Everyone has the potential to be successful at something. Whether your passion is being a writer, a CEO of a fortune 500 company, a good parent, a carer who knows how to write care notes, or anything else, you can be successful at it.
Sure, it will take hard work, dedication, and for most things, a lack of sleep, but it is doable. If you are determined to make something work whatever it is, you can and will be able to do it. It might take a while, but that’s something that you just have to live with.
You will have to be dedicated – you will never be successful at anything if you’re not willing to work for it.
Remember: nothing worth having is easy to get, but when you do get it, it will be worth it.
Here are five small changes you can make right now that will help you to be successful – whatever success means to you.
Think Positive
This is not always as easy to do as it is to say, but if you believe something won’t work out, then you’re probably right. Equally, if you believe it will work out, then you are probably right.
Believe in yourself and your ability to be successful. As long as you’re willing to put the work in, there’s no reason why you won’t be successful.
Change negative thinking for positive thinking.
Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help
This is always a hard thing to do – to reach and say you need help with something, but you know what? It’s ok.
We can’t all be good at every little thing, and holding your hands up and saying “this isn’t really my area” is a sign of strength, not weakness. It shows you know who you are, and it shows that you know how to get things done.
You can enlist a friend, a staff member or an outside professional to help you.
Change the struggle to do everything alone to being confident enough to outsource.
Get Organised
This one is kind of a no-brainer, but it’s still something that a lot of people don’t do. Getting organised, both psychically by ensuring you have everything you need for any given task to hand, and mentally, by making sure you know what your outcome goal is is essential.
Being organised will save you so much time and effort down the line and anything that can save time is worth doing.
Change the chaos for order.
Set Realistic Goals
Making your goals too hard to achieve will not make you work harder – it will make you feel disheartened. Making your goals too easy is just doing yourself a disservice. Challenge yourself, but keep it realistic.
Change the aimless attempts at a task to a structured plan.
Make a Sensible Time Plan
Work out how much time you will need to complete each task. Schedule the tasks into your day in manageable blocks. When the time comes to work on a goal, focus on it completely. No rushing off to check your social media.
Change the procrastination to productivity.
Make these little changes to your plans and see how easily they become second nature. Let me know how you get on in the comments 🙂
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Nick Wilford
Great tips! Organisation is a big one for me. I need to be better at making lists because it’s satisfying to tick things off as they’re achieved.
J.H. Moncrieff
Great advice! I need to work on the organization and time plan ones. I have a rough time plan outlined, but I’m SO disorganized right now! Really hope I get a handle on things by the end of the year. All the traveling hasn’t helped.
Debbie, My Random Musings
To be fair travelling sounds way more fun than being organised!
The Silver Fox
“…and for most things, a lack of sleep…” Love tjhat!
Some very good advice here!
Organization, reasonable goals and time management! I think those are the key. Also, knowing when certain pieces can take a back seat while you focus on others, and when they can’t.
Some great thoughts here.
kristin mccarthy
excellent tips. I need to get myself organized asap. Im a mess over here.
Great tips! Be organised. MMMM I need this! #anythinggoes
Susie / S.H.I.T.
Great tips – I need to be more organised, I’m very impulsive but could do with forward planning more. And thinking positively is a huge one- so easy to forget that you can do it, if you really work at it. #anythinggoes
mummy here and there
Fab tips – asking for help tough but doesn’t make you worse as person (I still struggle at times) but now again I find really helpful and that bit of less pressure makes all the difference X #anythinggoes
Musings of a tired mummy...zzz...
I think setting goals with a specific time frame that you can achieve is essential so you can think positive, get the help you need and stay organised with a focus in mind #anythinggoes
Becky - MommyandRory
Time management is a big downfall for me. I’m getting better now I’m back at work but I’ve still got a lot to learn #anythinggoes
Mummy Snowy Owl
Fab positive piece and ideas!