I think it’s fair to say that most of us would be happy to be making some money from our blogs – even if blogging is just a side line or even a hobby, getting paid for something you love is still a good deal.
But what happens when it isn’t a good deal? Or when you think it’s a good deal but you have to turn it down anyway?
You know what – it’s ok to say no.
It’s your blog, so it’s your rules and your choice.
When you Have to Turn Down the Opportunity of a Lifetime
The best opportunity financially I ever got offered for my blog came after around a year of blogging – so over a year ago and I still think about it sometimes. I often find myself wondering if I made the right choice, but deep down, I know I did.
What Was It?
I was basically offered a book deal with a UK publisher. The deal was I’d write a blogging related book. They would pay me a good advance plus royalties for the book. They also wanted me to be a brand ambassador for them which would have given me a good monthly income for displaying their advert in my side bar and then extra money for posts every three months.
Why I Turned it Down
It sounds like a good offer right? Well in truth, it was. But (there’s always a but) when I researched the company I found out they were a vanity publisher (you can read more on those here if you don’t know what that means).
So basically, they wanted me to convince other new writers that they were a fab company who would sell their books for them and make them a name, but all they actually wanted to do was to use my recommendation to make money from new, often naïve, authors.
The Dilemma
I have no doubt they would have made good on their offer to me. After all, they would have made their money back from what they were paying me on the first six or seven people they conned into paying them to publish their book. So essentially, I would have made a good chunk of money and had a published book out there.
So why didn’t I do it? Actually, there were two reasons:
Firstly, from a purely selfish point of view, many reputable literary agents and publishing companies won’t touch you as an author once you’ve used a vanity publisher.
Secondly, I just couldn’t bring myself to promote a service that was, at it’s base form, a way of conning new writers out of a lot of money, and for some of them, shattering their dreams of ever making it. No amount of money was worth doing that. It would have made me as bad as the people doing the conning.
When You Should Walk Away
The above story is only one reason why you should walk away from a profitable deal on your blog. As a blogger, you’re reputation is important, and unless you want to be associated with some sort of scam, it’s best not to get involved with any thing like the above.
There are also some other reasons to walk away:
You Know You’re Worth More
Many PRs and brand reps will try to get you to work for next to nothing. The really cheeky ones will even try to get you to work for free which you should never be tempted to do (here’s why). Of course it’s these people’s jobs to try to get you to work for as cheaply as possible. It doesn’t mean you have to. If they can’t make an offer that is worth while, walk away.
It’s a Brand or Product That’s Not Relevant to Your Readers
Originally, this point was titled “not relevant to you”, but actually, that could still work. For example, I don’t have children, but a lot of my readers are mums, so if a brand approached me to do some sort of baby product giveaway, I would still consider it because my readers would like it.
Now, say for example your blog is all about saving money, budgeting and general financial advice and a pay day loan company wanted to work with you, in my mind, that would be about as far from your brand as you can get. There’s no harm in saying thanks but no thanks.
If You Feel Uncomfortable in Any Way
If anything at all about the offer you’re given makes you uncomfortable, walk away. It could be that you don’t feel right about promoting whatever it is they want promoting, or it could even be something you can’t put your finger on – just a general bad feeling about it. If this is the case, just say no.
For Literally Any Reason
This one is the real truth of it. It’s your site and only you can decide what goes on there and what doesn’t. You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone. You can be polite of course but you don’t have to give them a reason. A simple “thank you but it’s not for me” is enough.
Have you ever turned down a really good opportunity? Why? Are you glad you did or do you regret it? Let me know in the comments 🙂
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
I love this post! Yes, it IS OK to say, “No” (politely) to any offer, no matter the reason. It should always be about what works for you right now. That’s why I don’t blame agents and editors for saying “not right for my list” in their form rejections.
Thank you 🙂 I completely agree and the agents that at least bother to say that are a fair few rungs up the ladder from the ones that don’t even bother to say no!
Bravo!! Doing the right thing is always the right thing to do. Money is not everything and you can not buy what you have. Integrity.
Thank you 🙂
Thankfully, I think the “you’ll never work again in this town” attitude toward those published by vanity presses has gone the way of the dodo bird. Agents and editors understand that many talented authors are scammed by those sharks.
Good on you for turning them down. A UK vanity press also offered me a contract a few years back. Wonder if it was the same one? It sucks to get all excited about an offer, only to realize it’s a fraud.
Oh I hope so – it’s so easy to get suckered in when you’re new to the industry and just excited to have someone respond positively.
It probably was if it was a similar offer – I know I was really excited about it and then when I found out what they were it was kind of gutting!
Thanks for the heads up about vanity publishers! Integrity trumps financial gain in my book, every time.
No worries – I hate that people get conned by vanity publishers! Thank you 🙂
I’m surprised vanity publishers still exist when mso many go the self-publishing route, which is a lot cheaper (although you have to do your own promotion).
I know – it saddens me that the fact they exist means people are still falling for this!
It sounds like you made the ugh decision. While the offer may have been tempting it seems the repercussion could have been fatal. Great post with some fantastic advice #anythinggoes
It was tempting but I really think I would have regretted it hugely if I’d have done it
I’d never heard of vanity publishers before. Thanks for highlighting them. I bet a lot of people get conned this way. Totally agree it’s good to say no to opportunities that you don’t agree with. I’ve had a few come my way.
I think a lot do – they tend to pray on new writers
Good advice. It sounds like you did the right thing morally (which must have been a difficult decision to wrestle with). #AnythingGoes
It was but I think I would have really regretted it if I’d done it!
Principals are important and you have way more respect for sticking to them. #AnythingGoes
Thank you 🙂
I think you made a good choice. Your reasons are quite admirable.
Thank you 🙂
I have turned down offers although they haven’t been huge. I just think if something is not right for my blog then I shouldn’t publish it. I think you did the right thing.
Thank you 🙂
I started blogging after a “friend” of mine told me about all the money he was making. He remembered my writing from when I used to write sports articles for a now defunct fantasy sports web site. It turned out that for $30 a month I could use their platform and promotion services and the way I’d make that back was to get others to join up. Total pyramid scheme and when I called him out on it and said I’d just go my own way, I was told I’d never make it. My blog started out of spite to prove that I could. Good for you for sticking to your principles and congrats on all the success you’ve had with your writing
Wow, that had scam written all over it! In a way though I guess your “friend” did you a favour because you now have a fab blog and have definitely proved him wrong! Thank you 🙂
Such an important thing to remember! #AnythingGoes
Hi Debbie,
I have just read this post and also your post on vanity publishers. It had never even occurred to me that this might be a way to scam money from people. Thank you for your posts. You’ve certainly educated and informed me. I just feel really sorry for all of those aspiring authors who will have fallen foul to these scams.
Pen x #AnythingGoes
I came so close to being suckered in by one of them with my first book that I try to warn others away from them! I was lucky that I stumbled across a site that lists dodgy publishers and the one I was talking to was flagged up! x
Great read Debbie. The cheek of some of the people who have been in touch with me has been quite ridiculous. Just today I had the response ‘we are looking to work with companies and bloggers who won’t charge a fee’ – my response was quite simply ‘best of luck!’
Haha you have to laugh at some of them don’t you! I always feel like saying “I’ll work for free when you do!”
Wow, brave decision but well done for sticking to your values and keeping your integrity #anythinggoes
Too many scammers! Good for you to sticking with your morals!
Such good advice. I am sick of being approached to do ‘free’ advertising on my blog. Why would I do that? If you like my blog and think I (my blog is me) can be of value to you, then I should be paid for that. I also 100% agree with you on only taking jobs that are ethically in line with what my blog. I’m not in the business of selling mattresses.
Me too! It bugs me so much that so many PRs think we should work for free. They don’t, why should we?