclubuk
oo love this! I’m a big water drinker but too addicted to the coffee to switch to herbal teas but I’ve bought some veg today to juice – I’m half healthy and energised! #BloggerClubUK
Great tips. I like the one about adding a slice of something to the water. I can’t stand herbal teas and vegetable juice doesn’t blow my hair back, but other than this, I’ll give these ideas a try! Alison x #BloggerClubUK
I found doing the Paleo Diet a couple of years back really helped with my energy but I think thats down to the mass intake of veg and meat and a lack of processed sugars and carbs.
Thanks for the tips! unfortunately Coffee is a must in my world hahaha #BloggersclubUK
I must admit I’m a sucker for coffee too lol! I’ve heard good things about the paleo diet 🙂
The two big things for me are more water and less bread, they make such a difference but it’s easy to eat toast when you’re too busy for lunch and it’s easy to forget to drink water! Good tips x
Great reminders! Thank you!!!
Great reminder!!!! thank you!
Great tips. I think I was pretty good at getting 6-8 hours sleep before kids. Not so much now but that’s not really something I can change. Your other tips are useful too. #bloggerclub
Well it’s 2:30am, I’m going to drink a shit ton of coffee tomorrow, I’ll probably forget to drink anything else, the only exercise I’ll be doing is walking up stairs and I highly doubt I’ll drink any vegetable juice! At least I now know where I’m going wrong! #BloggerClubUK
I love bread… bready bread bread bread… but I know it makes me sluggish! #BloggerClubUK xx
This is the kind of post I’ve been searching for! Although 3 children don’t make the sleeping part easy! #BloggerClubUK
Luckily I’m a rare breed (so it would seem) as I don’t actually like coffee – one out of six nailed! Hopefully one day my baby will sleep through the night and once again a full night sleep will be an achievable goal…
Great post some good ideas for increased energy – something most of us need!
#BloggerClubUK oops!
Great tips, drinking water is a big one for me. I think if I cut back on the bread as well that might help… #bloggerclubuk
I’m with you on the sleep and exercise, but I love my coffee and well the French bread here in France way too good to ditch (so a little in moderation!) #bloggerclubuk
Some great tips here. I love sleep but over indulging around Christmas sees me wanting to hibernate! #bloggerclubuk
I am terrible at most of these, especially having enough sleep, exercising and drinking too much coffee. Definitely scope for improvement!
The coffee gets me every time!
I need to switch my phone / ipad off earlier. When I work late into the evening I sleep terribly. Unfortunately I do that more and more these days x #BloggerClubUK
All great advice. I go through phases of sleeping badly so have just been focusing on switching off more before bed and it really helps xx #BloggerClubUK
I always crave sugar and carbs when I am stressed and I have really noticed it when I went back to work. As I am always totally stressed lol! I need to take some of these on board. #BloggerClubUK
Sometimes you just need sugar when you’re at work though lol 🙂
These are things I really should be doing in life! I love that you can increase energy by sleeping, that’s an easy one lol #BloggerClubUK
Haha, yes I think everyone will enjoy the sleeping one!
It’s definitely the carbs tip for me; the quick boost is such a temptation but I crash again so quickly. If you’re affected that way then it’s best not to pick up the habit if you can avoid it.