April is here again and it’s time for this year’s A to Z Challenge. This year, my theme is motivational quotes. Each Monday to Saturday throughout April I will be posting a motivational quote each day starting with the letters A through to Z.
It’s traditional through the challenge to keep posts short and sweet, so that’s what I’ll be doing. Just a quick explanation of why I chose each quote and what it means to me.
Day 14 – N
“Never apologise for wanting to be better”
I think this one is a total British thing. We Brits apologise for everything! And wanting to better ourselves is no exception. It seems that we are taught self deprecation rather self belief. We are taught its big headed to celebrate our successes and that we should be grateful for what we have.
Now don’t get me wrong, I agree whole heartedly that we should be grateful for what we have, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t strive for better. No one should ever be ashamed of wanting to be their best self. Growth and improvement lead to achievement, and that should be celebrated. We should be screaming our achievements from the roof tops, not down playing them.
We should never apologise for wanting to be better – and if people make you feel like you should be apologising for wanting to be better, perhaps its time to rethink the company you keep. Let’s raise each other up and support each other as we journey through life striving for better.
Do you find yourself down playing your achievements and trying to justify why you want more? Do you apologise for wanting more? Let me know in the comments 🙂
Don’t forget to check back every Monday to Saturday to see the next motivational quote!
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
agree…never apologize for wanting to be better for sure…thank you for sharing…
In Australia we have the tall poppy syndrome – where people feel the need to cut down anyone who is seen to be doing too well. It was big news over the weekend about a blogger who is being trolled and vilified everywhere because she chose to share (over-share) her life and became popular – now she’s questioning whether to continue blogging – really sad.
That really is sad. We should either celebrate each other’s successes or just keep quiet. It annoys me so much when people try to tear others down. I really hope she sees that these people are just sad and carries on.
Yeah, I do struggle to get past that and it’s totally a British thing. My instinct is to stay in the shadows! But also, if I want to achieve my ambitions, I know I do have to get better.
Another good one. I personally need to work on this one. I often feel this is common among women.
#AtoZChallenge: Thoughts and Reflections - My Random Musings
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