With summer fast approaching (fingers crossed) we’ll soon see the roses in full bloom. There’s something very “English” about roses in your garden isn’t there? Shame there wasn’t something English about the sun.
But even if you don’t have roses growing in your garden, a nice vase of freshly cut roses in your home can really brighten up a room and make it feel more summery.
Did you know that each colour of rose signifies a different meaning? I think most of us know about red roses being the flower of love, but I for one had no idea the other colours all signified something too.
Take a look below at five of the most popular colours and what they mean. See what your favourite says about you and find out why I’m a bit worried about what my favourite one might say about me.
Red Roses
The classic red rose is, as I said above, the flower of love. It also represents beauty, courage and respect. People who gravitate towards red roses tend to be romantic, traditional people who are usually confident and outgoing.
Put these ones in your home or office to: Show confidence and inspire an outgoing atmosphere.
Yellow Roses
Yellow roses represent joy, friendship, delight and gladness. The people who choose yellow roses tend to be easy going, friendly and happy in general.
Put these ones in your home or office to: Make people feel welcome.
White Roses
White roses represent purity, innocence, silence and serenity. People who choose the white rose tend to be comfortable in their own skin, tolerant of other people and tend to be on the quieter side.
Put these ones in your home or office to: Inspire a feeling of calmness.
Lilac Roses
Lilac roses represent love at first sight and enchantment. The people who choose these roses tend to be free spirited people who fall in love quickly and are optimistic about life.
Put these ones in your home or office to: Add an air of possibility.
Pink Roses
Pink roses represent admiration, grace, sympathy and gentleness. The people who choose this colour of rose tend to be people who are quiet, loyal and dependable.
Put these ones in your home or office to: To show you can be trusted.
I tend to prefer black roses which are said to represent death which I’m not even going to begin to analyse here. Personally, I like them because they’re different so hopefully it just means I’m a bit quirky rather than morbid. Having said that, my favourite flower is a white lily so perhaps I am a tiny bit morbid.
Which colour rose is your favourite? Do you match the personality traits that are thought to be most attracted to those ones? Let me know in the comments 🙂 And why not treat yourself or a loved one to a bunch of roses.
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Disclaimer: This post is a collaborative post.
I love pink! thank you for sharing!
I think white might be my favorite. Classic red is beautiful too though.
I love all roses, they are absolutely gorgeous, when home grown the darker ones have the most delightful scents, but if I am buying roses my favourite are pink. I am a lover of pink in anything though. I had different shades of pink and green roses in my wedding bouquet. I would be a bit scared if someone gave me black roses though lol. My hubby sometimes sees me the roses only boxes, they are gorgeous aren’t they. Thanks for hosting lovely xx #anythinggoes
Your wedding bouquet sounds gorgeous 🙂 Haha I might be a little freaked if someone bought me them too now you mention it! x
GORGEOUS!!! I love the RED!!! #Anythinggoes
I love white roses….perhaps because I need to feel calm as my life is slightly bonkers! #anythinggoes
Oh my God I had black roses added to my black and white wedding dress – make of that what you will!!! 😂 #anythinggoes
I love it! totally something I would do 🙂
I usually choose white. The second part sounds right, but I’m not sure purity or innocence are often used to describe me!
Haha oh well, it was half right!
What if you love them all?! Not sure I’ve seen lilac roses before: will nudge my partner in that direction 🙂 #anythinggoes
Love roses! My bridesmaids had roses at our wedding. It seems so long ago now!
I love yellow roses as there cheery and bright! But like you Lilly’s are my favourite #anythinggoes
I’d probably opt for black too haha! Failing that, pink, which pretty much sums me up, so I guess I’m ok haha! #BloggerClubUK
Pink roses are my absolute favourite. Although I’m anything but quiet! Ha ha!
I love them all, but I have a special fondness for pink. That said, those lilac ones are so pretty!
Is there such a thing as naturally black roses?
The lilac ones are lovely aren’t they! I’ve never come across a natural black one
Ooh, yellow roses for me. I have a bush outside my kitchen door that are just beginning to flower. Love them. I guess I’m a naturally happy person too so I think this is right 🙂
I don’t think I’ve ever seen either lilac or black roses, but I’m not a very flowery person. The lilac ones are lovely and I’m sure I’d love black ones.
What fun, I think I’ll mix them into a colourful bunch, as is my way, and be a bit of everything! #BloggerClubUK
This is really interesting! I knew about red and yellow but not all the rest.
I like pink but receiving a bunch of red roses is always nice! #BloggerClubUK
I love all roses, but white has to be my favourite! #BloggerClubUK
As soon as I saw the title I thought I was a yellow rose girl, and reading through I think they’ve got it spot on #bloggerclubuk
That’s really interesting. Hmmm… I would usually go for pink or yellow. Can I pick both? It’s a mashup 🙂 #BloggerClubUk
Of course – it’s a good excuse to have two bunches lol!
I did actually know this. I love what the colours symbolise. I have always been a fan of the pink and white roses. I think you are just quirky liking the black ones…. But maybe don’t delve too deeply into that 😉
I’m happy to stick with quirky lol!
I like the white and pink roses…and the traits seem pretty correct. Are there green roses? lol…my favorite color is green..#bloggerclubuk
Apparently you can make green roses by adding green food colouring to water and standing white roses in the water for 24-48 hours and as they drink the water they go green. Don’t know if it actually works like lol!
Lovely post! I grew pink and yellow in the garden at my old house, and will be planting some rose bushes in our new home this year too, I love them! #BloggerClubUK
I do love yellow roses! And roses with a hint of pink are just gorgeous! #BloggerClubUK
My favourite colour is yellow but where roses are concerned pink have to be my favourite x
I love pink roses, my garden is filled with them! #BloggerClubUK
Those lilac roses are beautiful! I used to be optimistic, but then I had kids.
Haha love this comment!
Lilac for me I think and I am definitely a bit of a romantic and free spirit. Wonder if i tell my partner about this he will buy me some roses!
It’s worth a shot!
Oh I alternate between yellow and white! Very interesting! Black??? #BloggerClubUK
I’m pretty sure the black ones are dyed but they look so elegant, especially paired with deep red or white 🙂
Popping back from #bloggerclubuk
Yellow roses are definitely my favourite! #bloggerclubuk
Flowers are lovely particularly roses #bloggerclubuk
I love the yellow – they just make you feel happy! #BloggerClubUK
I love the lilac ones, so pretty 🙂 x #AnythingGoes
I love reading this! I had red roses as my bouquet for my wedding, which sounds like it was very appropriate. If I’m buying them for our house then I always go for yellow, my favourite colour x
I really like red roses but I also like the white roses with a hint of green tip (almost like antique roses) which I had in my wedding bouquet. I wonder what that may signify. #bloggerclubuk
i love the lilac flowers! im more of a tulips fan than roses but I wouldnt turn a bunch down haha! #bloggersclubUK
Roses are one of my favourite, last year we planted a little rose garden in our front garden and have all these colours in the garden. I think my favourite here are the pale pink ones! #BloggerClubUK
That sounds lovely – so nice to look out of the window and see them all 🙂
Orange is my favourite, but they were not on the list
Like them all but If I have to choose – black roses -they are probably the most complicated to decipher. While some of their meanings may be negative, they are also unique and can look totally chic in the right arrangement, making them a good choice for non-traditionalists—like those who claim they aren’t super into Valentine’s Day.