April is here again and it’s time for this year’s A to Z Challenge. This year, my theme is motivational quotes. Each Monday to Saturday throughout April I will be posting a motivational quote each day starting with the letters A through to Z.
It’s traditional through the challenge to keep posts short and sweet, so that’s what I’ll be doing. Just a quick explanation of why I chose each quote and what it means to me.
Day 13 – M
“Mistakes are proof that you’re trying”
When we make a mistake, it can be easy to find ourselves awash with despair and ready to just give up. In that moment, we don’t see how far we’ve actually come. We don’t see all of the good things we’ve done. We only see that mistake, sitting there like a red glaring eye that is staring right at us.
Mistakes don’t have to be a bad thing. Mistakes are how we learn. If we never made mistakes, how would we know for sure that we’re getting it right the next time? Mistakes are proof that we’re trying, because if we weren’t trying, we wouldn’t be in a position to make a mistake.
Do mistakes get you down or do you look at them as inevitable milestones? Let me know in the comments 🙂
Don’t forget to check back every Monday to Saturday to see the next motivational quote!
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Nothing ventured nothing gained. It’s true that one only learns from one’s mistakes….because one only learns when one truly learns
“Experience is simple the name we give our mistakes.” – Oscar Wilde
“We don’t make mistakes just happy little accidents.” – Bob Ross
Great post.
So true! I’ve always believed that succeeding on the first try is not beneficial. It might have been dumb luck and no lesson learned. Trial and error make a person conscious of why something was successful. Great “M” choice, Debbie!
I totally agree! Thank you 🙂
I love this one…so true, and one we should remind ourselves of frequently!
DB McNicol, author & traveler
Theme: Oh, the places we will go!
I was a perfectionist for way too long – learning that making mistakes is acceptable and not something you beat yourself up over was really freeing for me.
It can be hard to let go and allow yourself to make mistakes, but until you do, you’ll always be stuck in your comfort zone
I need to remember this one!
I love this quote and it’s so true. Like Leanne above, I am (she says was!) a perfectionist. I hate seeing I’ve made a mistake especially on a published blog or words, e-book. Yet, that is how I learn for next time. Happy Easter!
Agree – and you never ever spot the mistakes until it’s published and others have read it!
Yes agree. The only one who hasn’t made a mistake is one who hasn’t tried at all. The worst mistakes are often the best lessons!
Stopped by from the #atozchallenge
Mistakes are a great learning tool!
one more gem of a quote… we are trying to get our little girl to learn that it is ok to make mistakes (she is kind of a perfectionist at 11!! and on the one hand, while totally ready to jump into dangers unknown, on the other, not ready to make mistakes…)
Such a hard task to make kids see that mistakes are ok!
Mistakes get me down at first, but I usually always end up looking back at them as a learning experience I needed.
~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
They can be disheartening at the time
Absolutely, I agree that mistakes are inevitable milestones.
Great read and gives me the strength to learn and move forward
I shall remember this one!
Very true.
M for mistakes & M for motivaton as well.
Let’s learn from mistakes!
great words!!! Mistakes…learning lessons!!!!!
So true that we learn from our mistakes. As a pedantic perfectionist, making a mistake always horrifies me and I do my best to correct it as soon as possible. 🙂 Coming up on week three of the A to Z. Have a good one!
lots of good advice!
I love a good inspirational quote
Visiting from A to Z – I’ve made a number of mistakes in my efforts for the A to Z, to be sure. I have some ideas why this is. Now I have to analyze my efforts, and possibly change my focus and my goals. I was feeling down until I realized that this experience has been invaluable. – without this trying, I never would have learned.
#AtoZChallenge: Thoughts and Reflections - My Random Musings
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