Time is something we all say we don’t have enough of, yet it’s something that we think nothing of wasting.
As a blogger, it’s all too easy for time to run away with us as we’re blogging, and then of course we blame the clock and say we didn’t have enough time. The truth is, we did have enough time, we just didn’t use the time we had productively.
Look at some of your favourite big bloggers. Now think of this:
They have the same twenty-four hours in a day as you do.
Sure, their commitments and priorities might be different to yours, but they know how to spend their time effectively.
Here are four simple ways to make yourself some extra time when blogging:
Scheduling is one of the most important things you can do to save time. There are several ways in which scheduling can help you:
Schedule your Time Into Blocks
Instead of jumping from task to task, work in blocks. For example, block one might be to write three posts. Block two is to take and edit the photos etc.
Working in blocks this way keeps you focused on the task in hand, and batching tasks means you have everything to hand for each stage of your tasks.
Schedule your Posts
Got a spare half an hour? Use it to write a blog post. It doesn’t have to be the one you want to go out next. It could be one that just springs to your mind. Use the inspiration to get you writing and schedule the post for when you do want it to go live. That will save you time on the day you would normally write that post.
You should also try to have a posting schedule where if nothing else, you at least know the working title of what is going out when on your blog. This can be done as far in advance as you want to, but at least a month ahead will give you some breathing space. This saves you staring at a blank screen for ages trying to decide what to write about.
Schedule your Social Media
Obviously it’s called social media for a reason – it’s meant to be social. Schedule in a time slot where you are present on social media to chat, answer questions and share other people’s things. Don’t let it eat into your other time.
You should also schedule in your social media promotion ahead of time. Sitting writing tweets etc. on the day the post goes live can be time consuming, but if you schedule ahead, it can be a batching task. Use a scheduler such as Social Oomph.
Plan Ahead – And Stick to It
This might sound like it will use up more of your time, but trust me when I tell you it won’t.
Plan Your Content
For at least the first year of blogging, I used to wing it. I’d write my posts as I wanted them to go out and I would just write about whatever came into my head. It was fun in a way, and terrifying in another.
I posted daily and I often found that I spent more time trying to decide what to write about than I did actually putting the post together.
Now I have a scheduler (which isn’t half a posh as it sounds; it’s an Excel spreadsheet). I have at least titles planned for the next few months worth of content and then I add notes as ideas come to me. This means when I come to write the post, it’s so much quicker.
Plan Your Time
Make yourself a daily to-do list and make sure you allow yourself the right time for each task. Stick to the list and you’ll find that you get much more done in a day than if you’re just floundering around from one task to the next.
Plan Your Equipment
What will you need to complete your daily tasks?
It might be that you just need your laptop, or it could be that you’ll need your camera and some props. Having everything to hand saves time going off and looking for things and then having to get back into writing.
Don’t Waste Time
It can be so tempting to go and check your emails, or have a scroll through Facebook. But this is a major productivity killer. Not only will you end up wasting more time putting off working, but it also slows down your creative thinking process and you waste even more time getting back into a working mentality.
Procrastination kills productivity and a task that should take an hour ends up taking two. This is another advantage of having your time planned. You know what you should be doing, so there’s no reason to not get straight on with it.
To see just how much time this will save, just try it once and you won’t go back to dotting around wasting work time.
There are so many ways you can save time as blogger by outsourcing. Here are a few examples of how outsourcing can help you save time:
Use a Freelance Writer for Your Content
If you’re writing posts that aren’t about your personal life, hiring a freelance writer is a fab way to get your posts written quickly and efficiently, and a good freelance writer will proof read and edit the posts properly too. Many of them will also have the post fully SEO optimised to match your key words too.
If you like this idea, why not hire me? You can contact me via email debbie@myrandommusings.co.uk for more information.
Outsource Your Social Media
Social media mangers who run your entire accounts and have strategies in place to grow your following and engagement don’t come cheap. If your budget won’t stretch that far, why not consider hiring someone just to schedule your weekly post promotion.
This will work out a lot cheaper and will save you a lot of time.
Job Share
Another idea if your budget doesn’t stretch to employing anyone yet is to job share with a friend. Maybe they are willing to write a post in exchange for you editing one of their videos.
Although you’ll still have to invest some time, if you can find a balance so you can switch a task you don’t like for one you do, you won’t be so tempted to mess around on social media while you’re meant to be working if you’re completing tasks you enjoy.
Do you always feel like you need more time? Do you tend to waste time instead of working productively? Let me know in the comments 🙂
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Great ideas! The trick is to remember to do them.
Yes, that’s true!
If I have a writing project I’m working on, I try to set aside hours like I’m scheduling myself at an outside job. An eight-hour day for “work” often does the trick.
Yes, I do a similar system, although its very rare it ends after eight hours lol!
I’ve not heard of social oomph and now I want it!!! I also spend HOURS each week scheduling on tweetdeck! #bloggerclubuk
I always used Tweetdeck and finding Social oomph was such a great thing for me! I would definitely recommend it
Love all of these ideas! Thank you so much for the tips, lots of useful ones I would never have known about x
Some great advice. It’s all still new to me, so this is interesting and I’ll look into some of this. I also hope to keep it fun and enjoyable. #BloggersClubUK
I’m not a full time blogger but it’s very time consuming…in a good way! I try to schedule blocks of time for sure. I also write postswhenideas come to me.Good advice. #bloggerclubuk
Lots of great ideas and focus and planning I must do more of #bloggerclubuk
For now, I like my routine. I get up early before my kids, do some yoga to get me going and help motivate myself, which has been working really well I might add, then I sit down with a cup of coffee and write. My problem is organization, not time. I’ve been wanting to write my first e-book but can’t seem to organize it in a way that I want. I’m hoping to work on it this summer while I don’t have to worry about getting the kids ready for school to interrupt my writing time. I also can’t sit at my desk, or sit for long periods of time without getting antsy and needing to get up and do other things so I’ve been working on splitting up my time between writing, hiking, housework, spending time with the kiddos, gaming, and of course my yoga. I gotta say the yoga and Tai Chi have been a Godsend for me. I’ll be writing a post about that in the coming weeks. I am interested in that oomph thing though. I will definitely check that out. Great tips Debbie! Thanks so much for hosting #bloggerclubuk
I’ve never tried yoga but I know a lot of people love it and it’s great that getting you so motivated!
Some great ideas here, vital for a newbie like me!
Scheduling is the best thing ever. I love it. #bloggerclubuk
This is one of my summer goals- the art of blog scheduling. Great suggestions here,
I love scheduling, it’s my saviour! #bloggerclubuk
I definitely need more time but with 3 kids and 3 other jobs there isn’t a lot to spare! I am trying to schedule posts and social media but I need to have a chance to write them in the first place! Anyone want to babysit for a few hours??? #bloggerclubuk
Wow how do you find time to even write one post!?
Great ideas. I really need to sort out my social media scheduling. And I love the idea of the excel spreadsheet. Sounds like my kind of planner.
I’ve got to get a grip with scheduling – I’ve tried the free hootsuite but I’m not loving it. Maybe I’ll give social oomph a try. Thanks #bloggerclubuk
I’ve been looking forward to reading this all day! I’m THE master of procrastination, and it always bothers me that I’m not a bit more organised! I always have the best intentions of getting to a more organised place, but it doesn’t last long!! I’m going to make a concerted effort, though! #BloggerClubUK
I hope this has helped 🙂
Great ideas, I always mean to schedule and forward plan and then it all falls apart! I’m just not disciplined enough! #bloggersclubuk
Great suggestions here. I tend to batch task things eg. commenting but you have to be careful when doing that as sometimes you are picked up as a spammer when you are not! #bloggerclubuk
I like your hire Debbie plug as a freelance writer, nice work there! And I agree it’s all about planning & organization. It’s hard to keep up though, it’s like juggling sometimes! x
Haha, I couldn’t resist the little plug 😉 It really is hard at times x
I knew this post was going to be tough for me to read because I’ve tried some of this and sadly, it just doesn’t work for me. My time management issues are the stuff of nightmares. I loved the ‘got a spare half hour’ bit. I’ve NEVER written a blog post in half an hour in over 3 years of blogging lol. Half a day, just about. I think the fastest was 2 hours lol. I think the best tip is outsource to someone like you. You’re hired lol #bloggerclubuk
It’s not easy getting into the habit of saving time where you can – trust me, I still find myself on social media/checking emails etc when I really shouldn’t be!
Great advice, thank you. I’m so guilty of procrastinating! #BloggerClubUK
Great tips!